Mexican words and phrases

Mexican words and phrases
Mexican words and phrases

Even if we are not going to learn this or that language, there are certain categories of spoken language words that are important to know either when traveling to a country where this language is spoken, or when communicating with a foreigner, or simply to expand your outlook. After all, it is impossible to predict if you will need any. And if you visit Mexico one day, learning a few Mexican words won't hurt.

mexican beach
mexican beach

What language is spoken in Mexico

Mexico is not the most popular country for tourists at the moment. That is why it seems to us so exotic, mysterious and distant. Few people know that this country does not have its own language. However, there is something called Español mexicano. It is a group of dialects and dialects of the Spanish-European settlers who laid the foundation for the indigenous population of Mexico. Developing independently independently of European Spanish, "Mexican Spanish" has acquired its own characteristics in phonetics, grammar, vocabulary and other language layers.

Tourists should consider that Mexico Citythe indigenous people call the country, and the capital of Mexico is called D. F (Distrito Federal).

In Russian

Oddly enough, there are Mexican words in Russian! These can be proper names, or designations of household items and the names of dishes that came directly to us from this distant hot country. However, there are words that are understandable to everyone, but sound the same in Mexican and Russian. Examples of such words are the following: "balcony" (balcon), "tractor" (tractor), "moon" (luna), "literature" (literatura).

Some words
Some words

For poets and romantics

It's no secret how beautiful southern languages can be! Spanish sounds unusual to our ears, it has a special charm, charisma, passion and hot, burning love. So some beautiful Mexican words may well be suitable for original romantics as a way of expressing themselves with their beloved!

Flag of the State of Mexico
Flag of the State of Mexico
  1. (Yo) te amo - I love you (yo te amo).
  2. Estar conmigo - be with me (estar conmigo).
  3. Soy tuya para siempre - I am yours forever (soy tuya para siempre).
  4. Eres la más bella del mundo - you are the most beautiful in the world (Eres la más bella del mundo).
  5. Para ti, estoy listo para cualquier cosa - for you I'm ready for anything (para ti, estoy listo para calquier cosa).
  6. Eres mi fuerza - you are my strength (eres mi fuerza).
  7. Eres mi vida - you are my life (eres mi vida).
mexican hat
mexican hat

Famous expressions

Perhaps for polyglot beginners as well as those who are aiming for an advanced level of language proficiency, there will be interesting some popular Mexican words, as well as famous Spanish expressions.

For example, the winged expression in many languages is: El pueblo unido jamás será vencido! ("el pueblo unido hamas serra vencido") is the title of a song by the famous Chilean author, composer and performer Sergio Ortega. It was written as an anthem of the left coalition and, despite the fact that it has political echoes in its history, it is translated quite poetically, which cannot but expand the context of its use: “One people will never win!”

And here are a few more phrases for romantics:

  1. Amor apasionado- passionate love (amor apasionado).
  2. Ángel mío, estate conmigo, tú ve delante de mí y yo te seguiré - my angel, be with me, you go ahead, and I follow you (angel mio, estate conmigo, tu ve delante de mi and yo te secuire).
  3. Aunque miro al otro lado, mi corazón sólo te ve a ti - but even if I look the other way, my heart sees only you (angel miro al otro lado mi corazón solo te ye a ti).
  4. El ganador se lo lleva todo - winner takes all (el ganador se lo lleva todo).

Common expressions

For travelers, Mexican words and expressions will be important, with which you can express yourself in everyday life. You may not understand what was said to you in response to your greeting, but believe me:it's always nice when you see that a foreigner has found the strength and time to try to learn at least the elementary words of your native language.

Mexican in a hat
Mexican in a hat

Below are the words in the Mexican language, without which in ordinary life it is almost impossible for a foreign tourist and traveler to do:

  1. Yes - si (si).
  2. No - no (but).
  3. Thank you - gracias (gracias).
  4. Please - por favore (por favor).
  5. Sorry - perdoneme (perdomain).
  6. Hello - hola (ola).
  7. Goodbye - adios (adios).
  8. I don't understand - no comprendo (but comprendo).
  9. Welcome - bienvenido (bienvenido).
  10. From myself - empujar (empujar).
  11. Busy - ocupado (okupado).
  12. Caution - cuidado (kuidado).

It also helps to know some words in their written form: what is written on many extremely important tablets, signs, signs.

  1. Prohibido fumar - no smoking (prohibido fumar).
  2. Entrada - entrance (entrada).
  3. Salida - exit (salida).
  4. Pasaporte - passport (passport).
  5. Abierto - open (abierto).
  6. Cerrado - closed (cerrado).
  7. Descuento - discount (discuento).

Many words should be remembered already out of one's own interests and for the sake of one's own safety (in order to know where, to whom and how to turn in a critical situation). In most languages, they sound very similar. It will be easy for you to remember the following:

  1. Policia - police (policy).
  2. Ambulancia -ambulance (ambulance).
  3. Hospital - hospital (hospital).
  4. Farmacia - pharmacy (pharmacy).

The following words will also be useful:

  1. Muy bien / Está bien / Esta bien - very good, okay.
  2. Naturalmente (naturalmente) - of course, naturally.
  3. Por supuesto (por supuesto) - of course, of course.
  4. Exacto (exacto) - exactly.
  5. Con mucho gusto (con mucho thick) - with great pleasure.
  6. No hablo español (but ablo español) - I don't speak Spanish.
  7. Cuánto vale esto? (Quanto vale esto?) - How much does (this) cost?
  8. Mande? (to Mande?) - What did you say?

Of course, this will not be enough for you to freely understand Mexican and communicate in it. However, such phrases are very common among tourists and it is important to know them.

How and when to use

If you have visited Mexico, knowing these words will help a lot. After all, it is difficult for any tourist to communicate without the opportunity to communicate with the indigenous people of the country he visits. In addition, you can memorize these words and phrases for your own development. They will also be of interest to those who are fond of Spanish culture, listen to Mexican songs and watch their series.

As mentioned above, one can boast of knowing beautiful words and quotes in love affairs: for many girls (and even guys), intelligence and erudition, and especially in the field of linguistics, make an incredible impression! Well-spoken Mexican words can be your highlight, give a special exotic touch to your charisma,enhance charm.

How and when not to use

However, even while staying in a foreign country for a long time, do not forget: no matter how long you learn the Mexican language and no matter how well you know it, you are unlikely to ever reach such a level that distinguish you from a native fail. So, after all, you should not show off your knowledge to the local population and use Mexican words out of place: such behavior may not cause aggression, but you will almost certainly be laughed at!

Spain and spanish flag
Spain and spanish flag

In addition, there are, as noted at the beginning of the article, certain differences between the Spanish language directly in Spain and the Spanish language that has changed over the many years of its independent development across the Atlantic Ocean. Speakers of one dialect do not always approve of another: especially to Spaniards, Mexican words with appropriate accents often seem like a derisive distortion of their native dialect.

We hope that the Mexican words we have given will help you not only in your planned trip, but in general will serve as a good help in studying the culture of this wonderful country!
