Thomas Torquemada is one of the most famous inquisitors of the Catholic Church. Even today, his name is remembered with a share of fear, since the deeds he committed are truly terrible. And yet, many are sure that it was he who united the warring Spain, thereby making it the most influential country of that time. So, who was the Black Inquisitor really: an ardent fanatic or a prudent politician?

Tomas Torquemada: biography of early years
November 16, 1414, a boy was born in the family of the Catholic clergyman John Torquemada. Looking ahead, it should be noted that Jewish blood flowed in the veins of little Thomas, albeit mixed with Spanish. However, in the future, the Grand Inquisitor will deny any claims that he has even the slightest kinship with "God's" people.
Because of the high position of the father, the Catholic family could live quite a prosperous life. Thanks to this, Thomas was able to get a good education, whichhelped him many times in solving difficult problems. Naturally, the young man understood the Catholic canons best of all, because his father and his own uncle explained them to him.
By the way, John's brother Juan was no less famous person. Thanks to his faith and knowledge, he managed to rise to the rank of cardinal. More than a dozen theological texts were written by his hand, which served as the basis for teaching theology.

In Search of Self and God
Despite the deep faith and traditions of the family, Tomás Torquemada did not immediately become a clergyman. Having reached the age of majority, he set off to travel around Europe in the hope of finding his calling. Most of all, he was outraged by the fact that his country could not rise from its knees and shine with greatness. Even then, young Torquemada was thinking about how to change the current state of affairs.
However, much more important is that it was during this period that the young man met his first love. History is silent about the name of the beautiful girl who stole the heart of the future inquisitor, but another fact is known for certain. Love was unrequited: the young lady not only did not pay attention to Thomas' courtship, but also married the Moor. This betrayal forever affected the outlook of the Inquisitor and his future plans.
Fateful meeting
Failure on the love front led Tomas Torquemada to decide to leave Spain and settle in Italy. Such a choice was quite obvious, since it was in this country that the heart of the Catholic faith was located. However, on the way to Romesomething happened that forever changed the fate of Thomas, and with it the whole history of mankind.
Thus, stopping for the night in Zaragoza, Torquemada witnessed a fierce dispute between the Dominicans and the common people. The heart of the young theologian did not allow him to stand aside, and he delivered an eloquent speech confirming the arguments of the church fathers. Encouraged by his talent, the Dominicans invited Thomas to join their order. But the future inquisitor flatly refused to serve their ideals and continued on his way.

In the ranks of the Roman Catholic Church
However, after some time, Thomas Torquemada revised his beliefs and nevertheless joined one of the Dominican orders. It is noteworthy that the banner of his monastery depicted a dog carrying a burning torch in its mouth. Years later, this symbol would become the basis for the "dogs of the Lord" metaphor for the most fanatical followers of the church.
As for Thomas Torquemada, he was a very gifted person. His sermons and instructions fascinated people, forcing them to unquestioningly obey the will of the clergyman. Thanks to this, the newly minted monk very quickly moved up the spiritual ladder. And already in 1459 he was elected prior in the monastery of Santa Cruz la Real.
Growing influence of Torquemada
As abbot of a monastery, Tomás Torquemada becomes the spiritual mentor of Isabella of Castile, the legitimate heir to the throne of Castile and León. And so, under the strict supervision of the clergyman, the young maidenbecomes one of the most devoted followers of the Catholic Church.
Moreover, at the end of 1969, Torquemada helps Isabella take the throne by secretly betrothing her to her second cousin Ferdinand of Aragon. And after the death of their parents, the couple gained power over the entire territory of Spain, in fact, uniting it into one whole state.

Inquisitor Thomas Torquemada
Officially, the Inquisition existed in Spain since 1232. However, her influence was so insignificant that the locals simply did not consider her. Thomas Torquemada considered this state of affairs inappropriate, and therefore decided to take the furrows of government into his own hands. But for this he needed the permission of Pope Sixtus IV.
To ask for this directly was too rash. Therefore, Torquemada turns to Isabella I of Castile for help. Considering all the past merits of the clergyman, the queen gladly agrees to help her patron. And so, in 1478, by special order of Pope Sixtus IV, Spain established its own Tribunal of the Holy Office of the Inquisition. And in 1483, Thomas Torquemada becomes its official leader.
Reign of the Black Inquisitor
Initially, the Grand Inquisitor showed himself to be a very reserved ruler. However, his madness soon broke out. It all started with the fact that he issued a set of Talmuds, in which he described in detail who the true Christians are, and who is only hiding behind the guise of faith.
At the same time, the same fate awaited all heretics- torture. Under their pressure, thousands of people confessed to things they had not actually committed. And if at first these measures were applied only to Christians, then soon the Inquisition switched to Jews and Muslims. At the same time, they were forced to renounce their own faith, and the alternative was death. Ultimately, the "dogs of the Lord" were able to expel most of the other believers from their lands, and those who remained were forced to accept Christianity and live in constant fear for their lives.

Through the lens of history
And yet, who is Thomas Torquemada in the annals of history? Quotes taken from the chronicles of the time describe him as an ambitious and bloody leader who plunged Spain into an abyss of horror. According to the chronicles, he burned more than 8 thousand people at the stake, not to mention how many souls were killed in the cellars of the Inquisition.
However, historians, in addition to the killer, see him as a brilliant politician. Indeed, thanks to his actions, Spain has turned from a backward country into a real economic giant. Moreover, it was during that period that the first sea expedition was sent, which opened the New World to the world.
As for the Grand Inquisitor himself, he died all alone. Until the very last day, he was afraid that someone would cut his throat, and kept away from people.