In the understanding of many, the word "elderly" is associated with old age. So called people who have crossed a certain age line. However, this concept is much broader than we used to think. There are several interesting historical facts that can broaden the reader's horizons and allow him to navigate the various meanings of the word. How little we know about the etymology of words, their meaning and variants. An educated person should always be at the height of information.
Let's turn to historical sources

The elderly is a fixed cash collection, which was practiced in the Russian state at the end of the 15th - beginning of the 17th century. Every peasant who decided to leave his master and become free was obliged to pay it. There were also certain time frames for payment, no less interesting: a week before the autumn holiday St. George's Day (November 2 toold style, December 9, new) and a week after.
Now, if you are asked the question: "The elderly - what is it?" - you will not give an example of a person's age, but remember the history of great Russia and answer it correctly. For the first time, the concept of the elderly (this is precisely the amount of money) was mentioned in an official document called “Sudebnik”, the entries in which began in 1497. There was even a specific article number - 57. This fact meant that the fee had to be paid strictly, without disputes and claims. Those who evaded payment were threatened with a fine, which at that time significantly hit the pocket of a poor peasant.
Amount of duty

On average, the size of the elderly (depending on the degree of distance from the forest) was a ruble, if a person lived in a wooded area, - half a ruble. The rewritten "Sudebnik" of 1550 (the article was also modified - it was already at number 88) made its own adjustments to the size of the elderly. At that time it was two altyns. It would be superfluous to say that the elderly is a merciless requisition, which was not available to every peasant. He might not have earned that kind of money from the owner. There was only one way out - not to go anywhere, continuing to work hard, and not dreaming of long-awaited freedom in the near future.
When in the XVI-XVII centuries. the right of the peasant to leave his owner was abolished at the legislative level, the concept of "elderly" disappeared as such. Almost a century later, the situation has changed a little and the elderly - it was already a fine for receiving and sheltering on your own.territory of runaway peasants. Due to the fact that the price of compassion was rather big, there were very few people who wanted to shelter the unfortunate.
Back to human age

Another phrase we'll look at is – old people. This is a category of the population that has lived a certain number of years. As a rule, they are already slowly moving away from active participation in labor and socially active activities. This concept is identical to the retirement age. To correctly determine when a person reaches this milestone, you need to take into account many factors. The main ones among them are social, economic, medical and cultural. To give a specific example, if a man or woman has not yet reached retirement age, but cannot participate in the labor activity under the same conditions as before, they are not considered old. And some even after 60 remain extremely active and can easily "give odds" to the young. Thus, medical and social factors do not always coincide and sometimes run counter to each other.
But in general, older people are, according to the WHO classification, those who have already turned 60, but have not turned 74 (old age follows).
Old age or experience

To a person who is no longer young, sometimes there are increased demands from society. Sometimes it's a public show of disdain. An elderly person is, according to some, already worked out material, regrettable as it may be.sounds. But this approach is a road to nowhere. We must not forget that it is today's older people who have provided us with a certain standard of living, even if not always the way we would like. An old or elderly person is an integral part of life, and he deserves honor and respect. Don't forget about it. Anyone who does not honor old age, does not appreciate her experience, is unlikely to receive many privileges in the future. In addition, the years will fly by unnoticed, and everyone will be in the status of an elderly person. A lot depends on how much sensitivity, kindness and compassion is invested in every kid or teenager - our future and our dignified old age depend on it.