The SUSU Military Department appeared in Chelyabinsk in 1995 and immediately aroused great interest among the majority of young people. The relevance of obtaining a military education is due to several reasons - the ability to combine the main course with a military department, transfer to the reserve with an officer rank at the same time as graduating from the university, the absence of the need for military service in the regular army, the possibility of building a career in the power structures of the Russian Federation.
History & Description
The SUSU Military Department appeared at the university in 1995. Initially, military training was carried out on the scale of one department, which was later transformed into a faculty. The department trained specialists for tank and missile troops, military signalmen and civil defense specialists were also educated. At the present stage, the faculty graduates officers, soldiers and sergeants for tank, artillery and missile troops, as well as signal troops.
The SUSU Military Department (Chelyabinsk) accepts cadets on a competitive basis. During the selection of candidates, general physical and moral fitness, academic performance,psycho-physiological state, personal qualities. Training is implemented according to the levels of training:
- Reserve officer (duration of training 2.5 years).
- Reserve Sergeant (Training for 2 years).
- Reserve soldier (training - 1.5 years).
Teaching is conducted by the departments of two types of troops - tank and communications. The educational process is allocated 1 day during the school week. After mastering the theoretical course, students leave for training camps, where they undergo the procedure for taking the military oath. The practical course ends with the passing of state exams in the chosen speci alty.
At the end of the basic course of study at the university, students who have received a military education receive the appropriate military rank - “lieutenant”, “sergeant”, “private” and are called up for military service in the reserve, who are not called up for military service upon graduation.
SUSU Department of Military Training is the only one in the Chelyabinsk region where young people can undergo military training in parallel with basic education. Many university graduates liked military training, which opens up additional employment opportunities in law enforcement agencies, for example, in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations or the Federal Security Service.

Goals and objectives of the faculty
In its educational and research activities, the SUSU Military Department pursues the following goals and solves tasks:
- Training qualified military personnel with sufficient knowledge base to perform tasks within theirspeci alties.
- Development of military educational programs (in accordance with the fixed list of speci alties). Ensuring the quality of education in accordance with the standards of higher education, the qualification requirements of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.
- Bringing the material and technical base to modern standards to ensure the theoretical and practical parts of the learning process.
- Educating students in the spirit of respect for military service, the heroic heritage of Russia, strengthening patriotism and awareness of the duty to defend the Motherland in the event of a military conflict. The development of such personality traits as stress resistance, quick decision-making in critical situations, a he althy lifestyle, etc.
According to the opinions of students who underwent military training at YurSU, the training helped them become more collected, organized, clearly aware of their own goals and ways to achieve them as soon as possible.
Department of Tank Troops
The SUSU Tank Department of Military Training trains reserve officers. Teaching is conducted in the following directions:
- Operation and repair of basic armored vehicles and equipment.
- Operation, repair of electrical equipment, special equipment and automation of armored vehicles.
- Storage, repair of missiles, ammunition, lighting and signal equipment.

Training includes three cycles of programs:
- General military, tactical, tactical-special training.
- Military technical training.
- Rockets and ammunition.
The staff of teachers consists of 25 specialists with extensive experience in military service in the RF Armed Forces, many of them have experience in combat operations in local conflicts. The material base includes a laboratory complex, modern simulators, two laboratories of tracked vehicles, etc. Soldiers and sergeants of the reserve receive theoretical and practical education at the department in four areas of specialization.
Department of Communications
At the present stage, the SUSU Military Department of Communications No. 4 trains officers in the following speci alties:
- The use of mixed military units and communications units.
- The use of units with radio communications.
- The use of units with means of radio relay and tropospheric communications.
Learning has two cycles:
- Military special training.
- Military technical training.
The teaching staff consists of 15 specialists with experience in serving in the active army of the Russian Federation. The students of the department are active participants in scientific and research work, sports and military-patriotic events regularly held at the department.
Logistics is represented by classrooms, a unique laboratory complex located in the premises of the second building of the university. The training base is considered one of the exemplary among the military faculties of civilian universities in Russia. Sergeants and reserve soldiers receive education in six areas of specialization.

Scientific work
The pedagogical and educational staff of the military department takes part in several research programs. To conduct classes, methodological manuals, textbooks, multimedia training programs for students were developed and implemented. Teachers constantly improve their qualifications and train young teaching staff.
Main directions of scientific research:
- Development of weapons and military equipment in tank, artillery and signal troops (theory, designs).
- History of the development of weapons and equipment of the communications troops, tank, artillery and missile troops.
- Improving the current course of education, developing new teaching methods, creating modern technologies and resources to improve the quality of education.
Students and military science
The SUSU Military Department encourages inventive work and rationalization initiatives coming from cadets. The faculty organized a circle of student scientific society, in which more than 100 students take part.
Forms of scientific activity of students of the military department:
- Inventive work.
- Innovation initiatives.
- Preparation, publication of scientific articles in specialized journals.
- Participation in research work carried out at the department.
- Writing essays, performing work on military science.
- Participation in intra-university and inter-university competitions of scientific papers.
- Participation in scientific conferencesChelyabinsk.

Requirements for candidates
The SUSU Military Department accepts students for participation in the competitive selection in accordance with the following requirements:
- Citizens of the Russian Federation.
- Fit for military and drill training.
- Having good or satisfactory mental stability.
- 1 or 2 aptitude category.
- Under 30 years of age.
Requirements for participants in the competitive selection in the direction of training reserve officers:
- Students of SUSU full-time education (1st, 2nd, 3rd year undergraduate or 1st, 2nd year specialist).
- The title of "lieutenant" with enrollment in the reserve, students receive after completing a full course of education in the chosen direction in the speci alty, bachelor's programs.
Requirements for candidates of the competition direction sergeant, reserve soldier:
- Students of the full-time department of SUSU (1, 2 years of undergraduate studies, 1, 2, 3 courses - specialist).
- Students not selected for the Reserve Officer Training Program.
- The title of "sergeant", "soldier" with enrollment in the reserve, is assigned to graduates after completing a full course of education in the chosen speci alty.
Not eligible for preselection:
- Citizens of foreign countries.
- Persons residing in the Russian Federation, but without citizenship.
- Citizens with an outstanding criminal record (under investigation, serving sentences, etc.).
- Citizens withthe fourth category of professional suitability.
For the majority of students, the military department of SUSU is open for admission. Girls have the opportunity to receive the rank of reserve officer at the communications department with the rank of "lieutenant".

List of documents
For admission to the military department, documents are required:
- Application addressed to the rector of SUSU.
- Copy of birth certificate and passport.
- Autobiography.
- A copy of the gradebook pages showing the student's grades for the completed period of study at the university.
- Characteristic from the place of study.
- Three photos (size 4.5x6 cm).
- Information on professional suitability (copy of military ID pages).

Physical Requirements
All candidates are competitively selected based on the results of the main course and physical fitness. The tests are for boys and girls. The program includes three types of exercises approved by the SUSU Military Department.
Standards and types of exercises for boys:
- Running 1 km - minimum - 4.24 (26 points), maximum - 2.55 (100 points).
- Running 100m - minimum score - 15.4 (26 points), maximum score - 11.8 (100 points).
- Chin-ups on the bar - the minimum number of times is 4 (26 points), the maximum is 30 (100 points).
Types of exercises and standards forgirls:
- Running 1 km - minimum time -3, 4 (100 points), maximum time - 5, 2 (26 points).
- Running 100m - minimum time - 14.8 (100 points), maximum time - 19.6 (26 points).
- Tilt from prone position - minimum number of times - 18 (26 points), maximum number - 55 (100 points).
The final score is summed up and the total score is displayed. The minimum threshold value in each exercise is at least 26 points, the passing score is from 120 to 170 units.

The opportunity to undergo military training without interruption from basic studies is assessed by students and parents unambiguously positively. Today, almost all students in technical speci alties strive to enter the military department of SUSU. Feedback on the learning process tells about a rich process, where it is very easy for an engineering student to navigate and the theoretical part does not bring any particular difficulties.
Most of those who entered the department liked the need to engage not only in intellectual work, but to devote enough time for physical training. Some graduates of the university started working in law enforcement agencies and believe that the military department of SUSU played a big role in this.
Reviews with negative reviews about the department are not found. But some students or parents say that at the present stage it is rather difficult to enter the military department, not everyone is accepted,and the competitive selection of candidates has become much tougher.
The process of combining studies in the main speci alty and the military department is fraught with some difficulties - it is not always possible to find time to attend all the necessary lectures. It is indicated that the load is increasing significantly, but over time the schedule is getting better.