Design of civil and industrial buildings is carried out, as a rule, in two stages. At the first stage, a design task is developed, at the second, working drawings are drawn up.

When designing civil and industrial buildings and structures of particular complexity or architectural significance, a third is added to these two stages. In the course of it, a technical project is drawn up. Consider further the basics of designing civil and industrial buildings.
Project assignment
It defines the technical feasibility, as well as the economic feasibility of construction. At the stage of drawing up the task, an architectural and planning composition is developed, the features of the placement of the object on the site are determined.
At the first stage of designing civil buildings and industrial facilities, building materials and structures are selected. The design task describes the nature and types of sanitary equipment systems, power supply networks. It indicates the area, calculated temperature indicators, construction parameters, development timeproject and construction of the facility. The task is approved by the customer.
The developed documentation is coordinated with various authorities. These include bodies of the State Fire Supervision, Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision, etc.

Working drawings
When designing civil buildings and production facilities, the number of drawings should be the minimum necessary to carry out construction and installation activities.
Working drawings are not approved. They are issued to builders with the signatures of the designers and the head of the design company.
Project development
Designing civil buildings and industrial facilities is a creative process. At the same time, such work is considered quite complex and time-consuming, requiring certain experience and knowledge.
The basis for the design of civil buildings and industrial facilities are the current standards and norms (SNiP, technical regulations).
The result of the activity is a finished project of the object. It is a set of documents required for direct construction.
Project classification
Construction of objects is carried out according to individual and standard schemes. In the first case, documentation is developed for a specific structure. As a rule, private houses, sports complexes, theaters, etc. are built according to individual projects.

Typical is a project that can be used repeatedly. He canunderlie many residential complexes, hospitals, schools, etc. Standard projects use generalized planning and architectural design solutions.
In the typical design of civil buildings, industrial facilities, reference to a specific area is necessary. This requires information about the structure of the soil, relief, snow, wind load, as well as calculated temperatures in winter.
Standard projects allow the implementation of unified designs. This, in turn, ensures construction optimization.
Adaptation to climatic conditions
When designing (civil buildings in particular), the object must be adapted to local conditions. To do this, you need to clarify:
- Wall thickness and thermal insulation material.
- Design features of the foundation, its depth, parameters, type of waterproofing material.
Changes due to the specifics of local conditions are usually reflected in the "zero cycle".

Project documentation structure
In a two-stage design, the documentation includes an architectural and construction project, and in a one-stage design, a construction project with a selected architectural part to be approved.
Architectural solution is designed to form an idea of the planned structure. This documentation reflects the features of the object placement on the ground, itsphysical parameters, artistic and aesthetic details. The architectural project also contains technical and economic indicators. This documentation includes a draft solution.
A construction project is a project developed on the basis of approved urban planning and architectural documentation, the results of engineering surveys. It provides direct funding for the construction process.
Urban planning project is a set of interrelated documents drawn up in accordance with the requirements of regulations and information from the State Cadastre. It is the basis for planning urban planning and architectural activities.

Artist Choice
When constructing industrial facilities or building a residential complex, the developer is selected through a competition. The customer in this case forms the tender documentation. It contains initial information about the commercial, technical and other characteristics of the future object, the conditions and procedure for the competition.
The participant who proposed the most economically advantageous solution for the implementation of the project is appointed as the Contractor.
Design of residential and civil buildings
It is carried out in accordance with the provisions of SNiP 2.08-01-89. Apartments in houses are designed for one family.
Multi-apartment buildings are of tower, gallery, sectional and corridor types. Most of the houses are rectangular in shape.
Mostnine-, twelve- and sixteen-storey structures are common. Often, non-residential facilities are attached to residential buildings: shops, consumer services, social and cultural facilities.
According to the requirements for orientation to the cardinal points, sections of unlimited and limited orientation are distinguished. In the latter case, the windows overlook one longitudinal part of the structure. Sections of this type can only be used when the longitudinal axis of the house is located along the meridian.

With unlimited orientation, the windows of the apartments face both sides of the building. This option is used for any location of the object on the general plan.
According to sanitary requirements, residential premises should be located exclusively on above-ground floors.
Features of areas
When calculating the size of apartments and premises in a residential building, auxiliary, residential and useful areas are allocated. The first two together make up the usable space. The utility area is considered to be the area of the kitchen, bathroom, hallway, corridor and other auxiliary premises. Everything else is living space. The area of landings, lobbies, common corridors is not considered utility.
Public facilities
They are called buildings designed to accommodate administrative organizations and institutions, as well as social service facilities for citizens.
Depending on the purpose, public facilities are divided into:
- Educational. These include kindergartens,schools, etc.
- Treatment and prophylactic. These include clinics, dispensaries, etc.
- Cultural and educational. These include libraries, theaters.
- Commercial and utilities. These include canteens, shops, and so on.
- Communication and transport objects.
- Administrative.
There are the following main options for planning schemes for public buildings:
- Enfilade. In this case, the rooms are arranged in series. This scheme is used in art galleries, museums, department stores.
- Corridor. In this case, the premises are located on both or on one side of the corridor. This layout option is common in medical and preventive, educational, administrative buildings.
Design of modern window systems in civil buildings
Currently, window systems are made from wood, PVC and aluminium.

Any structure is affected by a number of factors, as a rule, of a non-force nature, and therefore they do not cause stress states in structural elements. However, at the same time they have a certain effect on the people who are in the premises. Factors affecting a person include:
- Temperature fluctuations.
- Noise.
- Variations in indoor and outdoor humidity.
- Natural light.
- Precipitation.
- Dust, chemical impurities in the air.
Translucent enclosingelements as load-bearing structures must have the necessary strength, rigidity and resistance to all the above factors. Window systems are designed in such a way that the necessary sound insulation, thermal protection, and tightness are provided. In addition, structures must have high lighting properties.
In closing
The legislation establishes special requirements for design organizations. One of them is the availability of a license to conduct such activities. The establishment of stringent requirements is due to the need to ensure the safety of people in residential and industrial buildings.
Insufficient qualifications, inexperience of a design specialist can lead to serious negative consequences. Errors in calculations, ignoring the specifics of climatic conditions and other factors can lead to premature destruction of objects and death of people.