Why is fly agaric called "fly agaric"? Why is this mushroom dangerous?

Why is fly agaric called "fly agaric"? Why is this mushroom dangerous?
Why is fly agaric called "fly agaric"? Why is this mushroom dangerous?

Most people know that there is such a type of mushroom on earth as fly agaric, with a red cap and white speckles. These mushrooms are often mentioned in cartoons, fairy tales and books. And this is not done in vain, since such a beautiful mushroom can do a lot of harm to people and animals.

Fly agaric in a book
Fly agaric in a book

For children, why the fly agaric is called "fly agaric", you can provide information from books: "Amanita is beautiful and red, but dangerous for people."

Any child can see this beautiful mushroom on the street and taste it.

Where does the name come from

Why is fly agaric called "fly agaric"? In the people, this name was given because of its use for sanitary purposes. For the destruction of insects, flies and bedbugs. That is why the fly agaric was called "fly agaric" ("fly" and "pestilence"). There are many varieties of this mushroom, but only the red species, the one that we often see in pictures and cartoons, can help in the destruction of insects. Due to the content of acids and toxic substances in them, these mushrooms canlead to a change in mental state up to clouding of consciousness and convulsions, cause nausea, vomiting, lowering blood pressure, suffocation and even death.

How the mushroom was used before

During the Middle Ages, in order to get rid of insects, the fly agaric was cut into small pieces, watered with milk and placed in several places in the rooms. After eating such a treat, the flies fell asleep and drowned in milk.

But these are not all application methods. Since ancient times, this mushroom has been used at religious celebrations by the peoples of the North and Siberia as an intoxicating remedy. His action resembled a very strong intoxication. There was an alternation of laughter and anger, hallucinations and double objects, loss of consciousness and sleep, followed by amnesia.

Different sources describe what happens to people after eating this mushroom. At first they are agile, strong and cheerful. Then comes the next stage, where hallucinations appear. People hear voices, see changed objects, but can still speak and understand everything. At the end of the third stage of intoxication, a lethargic sleep sets in.

Where the edible fly agaric grows

Some types of this mushroom are even considered delicacies, but you need to consider that they are not in Russia.

Fly agaric that you can eat
Fly agaric that you can eat

The mushroom grows in light mixed forests in North America. In the 20th century, this mushroom was discovered in South Africa. Usually, like many mushrooms, it is fried after boiling. It is also used in pickled and s alted form, it can be frozen. Its taste is reminiscentchicken.

This species also has medicinal properties, thanks to the substance betaine.
