Famous personalities have always used pseudonyms. This is very convenient, especially for creative people: poets, artists chose a name for themselves that had a special meaning, talking about something. Sometimes the choice of a pseudonym is associated with political activities and helps to hide for a long time. Especially often such famous people as V. I. Lenin, I. V. Stalin used this. Many people wonder why Lenin is Lenin?
Leader of the proletariat
Ulyanov Vladimir Ilyich used many pseudonyms during his political life. The future leader of the Russian proletariat led a stormy political activity and was a member of the Social Democratic Party. Of course, he often had to hide, change his name. One of his pseudonyms was Lenin. This name remained with him until the end of his life. There are several versions of why Lenin took the pseudonym Lenin, and they all seem plausible.
The Lena River
Some historians say that Vladimir Ilyich took this surname from the name of the Lena River. The legend says that in 1912, workers who went on strike were shot on this river. This event shocked V. I. Lenin, and in memoryabout the dead, he decided to take this pseudonym for himself. But the fact is that he began to sign with this name much earlier - back in 1901. So, there was another reason or reason to take the name Lenin (a pseudonym). Why can't this be an imitation?

It is impossible not to take into account the fact that fellow wrestlers communicated with each other, often imitated each other. So, knowing that Plekhanov took the pseudonym Volgin for himself, Vladimir Ilyich decided to use a similar name - also from the name of the river. And it was in 1901.
In the same period, the well-known agronomist S. N. Lenin also took part in public events. The future leader of the proletariat often quoted this scientist and could well use his last name. So, it turns out why Lenin is Lenin. But no - there is another, more plausible version.

Friendly help
It turns out that there was another episode in the life of Lenin, which brought him to this name. Before all the events described above, in 1900, Vladimir Ilyich had to urgently leave the Russian Empire. But this required a foreign passport. Because of his political activities, Lenin was sure that he would not be allowed to go abroad. I had to look for another opportunity to get a passport. And at this time, an unexpected meeting of Krupskaya with her good school friend, who also sympathized with the democratic movement of socialists, happens. It was this friend who stole the passport from her father, Lenin Nikolai Yegorovich- and gave it to the future leader of the proletariat. It was enough to fake only the year of birth, and Vladimir Ilyich became Nikolai Lenin. Since then, the leader of this surname and signed. From history it becomes clear why Lenin is Lenin.

Companion of the leader of the proletariat
The history of the revolution gave birth to its heroes, leaders, politicians. The current generation receives a different education, different from education in the USSR. Many do not know the details of the life of Lenin and his associates. Therefore, they ask the question: why Lenin is Lenin, and Stalin is Stalin?

A wonderful translator E. S. Stalinsky lived and worked at the end of the 19th century. He was engaged in journalism, was a publisher - editor. He owns the best translation of the work of Shota Rustaveli - "The Knight in the Panther's Skin". During this period, I. Dzhugashvili also wrote poetry and even published. Of course, he heard about Stalinsky, read his translations. From his youth, he loved the newspaper "Caucasus". And The Knight in the Panther's Skin is one of Stalin's favorite works.
History events
Thus, reading Georgian literary magazines and newspapers, acquaintance with the works of E. Stalinsky led to the fact that I. Dzhugashvili had great respect for this person. He also had an excellent memory: many years later, being an ally of Lenin, Iosif Vissarionovich took advantage of Stalinsky's surname, shortening it. That is why Lenin is Lenin and Stalin is Stalin. These pseudonyms became known to allthe world.

Of course, the pseudonyms of politicians are closely connected with the historical events of the period when the state was going through a turning point. But often the name taken matches the person so much that many remember him only by a pseudonym and do not know his real surname. But we need to study history so that questions like this do not arise: why is Lenin Lenin?
Not everyone shares the beliefs of revolutionaries, social democrats and similar figures of the beginning of the last century. But the events have already happened, they must be remembered, studied and known to the leaders of the movement, including their names and pseudonyms.