Dnepropetrovsk, Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine: admission committee, speci alties, reviews and tuition fees

Dnepropetrovsk, Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine: admission committee, speci alties, reviews and tuition fees
Dnepropetrovsk, Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine: admission committee, speci alties, reviews and tuition fees

One of the largest industrial centers of Ukraine today is Dnepropetrovsk, whose Metallurgical Academy annually graduates a huge number of highly qualified specialists.

History of the university: pre-war stage

dnepropetrovsk metallurgical academy
dnepropetrovsk metallurgical academy

The future academy appeared in Dnepropetrovsk in the autumn of 1899, at that time it was a factory branch of another institution - the Higher Mining School. Since then, NMetAU has been the oldest metallurgical university in Ukraine, all other institutions have been closed or transformed.

In 1912, the academy changed its legal status and became the metallurgical faculty of the Yekaterinoslav Mining Institute. Eighteen years later, working professions have become more in demand. And it was decided to form on the basis of the faculty an independent Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgicalinstitute.

On April 17, 1930, an order of the Supreme Council of National Economy was published, according to which the institute became independent. During the Great Patriotic War, students of the then DMI, in parallel with their studies, worked on the production of parts for the army, many of them volunteered for the front. In the period from 1941 to 1943, the institution functioned in Magnitogorsk, after which it was again returned to Dnepropetrovsk.

History of the university after the Second World War

The popularity of the institute after the war increased several times, many school graduates began to enter this institution. In addition, there was a stream of students wishing to study in the evenings, so in 1959 the evening department of the institute was opened. A few years later, it was transformed into a branch, and then into an independent educational institution.

In the 1990s, the status of the institution changed, in 1993 it became the State Academy, and six years later - the National Academy. The institution is actively implementing world educational practices, recently NMetAU has been actively participating in the Bologna process, graduating international level specialists.

NMetAU today

metallurgical academy
metallurgical academy

Today, more than 20 thousand students, 200 graduate and doctoral students study at the academy. The process is under the strict control of 1000 teachers, 15% of whom are professors and have other scientific degrees. Most of the students who plan to get a quality education go to Dnepropetrovsk, the Metallurgical Academy of which allows them to findjobs around the world.

At the Academy there are 13 scientific schools that study metallurgy in parallel. Every year, NMetAU publishes a number of periodicals, the most famous of which are "Technical thermophysics and industrial thermal power engineering", "Theory and practice of metallurgy".

International cooperation

metallurgical academy dnepropetrovsk faculties
metallurgical academy dnepropetrovsk faculties

The National Metallurgical Academy takes an active part in the creation of international projects. Teachers and students of the educational institution are in constant contact with colleagues from Europe and Asia. Every year, new projects are launched aimed at the development of the metallurgical industry.

NMetAU employees in 2000 took the initiative to create a consortium of several technical universities, which developed a modern methodology for teaching specialists in the field of metallurgy. Thus, all students of this Ukrainian academy receive an education similar to the European one and have the right to undergo internships in organizations located on the territory of the European Union.

Metallurgical Academy (Dnepropetrovsk): faculties

metallurgical academy dnepropetrovsk admission committee
metallurgical academy dnepropetrovsk admission committee

There are 10 faculties within the educational institution. In addition, it has two branches in Krivoy Rog and Nikopol. The leading one is the metallurgical faculty. It has seven departments, where they teach working with steel, cast iron, metallurgicalfuels, reducing agents, chemicals, and metallurgical processes. It trains specialists who control the safety of employees at work.

The official name of the higher educational institution is the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine (NMetAU), previously it was abbreviated as DMetI, DMetAU. The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering should be considered separately. Students here are engaged in the study of graphics, vehicles, technological methods, as well as various types of mechanics. Electrometallurgical specializes in foundry production, the study of electrical materials, as well as non-ferrous metal.

The faculties of computer systems, energy and automation, as well as materials science and metal processing are popular among students. In parallel with this, the academy has departments for advanced training, retraining of graduates and continuous forms of education, allowing you to master speci alties all year round and according to a convenient schedule.

The 1990s demanded that the university introduce new products. Thanks to this, the Faculty of Economics and Management first appeared, and then the Humanities. All those who would like to connect their future activities with production, but do not have sufficient knowledge and do not know the exact sciences, can enter there.

Features of NMetAU

Metallurgical Academy has its own newspaper, which is distributed free of charge among students of the educational institution. The language of publication is Ukrainian, the management is carried out by teachers and activists of the academy. ATIn 2015, the newspaper will celebrate its 85th anniversary, and a number of festive events are planned.

The institution has student self-government bodies that are active in adapting beginners, organizing leisure and entertainment, as well as developing the scientific field of knowledge of all students. Despite the staff turnover within the council itself and the bodies under its control, the activists manage to maintain a positive attitude among the students of the academy.

Academy Admissions Committee

Nmetau Dnepropetrovsk
Nmetau Dnepropetrovsk

NMetAU Admissions Committee (Dnepropetrovsk) usually starts its work in May and ends at the end of August. In February, preparatory courses begin for those who intend to enter, but are not confident in their own abilities. You should sign up for them in January, for this you need to contact by phone: +38(056)7453371 or +38(056)3748214.

Students should pay special attention to the beautiful city where the Metallurgical Academy is located - Dnepropetrovsk. The admission committee of the educational institution tries to give time to everyone, but the wait is sometimes too tiring. Especially for guests of the city, the university has guidebooks that you can use.

What documents are needed for admission?

To become a student of NMetAU, you will need to submit a number of documents. Admission to the academy is possible only on condition that the applicant has a complete secondary education. First of all, you will need to provide the original passport and itsscanned pages.

The admission committee will also require the student to have documents confirming the completion of a complete secondary education, and their photocopies. It is necessary to present UPE certificates, a copy of the vaccination card, a medical certificate, a copy of the identification code, as well as six photographs 3x4 centimeters in size.

Those liable for military service will have to present a military ID or registration certificate. Those who are going to combine study with work will have to demonstrate an extract from the work book. Students who are eligible for certain benefits are required to provide relevant information to the admissions office.

Entrance exams

nmetau dnepropetrovsk tuition fees
nmetau dnepropetrovsk tuition fees

The Metallurgical Academy is a fairly serious educational institution, therefore, for admission, it is mandatory to pass exams in the Ukrainian language and mathematics. There are three tests in total, the third usually depends on which speci alty the student is applying for.

As a third exam, applicants usually take physics, chemistry, a foreign language or geography. When applying for economic speci alties, the academy requires potential students to pass an excellent test in the history of Ukraine, this test is considered the leading one.

Metallurgical Academy (Dnepropetrovsk): tuition fees

NMetAU has free places to study, but in order to receive them, students need to demonstrate high results. Those who fail to do so will have to rely onpaid places. The annual cost of education in this case will directly depend on the faculty where the student plans to get an education.

On a full-time bachelor's degree, the cheapest way to study is at the Faculty of Economics, the minimum cost of two semesters there is 4140 hryvnia. The most expensive department is humanitarian, the cost of education is 8850 hryvnia per year. And the administration of the academy does not rule out that it will only grow.

The situation is different at the correspondence department. The minimum cost of education here is 3,220 hryvnias per year, and the maximum is 5,000 hryvnias. The most expensive thing here is getting a speci alty related to the economic component of the enterprise. And the cheapest way would be to study at the mechanical engineering and metallurgical faculties. The main reason that makes students come to Dnepropetrovsk is the metallurgical academy, and the complexity of the entrance examinations does not frighten them.

Teaching a different type

national metallurgical academy
national metallurgical academy

It's hard to believe, but the speci alty still functions in such a modern university as NMetAU (Dnepropetrovsk). The cost of studying students here depends on the faculty and speci alty. At the full-time department, the most expensive classes are in the speci alties "Intellectual Property", "Accounting and Audit", "Management of Foreign Economic Activity". The annual payment here is 8280 hryvnia.

A part-time study will be the most expensive for students receiving economic and humanitarian education. Maximumthe cost of getting an education here is almost 5 thousand hryvnia per year, the minimum is about 3 thousand.

Those who want to continue their studies can do this in the magistracy. But the number of state-funded places there is small, so you will most likely have to receive such an education on a paid basis. The minimum cost of education here is 5700 hryvnia per year, and the maximum is 10 thousand. At the correspondence department of the magistracy, the payment for two semesters does not exceed 5 thousand hryvnia.


If you live in Ukraine and intend to get a world-class quality education, pay attention to Dnepropetrovsk, the Metallurgical Academy of which will allow you to achieve high results. A graduate of NMetAU can count on a job not only in his own country, but also abroad. The Metallurgical Academy is located in Dnepropetrovsk at Gagarin Ave., 4.
