How to write correctly: get or get?

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How to write correctly: get or get?
How to write correctly: get or get?

Many people who graduated from school too long ago, or who have not yet approached the cherished topic "-tsya" and "-tsya", the question may arise: "How to write correctly: get it or get it?" Well, in order to understand this topic, you need to know that these two words have a different meaning.

Verb conjugations
Verb conjugations

The spelling of "get" or "get" depends on the meaning a person puts into their sentence. Depending on this, the form of the word will change, which includes gender, number, case and time. Despite the similarity, these two words have a different initial form.

To get or to get

So. In order to understand how to write correctly - "get" or "get", you need to understand the meaning and forms of these words.

"Poluchatsya" is a word used in Russian as a verb. The stress in this word falls on the letter "u". The word "get" has 4 syllables, 9 letters and 9 sounds. The initial form of this word is the word"get", that is, the singular present tense. The word itself is in the future tense of the plural of the third person and refers to the pronoun "they". "Get" is an active voice verb. The meaning of this word is "to succeed", "to get out". It can also be used in a somewhat disparaging way about someone.

Example usage: "You know, we'll make dubious partners."

Error in a word
Error in a word

"To get" is a word that is used as a verb in Russian. The stress in the word falls on the letter "a", which is in the third syllable. The word is its own infinitive, that is, the initial form and the given are the same. Therefore, this word has no gender. The word also has 4 syllables and 9 sounds, but, unlike "get it", it has 10 letters. "Get" is an imperfective verb, active voice, and refers to the present tense. The meaning of this word is "to succeed", "to work well".

Usage example: "If he does well, I'll let him do the work alone."

Will it work or will it work?

How to write this combination of words correctly? It's easier to understand here than with the previous one: "succeed" is the initial form of the word "success".

"It will turn out" is a future tense verb. It is used in the meaning of "will come out", "work". Exampleuse - "We will succeed."

"Succeed" is used in neutral sentences. Often with the word "should". This word expresses some uncertainty about the result, in contrast to "it will turn out." Usage example - "I should succeed, because I have prepared well."
