What biological traits does a person inherit and can society change them?

What biological traits does a person inherit and can society change them?
What biological traits does a person inherit and can society change them?

Social studies in Russia begin to be taught in schools in the 5th grade. What biological traits does a person inherit? This question is one of the first to study and reflect, and it is logical. Is it worth studying human society without fully understanding who people are and whether they are just highly developed animals?

what biological traits a person inherits grade 5
what biological traits a person inherits grade 5

About 50 thousand years ago, people gained intelligence and began to build their lives the way they wanted, and not as dictated by natural conditions. And for the sake of freedom to live as and where he wants, humanity has changed, and some believe that it has destroyed, the entire ecosystem of the entire planet. But has man ceased to be an animal?

What biological traits does a person inherit

Social science and anthropology divide them into conditional two parts:

  1. Physiological features: structure of the foot or spine, developed hands, large brain size, anatomical structure (for example, the location of organs), cellularorganization, atavisms and decomposers.
  2. Basic instincts of reproduction and self-preservation (for example, why people sleep, eat, heal). All other instincts differ depending on the theory to which they refer, or the view of the scientist who puts them forward. One of the first researchers in this area is the famous Professor Freud.


But the most important thing is not what biological traits a person inherits, but the very possibility of passing them on to descendants. Like animals, humans can inherit traits of their kind (populations, to use the biological term). This is a property of each biological species to preserve the diversity of the organic world.

what biological traits does a person inherit
what biological traits does a person inherit

What biological traits does a person inherit from their parents? The main family traits (and at the same time traits of race and nationality): skin or hair color, eye shape, figure structure or facial contours, phenotypic features in general, and, unfortunately, even hereditary diseases.


This is a key word that characterizes a turning point in anthropogenesis - that part of evolution that relates to the formation of man. People stopped living as a herd, became a society, and all further development went according to other laws: political, social, religious, which, one way or another, were historically and still subject to the economic interests of a separate group.

According to social science, one of the signs of progress in society is the social security of individualindividuals. And the most vulnerable are the orphans. It is on their sad example that the importance of human communication at the beginning of life is sharply manifested. Not just the satisfaction of basic needs (food, sleep, warmth), but human speech, facial expressions, intonations and gestures that accompany it, bodily contact and, most importantly, an example that you can follow and become a person, like dad and mom. It is not so important what biological traits a person inherits, but whether it is possible given by nature to develop their own kind in a society.

what biological traits does a person inherit social science
what biological traits does a person inherit social science

An interesting question (there are various historical examples), can a child be raised by an animal and then return to people, like Mowgli? What biological traits does a person inherit from mom and dad, and what traits will foster animal parents inspire him, and can this be changed if the child returns to human society?


Surprisingly, the brain is capable of self-learning. A baby is born with developed kidneys or, for example, a heart, which will work in much the same way all his life, as they started in the womb. The brain of a newborn is not developed and is ready for a huge breakthrough, provided that a significant adult is nearby. More and more scientists and psychologists are coming to an agreement that a huge amount of research confirms: the brain and its amazing capabilities are provided by nature, but without society it will not become human! He will be subject to the key animal instincts, without the development of a bright human personality, a living and creative soul.
