Plants and animals are capricious, but the most nasty and harmful of all are people. Sometimes you want variety and the question arises of how else can you call an unbearable person? Today we will analyze the answer in detail, because the object of our study is whimsical.

We often use this word to mean that there is too much trouble with this or that object or living being. And interestingly, the explanatory dictionary agrees with us? Let's open it up and find out. So, the smart book suggests using the adjective in two senses:
- Cranky, with whims, quirks.
- Quirky, intricate.
Some girl with exorbitant requests asks for the first meaning as an illustration. But let's not be so predictable in this case, because there are also men who date only rich women, and they bypass those who have no money. They are not interested in them. What to do, whimsical men are the scourge of our time. In fact, the phenomenon is as old as the world. Once, however, asnow, such men were called gigolos.
There is no moral connotation in the second meaning of the word whimsical. It captures the whimsicality of the phenomenon, for example, if we are talking about a carpet with a whimsical pattern or a pattern carved on a wooden material. Of course, most of us would say that this kind of work is quirky, but you can put it more elegantly.
And why are whimsical people harmful?

At the very beginning we said that capricious people are the most harmful of all. It is necessary, of course, to confirm his idea. When a plant or animal shows character, it is because of natural inclinations rather than malicious intent that they do so. In the sense that our smaller brothers cannot, as a rule, tame themselves, but they can be brought up. And a person can be harmful out of principle. Moreover, even if you give him what he wants, it may not solve the problem. Maybe even a human is harder to train than a tiger.
Yes, a whimsical person is a special psychological subspecies. If you've ever seen this, you know what we're talking about. Let's be honest, not all people, especially adults, can be trained. The success of the enterprise depends on the degree of neglect of the object of influence.
Therefore, you need to choose for communication and life of people who do not require much and especially do not ask about their person. With them there is less trouble, which means there is a chance to get more pleasure from life. But if you look at the problem from the other side, then the choice of people, plants, whimsical animals is a challenge, a test. To whomnot enough risk in life, they can try to take on this burden.