Tools of labor of primitive people. Origin, use

Tools of labor of primitive people. Origin, use
Tools of labor of primitive people. Origin, use

The beginning of the history of the formation of human society is marked by that distant time when the first tools of labor of primitive man began to appear. Our ancestors (Australopithecines), being engaged in gathering, did not use any kind of objects - neither raw nor processed.

Tools of labor of primitive people. Preconditions for emergence

the first tools of labor of primitive man
the first tools of labor of primitive man

According to a number of scientists, great apes (human ancestors), who migrated to the earth from trees, in the process of survival and struggle for existence, used sticks and stones, “processed” by nature, to protect themselves from predatory animals. Subsequently, the found objects began to be used for food production. At the same time, at first they were used only as needed, and after use they were thrown away. But in the course of biological development and a long accumulation of experience, anthropoid apes became more and more convinced that tools that are not always necessary can be easily found. This, in turn, led to the idea thatthat the items needed by the ancestors should somehow be preserved. In addition, there was a need to use more convenient items. As a result, the tools of labor of primitive people became permanent instead of temporary ones. Along with this, gradually the ancestors began to accumulate and save the found items.

Processed tools of labor of primitive man

primitive man's tools
primitive man's tools

In this or that situation, it was not always possible to find objects with which it would be convenient to break a nut, for example, or deliver an effective blow to the enemy, or dig up a root or tuber in the ground. Gradually, humanoid apes begin to understand the need to give tools the necessary shape. So the processed objects began to appear. It should be said that the processed tools of labor of primitive people had little difference from the unprocessed ones found in nature.

Over time, experience began to accumulate, the ancient ancestors began to make hand-held small axes. This item was a universal tool of labor for primitive people for a long time and was used in a wide variety of activities. Among wooden objects, the digging stick, which had a pointed end, was widely used. With its help, ancient people dug up larvae, roots, tubers from the ground. A little later, a club and club appeared. For a long time, the first was used as a shock, and the second - as a throwing weapon.

tools of primitive people
tools of primitive people

These items were also used whengathering, and during hunting, and for protection against attacks of predators. A little later, a primitive man makes a spear. Gradually, it replaced the club and club. Together with the ax, various tools made of stone appear and become quite common. So, there are scrapers, chippers, knives, discs, points, spearheads, cutters, and more.

How primitive people's tools were made

Simple things were whole. They were made from a single piece of stone or wood. Subsequently, composite products began to appear. So, a flint and then a bone tip were attached to the end of the spear, using a leather belt as a fixative. Wooden handles were attached to the axes. Such tools became the prototype of a hoe, hammer, ax.
