How to write words correctly with prefixes half-, half-? What is the difference between these attachments? What are the rules? Many are interested in how the prefixes half-, half- are written with words. Most do not know or remember these spelling rules.
There are a few basic rules that will help you distinguish between how words with half- and half- are spelled correctly, because in our time it is important to be an educated person. First, let's look at words with the prefix semi-.
It must be remembered that compound words with this particle should be written together: half boots, half a year, and so on
As for words with the prefix pol-, there are a number of rules that will help you not to make a mistake.
- Gender - it is necessary to write together with the root only if it is followed by a consonant letter. For example, half an hour, half past seven, half a bed, half a cup, and so on.
- A hyphen must be used when half- is followed by a vowel: half a lesson, half a berry, half an avocado.
- If after the prefix floor- the letter l follows, then in thiscase, you should also use a hyphen: half a liter, half a spoon.
- After the prefix pol- it is also necessary to put a hyphen if the word is the name of a country, city or is capitalized. For example, half of Moscow, half of Spain.
- If there is a pronoun or an adjective between the prefix gender and another noun, then everything is written separately. For example, half a tablespoon.

It is important to know how words with half-, half- are written. However, there are exceptions to any rule:
- The word half-litre, in theory, should be written with a hyphen, but no. It is written together, as it comes from the Old Slavonic half-liter.
- Words that start with half- before a vowel are written together. For example, half a turn.
- There are words with the prefix semi-, which used to be written with a hyphen. However, such exceptions have now lost their relevance and are now written together. For example, semi-serious and semi-serious.
- It is worth mentioning that in some words both forms of the prefix can be used: half- and half-: half-word, half-word.

We hope that we were able to explain in detail with the help of examples how words with half-, half- are written. We wish you good luck.