Among useful books for children and adults, encyclopedias should be mentioned. This is a real source of wisdom and knowledge, in which you can find the answer to any question from a particular industry. The word itself has Greek roots and, translated from this ancient language, sounds like "instruction for any life occasion." We invite you to get acquainted with these wonderful books and learn some new facts about them.
The word was coined in 1538 by Thomas Elliot, it was from this period that the term acquired its modern understanding. An encyclopedia is a book in which an attempt is made to bring together all the information from a given science or all sciences in general (universal editions). Most often, these books are used by students, because they contain material in a concise and accessible form that expands the school curriculum, and therefore is excellent for preparing messages, abstracts, and reports.
But it also makes sense for parents to look into these thick books - to expand their horizons and learn a lot of useful facts.

So, the encyclopedia is a source of wisdom and knowledge on a variety of subjects and sciences. However, this edition does not necessarily have a book form. In our age of technology, electronic encyclopedias are at the peak of popularity, containing a large amount of information and equipped with a convenient search. The first popular electronic edition of the encyclopedia format is Nupedia, which appeared in 2000. Only specialists with diplomas in their speci alty could write articles for this resource; when choosing an author, there was a lot of competition. The resource did not last long, giving way to the much-loved "Wikipedia", which contains a large amount of useful information for children and adults.
And what encyclopedias are there in the library? There are a lot of them. First of all, these are specialized publications for schoolchildren containing additional information on all subjects of the school course (biology, history, geography, mathematics, literature).

Further - publications for adults, such as an encyclopedia of economics, religion, cooking, needlework. Finally, in large libraries you can find highly specialized publications, information from which will be useful to students, graduate students and even professors. There are also regional encyclopedias that talk about a specific locality.
Encyclopedia is a very useful book that will not only help you study, but also give you a lot of positive emotions when you get acquainted with new information.