GEF is a set of requirements for education at a certain level. The standards apply to all educational institutions. Particular attention is paid to institutions for children with disabilities. Deciphering this abbreviation - limited he alth opportunities. The implementation of the standard in such institutions is complicated by the individual characteristics of the students themselves. To facilitate the work of the Ministry of Education and Science, it has compiled guidelines for the introduction of a standard in educational institutions for children with disabilities.

Deciphering concepts
Recommendations of the Ministry of Education and Science are intended for educational institutions that introduce the following types of GEF IEO for children with disabilities:
- ZPR - psychomotor retardation.
- NODA - disorders of the musculoskeletal system.
- SNR - severe speech disorders.
- RAS - Acoustic Spectrum Disorders.
As part of the standard, adapted programs for children with intellectual disabilities (mentalbackwardness).
Introduction sequence
Materials provided by the Ministry of Education and Science can be considered as exemplary and recommendatory. The actual activity of an educational institution on the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education for Students with Disabilities will depend on the specific regional policy, the situation in the region, and the composition of the teaching staff. Equally important is the readiness of teachers to take into account the various specific educational needs of children.
At the same time, when introducing the GEF IEO for children with disabilities, it is advisable to form a project model that would determine the sequence and content of the work. It is recommended to enter the standard as follows:
- 2016-2017 – 1 classes;
- 2017-2018 – 1 and 2 cells;
- 2018-2019 – 1, 2, 3 cells;
- 2019-2020 – Grades 1-4.
Key tasks
When introducing a standard of education for children with disabilities, educational institutions study in detail exemplary AOEP and curricula. On their basis, programs and plans for a particular educational institution are developed.
The implementation of educational programs for children with disabilities should be carried out by highly qualified teachers. In this regard, the educational institution must have the necessary staff.
If it is not possible to implement the correction program in full, networking should be provided.
For the introduction of GEF IEO for children with disabilities, work should be carried out onensuring the subject-spatial environment (material and technical conditions) in an educational institution.

Organizational events
Schools with disabilities are developing plans to introduce the standard. Plans may include the following activities:
- Formation of a working group to support the implementation of GEF.
- Analysis of the requirements of the standard for the conditions, structure, results of the development of educational programs by children. In the course of it, problematic areas, the nature and extent of the necessary changes in information and methodological materials are determined, the system of work and the potential of the educational institution are studied.
- Drafting, discussion and approval of the necessary documentation.
- Preparatory work with each teacher. It is carried out through advanced training.
- Development of educational and methodological materials, taking into account the recommendations developed by the working group, as well as relevant local documents of the educational institution.
- Checking the readiness of the institution for the introduction of GEF IEO for children with disabilities. If necessary, the necessary licenses are sent to the competent authorities.
- Informing parents about the specifics and prospects of education.
- Recruitment of children with disabilities, children with disabilities.
Space organization
The premises in which lessons are held for children with disabilities, the building as a whole, as well as the adjacent territory must comply with the current sanitary and epidemiological,fire safety requirements, safety standards. This is, in particular, about:
- The area within which the educational institution is located. The territory must have the necessary area, lighting, insolation, a set of zones intended for educational and economic activities. For children using a stroller, access to the educational institution by car should be provided, exits from sidewalks should be organized, and parking spaces should be equipped.
- The building of an educational institution. The building must comply with architectural standards, have the proper height, the necessary set of premises for conducting educational activities, located in accordance with the standards and having the necessary area, illumination. The building should provide for working, play areas, areas for individual studies, rest, and sleep. The structure of zones and premises should provide the possibility of organizing not only classroom, but also extracurricular activities. In all rooms, including bathrooms, children with NODA should not have problems with movement. For this, special elevators, ramps, handrails, wide doorways, lifts are installed. The classroom space must be accessible to every child, including mobility aids.
- Libraries. These premises provide for a complex of working areas, a reading room, the required number of seats, and media libraries.
- Eating, preparing and storing food. In an educational institution, children should receive high-quality hot meals.
- Indoors,designed for music lessons, fine arts, choreography, modeling, technical creativity, foreign language, natural science research.
- Assembly hall.
- Nursing rooms.
The educational institution should have all the necessary supplies, stationery.
The area adjacent to the facility should be adapted for walking and outdoor activities.

In the classrooms there should be working, play areas and spaces for individual lessons. Their structure should provide the possibility of organizing recreation, extracurricular and extracurricular activities.
The educational institution provides for specialist rooms:
- Educator-psychologist.
- Speech therapist teachers.
- Defectologist.
The building should be equipped with facilities for medical and preventive, he alth-improving work, diagnosing disabilities.
Time mode
It is established in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for children with disabilities, the Federal Law "On Education", SanPiN, orders of the Ministry of Education and Science. The temporary regime is fixed in the local documents of the educational organization.
The duration of the school day for a particular child is determined taking into account his specific educational needs, readiness to be without parents among peers.
When setting the daily routine, the increased fatigue of children should be taken into account. The management of the educational institution distributes the volumeloads during the development of the main program and the correction program, time for independent study, rest, physical activity. Education and training are carried out both in the classroom and in the course of extracurricular activities throughout the school day. Teaching children is carried out in the first shift.
Structure of the day
Temporary mode for training is set in accordance with the plan of work with children with disabilities or an individual program. In the first half of the school day, both classroom and extracurricular activities can be organized, including correctional and developmental activities with a defectologist, speech therapist, teacher-psychologist.
Extracurricular activities may take place in the afternoon. It can be associated with both the implementation of a correctional program and plans for additional education for children.

During the lesson, physical exercises (physical education) are required to relieve muscle tension. For children with visual impairments, the content of the physical education session includes exercises for the eyes, preventive measures to prevent visual fatigue and activate the visual system.
Organization of the training place
It is carried out in accordance with the requirements for he alth conservation. The number of the desk should be selected according to the height of the child. This is necessary to maintain the correct posture during class.
The workplace should have proper lighting. When choosing a desk, you should consider which hand the child leading - right or left. In the latter case, it is more expedient to install the table near the window so that the light falls on the right.
School textbooks and other materials should be placed at such a distance that the child can reach them with his hand without assistance, the use of a book stand is mandatory.
A child, being at a learning place, should have open access to the information on the board, information stands, etc.
If necessary (in the presence of severe motor disorders, severe lesions of the upper limbs that prevent the formation of writing skills), the student's place can be equipped with special devices. The desk can be equipped with personal computers adapted for children with disabilities.
All key provisions of the federal standard should be reflected in the adapted program. An educational institution has the exclusive right to develop and approve it. The educational institution independently decides on the need for an examination of the program. The structure of the AOOP IEO includes:
- Explanatory note.
- Planned indicators of the development of the program by students.
- A system for assessing the achievement of planned results.
- Curriculum.
- Programs of corrective measures and individual academic disciplines.
- Plan for the spiritual and moral development of children.
- Program for the formation of UUD.
- Extracurricular activities plan.
- The program for the formation of a safe, he althy lifestyle, ecologicalculture.
- System of conditions for the implementation of the adapted program.
These sections can be contained in AOOP sequentially or combined into blocks:
- Target. It includes an explanatory note, planned indicators for the development of the program, a system of evaluation criteria.
- Informative. It includes a description of the types of adapted programs for children with disabilities of various types.
- Organizational. This block contains a curriculum, a program of extracurricular activities, a set of conditions for the implementation of an adapted program.
AEP of an educational institution may include additional sections that take into account the capabilities and characteristics of the institution itself and the region in which it is located. For example, these could be:
- Program passport.
- Detailed characteristics of the circle of students according to various criteria that are important in the subsequent organization of the educational process. The parameters can be, for example, comorbidities requiring medical support.
- Basic concepts.

Development Features
When drawing up an adapted program, it should be taken into account that it acts as a local regulatory act that describes the content of education and the methodology for implementing standards. The AOOP specifies the provisions of the Federal State Educational Standard in relation to the specifics of the educational institution, the composition of students, pedagogical opportunities, etc. An educational organization can use severaladapted programs.
The procedure and conditions for development are determined in a separate regulatory act of the educational institution. It indicates:
- Rules and frequency of compiling AOOP or making adjustments to the current program.
- Composition, powers, responsibility of participants.
- Project discussion rules.
- Procedure for approval and implementation.
AOOP Implementation
It is carried out taking into account the specific educational needs of individual students or groups of students with disabilities in accordance with the curricula, including individual ones, providing development based on the individualization of the content of the program.
The implementation of AOOP can be carried out both jointly with other children, and in special classes or groups of children. An online form can be used to ensure mastery of the program.
The composition of the AOOP includes a mandatory part and a part formed by the participants in the pedagogical process. Their ratio is set depending on the type of adapted program.
It is formed to ensure the implementation and implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. The curriculum determines the total and maximum volumes of the load, the structure and composition of the mandatory subject and correctional and developmental activities by year of study. AOOP can have one or more plans. The educational institution independently determines the form of organization of the pedagogical process, the alternation of extracurricular and classroom activities within the framework of the program.
Bcurricula provide for the possibility of teaching in the state language of the Russian Federation, in the languages of the peoples of the country. They also determine the number of classes allotted for their study by year of study. Subject areas are included in the curriculum depending on the type of AOOP. The number of classes for four academic years should not exceed 3039 hours, for five - 3821, for six - 4603 hours.
The "correctional-developing area" acts as an integral element of the curriculum. It is implemented through the content of correctional courses developed for the educational institution. The adapted program is being implemented during the organization of classroom and extracurricular activities.
In the part of the curriculum formed by the participants in the pedagogical process, there should be hours for extracurricular work. Their number is set within 10 hours / week. This number is evenly divided into the implementation of areas, in fact, extracurricular work and correctional and developmental activities.

Special rights for participants in the pedagogical process
They are provided for organizing and keeping records of the individual needs and characteristics of each child with disabilities studying in an educational institution. The special rights of children and their parents, included in the curriculum, should be implemented in its preparation, as well as in the course of identifying and fixing educational needs in various forms.
In particular, the local document may provide for:
- Individual study plan within the framework of the general educational program implemented in this educational institution.
- The ability to choose individual subjects, directions, types, courses of educational activities, etc.
Peculiarities of adaptation of children with disabilities
The Law "On Education" establishes that in Russia the conditions are being formed that are necessary for citizens with he alth problems to receive quality education without any discrimination, to correct violations of social development and adaptation, to provide corrective assistance on the basis of special pedagogical methods and approaches that are most appropriate for such persons in languages, ways of communication.
These tasks are implemented using different tools, including through inclusive education. This activity involves ensuring equal access of all students to the pedagogical process, taking into account the diversity of their individual needs and opportunities.
Inclusion can be seen as an attempt to give confidence to children with disabilities, create motivation for them to go to an educational institution with other students - neighbors, friends. Students with specific educational needs and disabilities need special support. It is necessary to create conditions for them to develop their abilities and achieve success in the educational process.
Inclusive education is a process of deep integration. It enables childrenwith disabilities to participate in the life of the staff of an educational institution (kindergarten, school, university). Integration involves activities aimed at promoting the equality of students, regardless of their problems. Inclusion allows you to improve the ways children communicate, the interaction between parents and teachers, teachers and students.

It is worth noting, however, that at present inclusive education is complicated by a number of unresolved issues. First of all, this concerns the adaptability of the facilities of educational institutions to the reception of children with disabilities. Not all educational institutions provide facilities to facilitate the movement of students. To ensure a normal pedagogical process, it is necessary to adjust the curricula and expand the staff. Not every educational institution goes for it.
Inclusive education in the preschool educational institution is well established. Recently, however, there has been a trend towards a gradual transition to co-education of he althy children and children with disabilities in secondary schools and universities.