Example sentences with "comrade"

Example sentences with "comrade"
Example sentences with "comrade"

There are many exercises aimed at developing speech: describing pictures, compiling monologues, dialogues and polylogues; writing essays and essays. One of the simplest but most effective exercises is to compose phrases, sentences or whole connected texts with a given word or words. As an example, let's think of sentences with the word "comrade".

To-va-risch: lexical meaning

Sentences with the word comrade
Sentences with the word comrade

To-va-risch is:

  1. The well-known form of address in communist, socialist states: Comrade, believe!
  2. Similar to "sir, madam, madam, miss, mrs, mister, senor, senora, senorita" in the Soviet Union: Comrade Anastasia Tikhoretskaya became completely blind as a result of torture in Nazi dungeons.
  3. A person who is friendly towards someone: In this extremely difficult situation, Dmitry proved to be a real comrade.
  4. Person doingsimilar activities, is connected with someone ideologically or by some conditions: Comrades in arms stood shoulder to shoulder, stood to the bitter end.
  5. Deputy: Comrade prosecutor was summoned to the anti-corruption committee yesterday.

Spelling the noun "to-va-rishch"

"T-O-V-A-R-I-S" is a dictionary word. You need to remember that

  • first unstressed vowel - "O";
  • second - "And".

Special attention should be paid to the fact that this is a masculine noun, so the soft sign is not put at the end of the word.

Sentences with the word "comrade"

Now let's try to make as many common sentences as possible with the word "comrade".

Make up a sentence with the word comrade
Make up a sentence with the word comrade
  1. The separation from old comrades lasted for years, now I'm not the same: a heavy, gray-haired elderly man with a sick heart and an unhappy fate.
  2. Comrade Bronevitsky stood with his head bowed: he was accused of aiding the enemies of the people and terrorist activities directed against the party and the entire Soviet people.
  3. And he is not my friend at all, just a workmate.
  4. Comrade leader during his serious illness conscientiously performed all duties.
  5. I will not leave Sergey in trouble: he is more than just a comrade, he is my friend, colleague, almost a brother.
  6. A meeting with Cuban and Czechoslovak comrades was scheduled for the last Monday of September.
  7. On a business trip to countriesThe following comrades were admitted to the capitalist corps: Zelenova, Ivanikhina, Shapovalova, Mayorov, Makovetsky and Muzychuk.
  8. Comrades in misfortune Dunno and Kozlik spent the night under the bridge, so they were sent together to Stupid Island.
  9. To make it more fun, the comrades walked together from school.
  10. It's not enough to be called comrades, you need to be them.
  11. Come up with eleven sentences with the words "comrade, friend, enemy, foe, girlfriend, buddy, buddy".
