This majestic building is one of the oldest in the world. It impresses with its truly gigantic size. This article will be of interest not only to tourists traveling to Italy, but also to schoolchildren studying world art culture (IHC). The temple of Saturn, according to legend, was erected on the site of the altar, which was once erected by God himself.
Rise of the temple
Historians are still arguing about when the construction of the Temple of Saturn in Rome, which is located near the Capitoline Hill, began. During its unusually long history, this building was rebuilt more than once. It is worth noting that the townspeople dedicated it to the god of agriculture not by chance. The fact is that the construction of the first building dates back to about 490 BC. It was this period that was extremely difficult for the townspeople, since the incessant series of epidemics, wars and crop failures depleted the state treasury and brought the inhabitants themselves to the extreme. In order to regain the favor of the gods, the Romans began to build temples. They brought generous giftscelestials, asking them to have mercy on them.

The Temple of Saturn was not the only religious structure built at that time. The people especially revered this god, since he patronized not only agriculture, but also protected from all kinds of troubles and misfortunes. Soon, Ancient Rome really began to flourish. The empire successfully captured more and more new lands, thereby further expanding its borders.
Temple reconstruction
In 42 BC, Lucius Munacius Plancus decided to radically renovate the building, giving it even greater grandeur. After 200 years, a fire broke out in the temple of Saturn, after which the building could no longer be used. In 283, under Emperor Karin, another reconstruction of the building was carried out.
In memory of the fire that happened within its walls and the new construction, a special wall plaque was installed. It was written on it that the reconstruction of the temple was approved by the Senate and the free Romans. At this time, additional columns appear near the building: six are finished with gray granite, and the rest are with a red tint.

When Christians appeared in Rome, the inhabitants of the city were forbidden to worship pagan gods. People stopped going to the temple and actually abandoned it, while state documents and the treasury were moved to another place.
Over the next few centuries, the building was never reconstructed, so over time it began to collapse under the influence of adverse weather conditions, until almost completelydisappeared from the face of the earth.

The Temple of Saturn is built in the form of a pseudo-peripter, because both the back and side columns were not completed in full and almost half protruded beyond the walls. The rectangular structure was 40 meters long and 20 meters wide. The foundation of the building is made of natural stone taken nearby. The main part of the temple is made of concrete and bricks, while the exterior is made of travertine and marble.
The building itself, erected next to the slope, was raised nine meters above the ground, so you can enter it only by going up the stairs. To approach the temple, it was necessary to cross the fenced area of Saturn. It was decorated with numerous slabs made of stone, on which the basic laws of the Roman Republic were engraved. On both sides of the entrance to the building were figures of tritons holding large sea shells in their paws, symbolizing the favor of the god Neptune.

Special podiums were set up near the stairs. Archaeologists were able to discover them only a few years ago, when they dismantled the road that ran right along the Forum. Now scientists are excavating, deepening several meters into the ground. On the east side of the temple of Saturn, rectangular holes were found. Scientists believe that in their place, the texts of the newly approved state documents, which were put up for public inspection, were once hung out. On the opposite side of the building you can see frieze blocks andarchitrave made of white marble.
The pediments of the building were decorated with large statues of horses and tritons, and a golden sculpture of Saturn inlaid with ivory was kept in the sanctuary. The height of the eight columns of the temple of Saturn is 11, and the diameter is 1.4 meters, they have a monolithic structure. To reduce the already significant pressure on the foundation, the lightest ceilings were installed above the columns.
The purpose of the temple
The building was mainly used for administrative purposes. It is believed that one of the podiums served as a repository for various kinds of financial documentation, the city treasury and the so-called sacred standards, according to which measuring rulers were made.
In addition, the temple of Saturn was used for its intended purpose. In honor of this deity, annual festivities were held, starting on December 17 and lasting for several days in a row. They symbolized the end of the harvest. First, a sacrificial ceremony was performed at the temple doors, after which the triumphal processions began their festive procession through the streets of the city, carrying with them the golden statue of Saturn.

These days, aristocrats and we althy Romans, instead of their outfits from expensive fabrics, put on simple coarse clothes. Presumably, we althy citizens thus recalled the Golden Age, thereby paying tribute to the long-forgotten equality of people. It is believed that it was then that the tradition of giving each other non-trivial gifts was born, for example, the rich gave money to the poor. Children did not studythe workers rested, and the slaves were temporarily set free. In addition, people presented clay dolls and candles to their relatives. Scientists have suggested that the custom of leaving gifts under the Christmas tree for New Year and Christmas came to us precisely from the Roman Saturnalia.
To date, only a small part of the building has survived. This is a fragment of the base and several walls with a colonnade. In addition, here you can also see the remains of a network of drains and front steps. Despite the fact that time has de alt mercilessly with this ancient structure, tourists study it with great interest and take pictures next to it.