The concept of "report" is not widely used in the speech of ordinary people. The very sound of this word is associated with severity, clarity, even has a hint of militarization. However, this term is used not only in office work, but also in psychology. Even in needlework and art, this word is widely used. In this article, we will consider the meaning of the word report in all of the above areas. We will also give examples of the correct use of this term.
Definition of concept
A report is a written document containing an official communication (report) from a lower-ranking position to a higher-ranking one. It may also be verbal. In this interpretation, this term is mostly used in military affairs during the report to the commanders (chiefs) on the implementation of the activities undertaken, as well as in the performance of official duties. In other words, a report is a report on the work performed or an appeal to a higher rank. It should be noted that there are derivatives of this term. For example, report. That is, to report the existing situation.

According to the maritime dictionary, a report is a document that is submitted to the customs authorities of the country of arrival by an agent or by the shipowner himself upon the ship's arrival at the port. It contains detailed data on the cargo, passengers, the last place of unloading and (or) loading of passengers and cargo.
History of the term
This concept was introduced by Peter I, who borrowed it from the Dutch, who, in turn, took it from the French. In a literal translation, a report is a denunciation, something that is brought back. Some sources report that the Russian Tsar took the term from the Polish language, but this is not true. After all, Peter the Great received knowledge about naval affairs in Holland. Moreover, the report is a word of French origin. According to the dictionary of synonyms, depending on the context, the concept can be replaced by the following words: notice, notice, message, report, report, denunciation, report, testimony, declaration.

Meaning of a word in arts and crafts
Report is the basic element of the pattern, part of the ornament, which is repeated many times on fabric, embroidery, knitwear, carpet, image and so on. Also, this term is used to refer to the smallest number of threads or other material used in the manufacture of an ornament element that repeats. In other words, the report isa repeating element in a pattern that smoothly and naturally turns into a continuous combination. A well-known Greek meander can be cited as a striking example. (It is necessary to clarify that the correct name of this term is written with two letters "p" - rapport, and is pronounced with an accent on the second syllable.)
Rapport. Types of weaves
The number of warp threads, after which all previous weaves of the base threads begin to duplicate in the previous order, is called the main rapport. A similar pattern for weft threads is called a weft report. Plain weave fabrics include linen, satin, satin and twill fabrics.

Also note that the report is knitting with a repeating pattern element. Each pattern has a certain number of stitches in width and a certain number of rows in height. Usually, rapport is highlighted graphically in a schematic image, and in a text description it is highlighted with asterisks. For the symmetry of the pattern, the loops are indicated after and before the element. In other words, first the loops are knitted, which are indicated before the rapport, then the combination of such loops is repeated as many times as it fits completely to the end of the row. And then loops are made, which are indicated after the rapport. A very important point: the number of loops in a row must be a multiple of the number of loops in rapport. For the symmetry of the pattern, the number of loops is indicated additionally.
In sewing, this term is used to name a repeating pattern on fabric, embroidery, knitted fabricetc. The size varies from two centimeters to forty-forty-five. When cutting such a fabric, it is necessary to arrange the patterns in such a way that the central part of the report is on large parts. It should also be noted that in the horizontal direction the pattern should be the same along the entire length of the product and even on the set-in elements.
In weaving, a report is a repeating part of the macrame knots, which is reflected in the pattern. In this case, the colors of the threads in the elements may change.
The meaning of the term in psychology

This concept has several related interpretations. According to the first, a report is the establishment of psychological contact, which implies a certain trust and mutual understanding with a person or group, as well as the very state of such contact. The second option implies a broader meaning. These are close interpersonal relationships that are based on emotional and intellectual community.
For the first time the concept of "rapport" was introduced by Mesmer to denote contact between people, during which the transfer of the so-called "magnetic fluids" took place. (In psychology, the spelling and sound of the term is similar to those in knitting - rapport.)