Surely everyone has seen how in the cinema or the circus people hold a flame on their hand, or even juggle or throw it. And if special effects in a film can be created using computer graphics, then in a circus it looks like a real miracle. In fact, this phenomenon has a completely scientific explanation and is called "cold fire" by chemists. If you wish, you can surprise the guests with a spectacle by making it yourself.

Define in terms
By a non-burning flame, chemistry means a chain reaction of oxidation in which a glow is observed. So if you strictly follow the terminology, cold fire is not a flame. It is used to create very spectacular special effects and some varieties of fireworks. A number of esters and acids, both organic and inorganic, are capable of producing a cold flame. The most commonly used ethyl derivative of boric acid.
Often, cold fire also means a visual "trick" in which the processthere is no combustion as such. It is usually used not for tricks, but for design purposes.

The most effective way to make a cold fire at home
If we consider the most famous option for creating a flame that does not burn, then it will require quite affordable ingredients. A spoonful of alcohol is taken (medical or chemically pure, used for analysis). It is mixed with an equal volume of boric acid powder. It, like alcohol, can be bought at any pharmacy. A drop of concentrated strong acid - hydrochloric or sulfuric - is dropped into the solution. For the uninformed: this is poured into batteries, so getting it is also not a problem. The bowl with the workpiece heats up. The fastest and safest way to do this is in a primitive water bath. When the mixture becomes noticeably warm, but not yet hot, you can begin to show the trick.
If you have never made a cold fire before, you should not set fire to it directly in the palm of your hand - if you are not skilled, you will get injured. It is better to roll a ball of thread, soak it with the composition and only then set it on fire. The match (lighter) should not touch the thread ball.

Caution above all else
Cold fire remains only as long as the ether formed by the reagents burns. When it runs out, ethyl alcohol will work directly - but its combustion temperature is quite high. In addition, do not forget that the acid involved in the creation of the flame is a substancedangerous. So take precautions:
- Never increase the dose of acid. First, an explosive mixture may result. Secondly, you can get a chemical burn by putting the ball in your palm.
- Make sure that there is no hair or edge of clothing near the ignited ball. An inexperienced magician may not catch the moment when alcohol ignites, and the things mentioned are flammable.
- Keep a small, non-flammable container nearby to cover and extinguish cold fires when they get hot. Or show trick over the kitchen sink to quickly throw it into it.
After a certain amount of training, when you learn to control temperature changes to such an extent that you do not get burned, a non-burning flame can be lit right in the palm of your hand.

A safer option
You can make a cold fire in another way, although it will look less impressive, since the flame from it has the usual, not colored greenish, color. A small piece of cotton fabric is taken, rolled into a ball and wrapped (or better, stitched) with threads so that it does not unfold. A low-temperature fuel, such as isopropanol, is poured into a shallow bowl. You can take the so-called gasoline for lighters, but here you need to be careful: these liquids have different combustion temperatures, you can run into quite tangible ones. The fabric ball is dipped in fuel, squeezed out andis set on fire. The lump will warm your hand, but if you roll it over the palm of your hand and between your fingers, you will feel only pleasant warmth. And if you lubricate the place where the ball is laid out with cream, then you can keep it in one place. The only safety measure is not to touch the top of the flame - this is a guaranteed burn.
Short flame
There are other methods of how to make a cold fire with your own hands, mostly based on the magician's dexterity and small tricks. The easiest way to implement two options:
- Mix alcohol or acetone with water to such a concentration that the liquid burns, but does not flare. Hands are lubricated with a special fire-resistant gel (sold in stores specializing in props and practical jokes). Fuel is poured into the boat from the palm of your hand and set on fire. Strictly speaking, this is not a cold fire, since the combustion temperature is standard, and it is maintained painlessly only due to the gel. But it looks impressive and convincing.
- Thin fabric is saturated with vodka, and the vapors are ignited when the matter is spread on the palm of your hand. The handkerchief catches fire, but due to the low concentration of alcohol, it goes out before burns form. An additional guarantee of safety is to keep your palm as straight as possible.

Imitation flame
It remains to consider the fireplace cold fire. At home, not being able to lay out a real fireplace, many romantics do just that. A fan is placed in a box (you can even use a cardboard box) so that the air flow from it is directedup. LEDs and optical filters of red, blue and yellow colors are placed in the corners. There are mirrors on the sides. Triangles are cut from the fabric and glued to the box. The system is plugged into sockets - and the cold flame creates comfort in the room.