Varangian Guard. Army of the Byzantine Empire. Military history of the Middle Ages

Varangian Guard. Army of the Byzantine Empire. Military history of the Middle Ages
Varangian Guard. Army of the Byzantine Empire. Military history of the Middle Ages

The Byzantine Empire, having become the successor of the Great Roman Empire, stretched from Italy to Asia Minor, including the territory of Greece and the Balkan Peninsula. Its we alth and power irritated its neighbors, so they had to wage constant wars. The most combat-ready unit in the Byzantine army was rightfully considered the Varangian guard - the special forces of the Ancient World. These were not just mercenaries. Their experience, military traditions, discipline, loy alty and structure made these Varangians look like a military formation, as modern man imagines it to be. However, first things first.


First you need to answer the question, who are the Vikings. This word came to the Greek language in the meaning of "Norwegian". However, it should be understood that the educated Byzantines perfectly distinguished between the Normans, Vikings, Russ and Varangians. They had more contact with the latter. In addition, the first guard of the Varangians, or the Varangian guard of the emperor, was formed from Vikings and Russians. They were sent as a gift from the prince as a sign of respect. Some philologists argue that the word"varanga" came from the ancient Scandinavian language and meant "gift". And Tatishchev and Stralenberg were sure that the "Varangians" - a derivative of the word varg - "wolf" or "robber".

Max Vasmer disagrees with these conclusions. In his interpretation, the name "Varangians" comes from the ancient German word wara ("oath"). Varangians are warriors who took an oath. A rather bold statement, given that the military cultures of many peoples are full of sacred vows, rituals, but for some reason it is necessary to single out the Varangians.

In ancient Norwegian there is a word "veral", meaning cohesion, the ability to stand up not only for yourself, but also for your brother in arms. Considering the living conditions of such people and their priorities, it can be argued that this version also has a right to exist.

Varangian Guard
Varangian Guard

In general, the question of who the Varangians are remains open. Analysis of historical sources also did not contribute to the unity of opinion on this issue. The Scandinavian chronicles of the Varangians are associated with military service in Byzantium. Russian chronicles single them out as a separate nation, and Russkaya Pravda by Yaroslav the Wise establishes their social status.

There are many versions about the etymology of this word, and the dispute is far from over.

The Need for Reliable Warriors

Byzantine Emperor Basil the 2nd Bulgar Slayer was well aware of the danger posed by palace intrigues and rebellions of military governors. The uprising of Varda Foka impressed the basileus so much that he made the fateful decision to surround himself not only with reliable bodyguards, but also to createself-sufficient military unit capable of crushing rebellion in any corner of the vast empire.

Where can I get such "miracle heroes"? The emperor did not have high hopes for his Romans. Although Roman culture gave birth to great warriors, they were fundamentally vicious and corrupt. It was decided to bet on the "barbarians". Moreover, Vasily 2 had something to offer.

The choice fell on Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich of Kyiv, the future baptizer of Russia, whom the Russian Orthodox Church declared equal to the apostles (saints who especially distinguished themselves in converting peoples to the Christian faith and preaching the Gospel). Chronicles, chronicles left a memory of him as a cruel sadist, rapist and murderer (the murder of not only his brother Yaropolk, but also the Polotsk prince Rogvolod and his sons, the rape of Rogneda right in front of his parents) and many other equally "great" deeds.

At the same time, he provided military assistance more than once, knowing full well what the army of the Byzantine Empire was like. Moreover, he was not afraid of her. It was on such a person that the Byzantine emperor decided to rely.

who are the varyags
who are the varyags

Deal with the prince of Kyiv

Each party, when concluding certain agreements, pursues its own goals. Basileus was in dire need of reliable warriors, since the military power of Constantinople was significantly reduced. The throne shook. Vladimir Svyatoslavovich had two urgent problems: to strengthen his power over the Russian lands, and for this, the monotheistic Christian religion, according to his idea, was best suited. The second reason is to get rid of violent allies.

The appearance of the Varangians in Byzantium was largely due to the fact that at one time they not only provided the disgraced Prince Vladimir with asylum, but also supported him in his fight against Yaropolk. Now the urgent need for them has disappeared. Keeping well-trained, brave and strong warriors in check, accustomed to rob, kill, became more and more difficult.

Soon, Vladimir Svyatoslavovich proved in practice that it is better to be friends with him. When Anna of Byzantium refused to marry him, the Kyiv prince laid siege to Korsun (Chersonesos in Sevastopol). There was a real threat that Constantinople would fall next “under distribution”. Naturally, in such conditions, the heart of the beauty softened. The Russian lands, as it is officially presented, were baptized "peacefully", and there was more one Equal-to-the-Apostles saint. But that's another story.

Byzantium also received the Varangian guards (6000 selected warriors, formed from the Varangians and Russ, sent from the Kyiv prince) - one of the most experienced and skilled fighters on the planet. Next, you need to pay attention to some issues related to their weapons and fighting style.

Byzantine guard
Byzantine guard

Sword and shield

Judging by the archaeological data, swords were quite widely used. Usually it is a one-handed two-edged blade made of crucible steel. His dol was located in the center. The blade had an average of 80 cm in length and 5-6 cm in width. Three quarters of its length are double-edged, and the last quarter was sharpened on one side only. Histhe handle was short. The distance between the guard and the pommel is 9 cm, sometimes it reached 10.5 cm. The weight in the early version was about 1 kg, and in the later version - 3 kg.

Judging by the very design of the sword, the Varangian guards used it mainly for cutting blows in the upper and lower levels. The latter direction is more promising. The legs, as a rule, did not have serious protection. The main blood arteries are also located there, if damaged, the enemy was guaranteed to fail in the shortest possible time.

Most often come across shields of a round shape with a fist grip. Their diameter was about 95 cm. Significantly less often, but still, there are finds of staples, rings for belt fastening such protection on the shoulder. But you can not consider the shield only as a means of protection. They could strike with edges or simply knock the enemy to the ground. This way of fighting was known back in Rome.

Battle axes

Very often a sword and an ax are present in the same Viking burial. There were two kinds. The first type is short one-handed with a small butt and a narrow blade. The second type of battle ax was of impressive size, being a two-handed weapon. This is the famous Danish axe, or Bridex with half-moon edges. The width of the blade varied from 30 to 45 cm. An experienced fighter could easily blow off the enemy's head with one blow. The weapon was comfortable to use at long and medium distances.


This is another of the most favorite "tools" of mercenaries in Byzantium. It could be covered with a shield, inflicting piercing blows. Suchany shield-bearer could cover the spear-bearer, and if their actions were coordinated, their effectiveness increased. The northern spear was 1.5 meters long. Its wide tip was leaf-shaped.

The trick of any spearhead was a stopper, this simple "tuning" made it possible to quickly remove the weapon from the body when stabbing the enemy. The weight of such a spear was impressive. It was convenient in hand-to-hand combat, but when throwing it caused some inconvenience. Therefore, it is worth mentioning throwing spears separately. They were shorter in length and had a narrow tip.

army of the byzantine empire
army of the byzantine empire

Bow and arrows

The Varangian guards had great respect for small arms, having repeatedly convinced themselves of its effectiveness. Before you meet in hand-to-hand combat, the enemy was fired with arrows and darts. Archery was not carried out with aim, but with a canopy. The tension force, according to archaeologists, reached 40 kg. At a short distance, such an archer could well penetrate chain mail.

Stock of arrows worn on the belt (usually about 40 pieces). Depending on the tasks assigned to such a unit, the arrowheads also varied. Long and narrow, it was intended for a well-protected target, for example, it could be some kind of warrior in armor. There were also assault, incendiary tips - they were much heavier than usual.

Prospects of service for the Emperor

The Byzantines wouldn't be Byzantines if they didn't know how to take financial advantage out of any situation. Even when recruiting mercenaries into the ranks of your armythey managed to make a living. So, in order to get into the ranks of the Varangian guard, it was necessary to pay a fee. If the candidate had no funds, he could take a loan from the treasury or ask for help from fellow countrymen.

On the other hand, his salary was 10 times higher than that of ordinary warriors. From 40 to 70 grams of gold per month. In addition to monetary rewards, the guardsman received a share of military booty. And even this was not yet the limit of the generosity of the employers. On major church holidays, gifts were relied upon, and if the emperor died, the new government allowed him to enter the palace and take any thing he liked. Such concern for mercenaries was dictated by necessity. They have long proven their effectiveness on the battlefield.

Second point - the we althiest aristocrats themselves acquired their own armies, but the emperor's soldiers should not only be well equipped, but also be loyal to him alone. This was not only a guarantee of his survival, but also the retention of power.

Therefore, the European nobility did not consider it shameful to join the army of the basileus. Having gained experience, upon returning home, they could apply for higher positions. The financial side of the issue was also very tempting. And most importantly, such a leader acquired connections, useful contacts among the elite of one of the most influential states in the world.

mercenaries in byzantium
mercenaries in byzantium

Scandinavian mercenary officers

The military history of the Middle Ages knows many examples of how service for the Byzantine emperors became an excellent springboard forambitious European commanders. Some of them, like Harald Hartrada, later became a monarch.

In the meantime, they gained experience, passing the harsh school of life. Selected guardsmen and junior commanders were called manglobits (from the word "manglobit", which means "club"). Indeed, in addition to golden-handled swords, they carried wooden clubs. The Manglobites were responsible for guarding the emperor.

The spafar candidates are next in importance. These were middle-level commanders. They usually had about 500 subordinates. Enough to complete any special task. The Byzantine guard was highly mobile. Some contemporaries noticed one interesting feature: the Russians moved mainly on the ground, and the Scandinavian detachments - on the water.

Varangian Guard
Varangian Guard

Finally, the akoluf is considered the highest position. He not only commands the elite squads of mercenaries. If necessary, the entire army of Byzantium is reassigned to him. The emperor's trust in officers with such a position was so great that even the keys to the city were left for them.

Loy alty and tradition

Not only material gain was the main motivation for such warriors. Entire dynasties arose, personally devoted to the illustrious person. They were even ready to go to certain death for the sake of their master. True, this fidelity played a cruel joke with them. When another palace coup was raised, after the victory and assassination of the monarch, such guardsmen were not spared. Apparently, mindful of one apt proverb said about AndronicusKomnenos, but it is surprisingly suitable for all Byzantine monarchs: "The Emperor trusts only the dog by the bed, but the Varangian guard outside the door."

Secret Police

The British once very aptly noticed the specifics of the Byzantine political culture, they called it just that - "Byzantine politics." At the same time, hinting at an endless series of various ingenious intrigues and political assassinations. The Basileus very quickly realized who could be entrusted with this important work - counterintelligence. This already characterizes the mercenaries in Byzantium from the best side. Because entrusting such events to ordinary thugs is more expensive for yourself. Such cases required a delicate approach. The guards did an excellent job with this task.

Along the way, they were engaged in the elimination of political opponents, if the monarch suspected that one of his subordinates had become excessively influential.

Varangian guard special forces of the ancient world
Varangian guard special forces of the ancient world

The beginning of the battle path of the Varangian Guard

On April 13, 989, the first baptism of fire of the sent corps of the Russians and the Varangians who were with them took place. They attacked the rebels suddenly. The chronicles mention that the supporters of Varda Foka were so careless that they did not think of anything but wine on this beautiful morning. The Taurus-Scythian elite detachment, as Byzantine sources call it, most cruelly prevented this undertaking. Those who did not die in the skirmish abandoned everything of value and tried to hide. Some were caught up, and some were released in disgrace. This group of rebels no longer posed a threat.

This event can bethe right to consider the birth of the Byzantine guard.



Centuries have passed. Byzantium has long disappeared from the political map of the world. But much remains incorruptible. For example, the memory of the Varangians in the service of the emperor. They were remembered not only as dashing fighters, but also as warriors who above all value loy alty to their comrades-in-arms and the basileus. For warriors, the word "valor" was not an empty phrase. They did terrible things on the way to enrichment and glory, but only because historical realities demanded it from them. In their field, the Varangian guards were the best, combining adventurism, strategic thinking and complete contempt for their enemies and death.
