The history of Russia in the 20th century is continuously connected with revolutionary events, world wars and various military actions of a smaller scale. That is why the fate of the famous Soviet military leaders is so attractive, including the hero of the Soviet Union, Marshal Poluboyarov Pavel Pavlovich. His biography is a reflection of the history of the state, it is difficult to overestimate his role in the history of the country of the Soviets, it is impossible to repeat his life path.
From early youth to a high goal
The future Marshal Poluboyarov Pavel Pavlovich was born in the glorious city of Tula on June 3, 1901 (old style). His father is a simple handicraftsman, and if not for the October Revolution, Pavel would have faced the same path - hard work from dark to dark, attempts to make ends meet, to provide the family with at least minimal conditions.

Father could not imagine that his son would reach such heights in the militarybranch that Marshal Poluboyarov Pavel Pavlovich will appear on the family tree. But Poluboyarov Sr. dreamed that the heir would get out into the people, and for this he needed education. The young man entered the local city school, and after graduating from the educational institution he took the position of an accountant, then he mastered working professions at the factory.
On guard of the motherland
The revolutionary events of the beginning of the century could not ignore the ambitious and courageous guy. The future Marshal Poluboyarov began his military career, so to speak, from the role of a labor combatant. Very quickly, from a private, he became the head of squads, entered the board, honestly performed his duties throughout 1917-1918.

Almost immediately began his political career, which went hand in hand with the military. In 1920, Marshal Poluboyarov, known in the future, joined the ranks of the Communists, and from November 1919, into the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army. Infantry command courses in Tula are the “first school” of a young soldier, but Pavel was raving about technology, so he entered the School of Armored Forces. As later life showed, the young man made the right choice.
In the 1930s. Poluboyarov's career is going uphill: in 1926 he took the post of platoon commander, and in 1929 he was appointed to act in the affairs of the armored division in the Kyiv 45th rifle division. After 2 years, he becomes the chief of staff in the tank training regiment. Pavel Pavlovich is engaged not only in practical work, tirelessly improves his qualifications, for four years (until December 1938) he -student of the Military Academy of Mechanization and Motorization, named after Joseph Stalin.
In war as in war…
The future marshal of the armored forces Poluboyarov Pavel Pavlovich begins a new campaign to the heights of military glory in 1938. Being the head of the armored forces in the Trans-Baikal Military District, he takes part in the battles on the Khalkhin-Gol River. Then he is transferred first to Leningrad, then to the B altic States.

Poluboyarov began his own war with the Nazis on the North-Western Front, since 1942 he, as deputy commander of the Kalinin Front, was transferred to the 17th Tank Corps of the Voronezh Front at his personal request.
The origins of the glory of the heroes of Kantemirovites
For now, General, and in the near future Marshal Poluboyarov Pavel Pavlovich takes part in the defense of Voronezh from the Nazis, in military operations on the Middle Don. The tank corps under his leadership especially distinguished itself in the battles for the urban village of Kantemirovka, when a brilliant military operation was carried out, and the Soviet troops advanced deep behind enemy lines. From now on, the building has become known as Kantemirovsky.

The corps of General Poluboyarov fought heroically against the Germans on the Oryol-Kursk Bulge, then took part in the liberation of Ukrainian cities and villages. With the liberation of the territories of the Soviet Union, the war did not end for General Poluboyarov. The corps under his leadership liberated Silesia, Poland, in particular Krakow, fought on the Sandomierz bridgehead, took part in the Prague and Berlinoperations.
The title of Hero of the Soviet Union Pavel Poluboyarov received for the liberation of the German city of Dresden. The operation was carried out brilliantly, the enemy was driven out, and the amazing architecture, the masterpieces of the famous gallery, were preserved.
"War and Peace" by Marshal Poluboyarov
At the end of World War II, Poluboyarov's career did not stop, since 1946 he was appointed commander of a tank army (5th). In 1954, he occupied an important and responsible post of the head of the armored forces, since 1961 - the head of the tank forces. On August 28, 1962, Pavel Pavlovich Poluboyarov became Marshal of the Armored Forces.

A specialist of the highest level, he is reorganizing the troops, developing and putting into practice new types of tank weapons and equipment. He devotes a lot of time to training highly professional personnel. His track record includes work as a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the BSSR and the RSFSR, membership in the Central Committee of the CPSU.
Pavel Pavlovich Poluboyarov went a long and difficult path from captain to marshal, took part in hostilities and led military units in peacetime. He was awarded various orders and medals, one of the regiments that are part of the Kantemirovskaya tank division was named after the legendary commander.