The Russian language is rich in lexical units - words and expressions. We can safely say that there is not a single person who would know them all. It is always better to be sure of the correct meaning of a word before using it than to be considered ignorant. Proven is one of those words that often causes confusion. This article will be devoted to him.
How did the word come into widespread use in modern Russian?
Currently, this lexeme is used mainly in the literary language, although it can also be heard in colloquial speech.

Although there is no exact data on the origin of the word “approved”, it can be assumed with a high probability that it came from the scientific vocabulary. Firstly, earlier it could only be found in texts on a scientific topic. Secondly, “tested” comes from the word “test”, which is directly related to the field of scientific activity.
Morphological features of the word
Approbated is a passive past perfect participle formed from the verb to approbate. What does it mean?
Tested: meanings in modern Russian
If you look into the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language (2007), you will find that the word goes back to the Latin aprobare, which meant "confirm, approve". This determined the modern meanings of the word. This word has two. Firstly, approved is officially approved. In some contexts, valued. Synonyms for “tested” will be “tested”, “tested” (according to the dictionary of synonyms by V. N. Trishina, 2013). In addition, proven is reliable, approved.

The word can be used in the context of the following sentences:
- This method of conflict resolution has already been tested.
- The pharmaceutical factory uses only proven quality control methods for drugs.
- The use of some proven, often obsolete production technologies hinders the development of new ones that meet the modern demands of society.