Meaning of the word "archaic", example sentences and synonyms

Meaning of the word "archaic", example sentences and synonyms
Meaning of the word "archaic", example sentences and synonyms

In this article we will indicate the meaning of the word "archaic", examples of sentences and synonyms. This adjective is mentioned from time to time in speech, so its meaning must be clear so that you can use this speech unit correctly in sentences.

Interpretation of the word

Archaic is an adjective. It has two main shades of meaning.

  • Old, with features of antiquity, relating to the past.
  • Not up to date, outdated, outdated. The word "archaic" has the same meaning.

To understand the meaning of the word "archaic", let's take an example. Previously, telephone communication (and even more so the Internet) did not exist. If it was necessary to urgently transmit information, telegrams were used. For this purpose, there was a special device - the telegraph. Nobody uses this method of communication now. That is, it has become archaic.

archaic word meaning examples
archaic word meaning examples

Let's take another example. In ancient times, technology was on a primitivestages of development. If it was necessary to plow the land, they used a plow. Now this device is no longer used. In its place came a tractor with a plow.

Examples of usage

To consolidate the meaning of the word "archaic", let's make a few sentences.

  • The museum displays archaic household items used by ancient tribes.
  • My views may seem archaic, but I do not hope for understanding.
  • In the history textbook you can read about the most famous archaic religions.
  • Archaic ideas of ancient people about the structure of the world served as the basis for modern science.

Several synonyms

There are adjectives that can easily replace the word "archaic".

Antediluvian. Your antediluvian ideas about politics indicate that you do not follow the events in the world at all

vintage iron
vintage iron
  • Ancient. This ancient iron is no longer in use and has been replaced with a more modern device.
  • Vintage. Old beliefs are gradually being forgotten.

Remember that a synonym for the word "archaic" should fit into the context of each particular sentence.
