When a child is born in a family, it is always a holiday. It grows, develops, and everything seems to be wonderful. But, unfortunately, it is different. From the first days of a child's life, parents and doctors notice deviations, which then become more and more pronounced as the child develops. Such children need a special, individual approach in order for them to adapt as painlessly as possible in this world. For such cases, develop special programs for education and development. Next, consider the program for accompanying a child with developmental disabilities and its features.
Child with disabilities
A few words about which child belongs to the category of children with disabilities.
These are children who have deviations, they are temporary or permanent in mental or physical development. These are children with disabilities and not recognized as disabled, but with disabilities. In these cases, individual support of a child with disabilities is necessary.

Children with disabilities can be divided into groups that are characterized by the following deviations:
- Hearing impairment.
- Speech dysfunction.
- Significant visual impairment, blindness.
- Pathology of the development of the musculoskeletal system.
- Mental retardation and mental development problems.
- Communication and behavioral disorders.
The defining moment will be a specific defect in development, it is on this that the correction program will depend. For each group, a special program of individual support for a child with disabilities has been developed. Getting to work with such children, it must be well studied. This will be useful for both parents and teachers.
Features of children with disabilities and recommendations for working with them
Let's consider the features of some categories of disabled children.
Children with hearing impairments
Such children have impaired perception, memory, speech, thinking. The child is inattentive, often touchy and withdrawn. You can also notice a violation of coordination and orientation in space. As a rule, they do not show initiative in communicating with others.
Children with hearing impairment are good at reading lips, perceiving oral speech visually. When writing words and pronunciation, letters or words are often omitted. Their phrases are simple and their vocabulary is very poor.
Children with visual impairments
For these kids, you need to use a special program for learning. It is also important to properly distribute the study load. Educationalmanuals, as well as optical and typhlopedagogical devices. It is recommended to change activities more often. It is necessary to dose visual loads strictly individually. Their training program necessarily includes such classes:
- Orientation in space.
- Mimicry and pantomime.
- Social orientation.
- Development of visual perception.
- Fine motor skills and touch.
- Speech therapy.

Mandatory for children with problems of the visual analyzer, physiotherapy exercises should be carried out, and in the classroom - physical. minutes.
Children with mental retardation
The following characteristics are inherent in such a child: lack of attention, lag in mastering the school curriculum, inability to concentrate and independently complete tasks, excessive mobility and emotional instability.
For such children, it is necessary to complicate tasks, only taking into account the capabilities of the child.
Children with musculoskeletal disorders
The main symptom of this category is impaired motor function. Children with cerebral palsy often have impaired hearing, vision, speech, and intelligence. Convulsive symptoms are often observed. Such children need to be helped to adapt in society, they also need medical, psychological, pedagogical and speech therapy assistance. It is important to instill love for work, an optimistic attitude towards life, family, society.
FSES for children with disabilities
There is a special state standard for children with developmental disabilities and other he alth problems. It guarantees such children the right to receive education, regardless of the severity of violations, the region of residence and the type of educational institution.
What are the functions of the GEF for children with disabilities:
- Maximum reach children with disabilities with education that will meet their abilities and needs.
- Enable the child to receive an education in accordance with the Constitution, regardless of the severity of the violation of development, learning and the type of institution where the child is studying.
- Create conditions for the rehabilitation of children with disabilities and ensure that educational needs are met.
- Give the opportunity to choose the appropriate education, taking into account the recommendations of specialists.
- Go to a unified education system, making the learning process regulated, for the joint education of children with disabilities and normally developing babies.
- Stimulate the development of special education and create the necessary conditions for this.

Program Objectives
In order to consider such a program, it is necessary to find out what individual support means for such children.
Supporting children with disabilities is a long-term support, which is based on the correct organization of the process, aimed primarily at the effective choice of solving their pressing problems.
Individual support is a set of methods related tois one goal, task, actions that are aimed at helping a child with disabilities on the part of not only parents, but also teachers. The program of individual support for a child with disabilities helps to find problems in the development of the child, draw conclusions and ensure their correct resolution, and also provides an opportunity to develop the inclinations and abilities of the child. The effectiveness of individual support is evaluated, in addition to the opinion of teachers, psychologists and doctors, by the satisfaction of parents and the child while he is in an educational institution. It is also important to evaluate the baby's ability to interact with other children and adults.

The individual support program for a child with disabilities is required for:
- Children who have difficulty in mastering the basic preschool program.
- Severely handicapped babies attending groups for short periods.
- For individual learning.
Development and implementation of the program
The program for supporting children with disabilities has several stages of development and implementation:
- At the first stage, the collection and analysis of documents, doctor's conclusions, as well as a discussion of the child's problems with parents and teachers.
- The second step is to conduct a comprehensive development survey. Analyze the results with experts and draw a conclusion. At the end, make a psychological and pedagogical description.
- At the third stage, thetasks, conditions, methods and forms of correctional and developmental work. At this stage, parents are actively involved. They receive the necessary assistance, both practical and advisory.
- The fourth stage is considered the main one. The program is implemented, its execution is controlled, changes are made, if necessary. Specialists train parents and teachers in the necessary skills to work with children with disabilities.
- At the fifth stage there is an analysis of the efficiency of mastering the program. Difficulties in its implementation are being clarified, the causes are being searched, and ways of solving problems are being sought.
Program features
The program of individual support for a child with disabilities provides the following opportunities:
- Get an education for a child with disabilities, taking into account his needs and opportunities.
- It is easy for a child with a disability to join a group of peers with normal development.
- Parents have the opportunity to receive help and advice from the necessary specialists and teachers.
- Teachers receive constant methodological assistance and support.
- There is regular monitoring of the development of a child with disabilities and the work is timely adjusted, taking into account his abilities and capabilities.

Forms of work with children with disabilities
To implement the program, it is necessary to conduct various activities with children with disabilities. The program offers several forms of work:
- Specially organized classes.
- Non-program activities.
- Organization of free time.
- Teaching parents.
Features of classes with children with disabilities
Classes with disabled children can take place:
- Customized.
- In groups.
- Together with he althy children.
Be sure to consider:
- Child he alth status.
- Mood.
- Current family circumstances.
There are also several main conditions when conducting classes with children with disabilities:
- The pace of learning should be slowed down.
- Regularly involve children in subject-practical activities.
- Based on the abilities and abilities of the child.
- Take into account the characteristics of the child and adjust his activities.
What are the functions of accompanying activities?
Pedagogical support for children with disabilities involves the performance of some functions:
- The social teacher conducts social and pedagogical work with children and the class teacher, as well as correctional and developmental activities. Provides assistance in collecting the necessary documentation.
- The class teacher monitors the observance of the rights of children with disabilities, ensures the safety of their life and he alth, uses the necessary methods and skills in the classroom to teach children with disabilities, provides assistance to parents, maintains contact with them to control the learning process.

Program implementation
Individualaccompanying a child with disabilities is implemented in several stages:
- First stage: diagnostic work is being carried out, accompanying documentation is being studied. An agreement is made with the parents.
- The social teacher and the class teacher observe the child, conduct conversations with parents, draw up a conclusion about the child's abilities, skills and his emotional state.
- A more thorough examination with the participation of educational psychologists, GPA educators, a social psychologist and a class teacher.
- The “Protocol of the initial examination” is being compiled.
- The correctional development service analyzes the information received.
- Program recommendations being made.
- All information is recorded in a special diary by a social pedagogue. The effectiveness of individual support is evaluated every quarter.
Recommendations for teachers
There are several general recommendations for teachers who provide individual support for a child with disabilities:
- It is necessary to draw up a lesson plan and implement it, taking into account the characteristics of the child and his diagnosis.
- To conduct not only individual lessons, but also group ones, to increase the child's activity and the ability to work in a group.
- Pay attention to the mental state of the child before class.
- Assist with assignments and errands.
- Develop motor skills through special gymnastics, games, tasks.
- Emitpositive emotions, involve children in recreational activities, developing their abilities and talents.

If a child is born with any developmental disabilities, this does not mean at all that it is impossible to teach him something. Only an individual approach can solve the problem of teaching such children. Purposeful work of doctors, teachers and parents will make these kids socially adapted and will provide significant assistance in their development.