Gloss is The meaning of the word

Gloss is The meaning of the word
Gloss is The meaning of the word

Gloss - what is it? The word is foreign in origin and has many shades of meaning, although they are all closely related to such concepts as shine, smoothness, reflection. More details about the fact that this is a gloss will be discussed in the article.

First interpretation

As already mentioned, "gloss" has several meanings. Here is what the dictionaries offer on this score.

Glossy surface
Glossy surface

According to the first option, this is the luster coming from a polished, polished or polished, waxed, lacquered surface.

Example 1. When leaving the house, Anton Nikolaevich, before putting on galoshes, liked to polish his huge boots

Example 2. To give the delicacy an attractive gloss, you need to even out the thickness of the layer, and for this the marshmallow is rolled several times with a wooden roller

Second value

The second option says that this is a reflection, a reflection on some smooth, even surface.

Example 1. The girl's face was so beautiful and refined that it seemed to shine and dazzle the eyes

Example 2. While Nikolenka was sleeping, the heavy rain had already stopped, andthe young leaves in their garden shone with a luster


Figuratively, "to polish" means to give a final finish to a finished work or to disguise the unseemly essence of something.

Example 1. Anna was genuinely grateful to her literary editor because his great sense of language helped polish her words

Example 2. These unfortunate historians have come up with many different tales that describe the noble interests of the empire, thereby putting a gloss on all its past transgressions

Connection with "glamour"

In this meaning, the following two interpretations can be found in dictionaries.

Generalized name for glossy magazines - periodicals with a so-called glamorous focus.

glossy magazine girl
glossy magazine girl
  • Example 1. You need to live happily in your own world, and not chase ghosts, do not chase "leaders" from the blue screen or from glossy covers.
  • Example 2. It's strange when beautiful Russian beauties look up to thin Western women, not realizing that the passion of men for thin girls, inflated at every corner, is greatly exaggerated by the forces of gloss.

Synonymous with glamour, which is colloquially a collective term for luxury living and everything that goes with it: the posh setting of a we althy home, expensive cars, fashion haute couture.

Life in gloss
Life in gloss

Example. Glamor, or gloss, is an aesthetic phenomenon based onon the principles of hedonism, it is closely associated with fashion, show business, mass consumption culture and focuses on external brilliance and luxury

In 2007, the famous Russian director Andrei Konchalovsky shot a feature film called "Gloss". This is a comedy about a sweet life with a bitter taste. The heroine of the picture, a provincial Galya, dreams of becoming a supermodel and goes to Moscow in search of a beautiful life. In the end, the girl, having seen the whole wrong side of the world of gloss, becomes an elite bride, but she herself does not understand whether she needs it.

Deprecated value

There is also an outdated interpretation of the word being studied, which means a special solution that gives gloss, shine.

Example. To prepare a gloss for processing the sculpture, you need to take 25 g of white soap, the same amount of white wax and dissolve in 0.8 liters of water. This solution covers the product with a brush. After drying, it must be wiped with a soft cloth, after which it will shine

Type of fabric

Satin blouse
Satin blouse

Gloss is also a fabric that imitates silk, which is a type of satin.

Example. The word "satin" came to us from the French language, being borrowed by the French from Arabic. The Arabs called this material "Zaytun", which is derived from Zaytun, the ancient Arabic name for the Chinese harbor from which this material was brought - Quanzhou. This fabric has a pleasant silkiness, smoothness, for which it is also called "gloss"

Next, we will consider synonyms for the studiedobject.


The word "gloss" has such synonyms as:

  • smooth;
  • shine;
  • gloss;
  • varnish;
  • mirror;
  • shine;
  • splendor;
  • beauty;
  • purity;
  • sparkle;
  • polishing;
  • polish;
  • watering;
  • ant;
  • order;
  • marafet;
  • glamour;
  • chic;
  • luxury;
  • magazine.

For a better understanding of what gloss means, it is advisable to study the etymology of the word.


According to etymologists, the object in question comes from the Proto-German stem glent meaning "light". From it in Old High German glanz was formed, and then in German - the noun Glanz, meaning "brilliance, radiance, gloss." The noun “gloss” came into the Russian language from German by borrowing in the Petrine era.

Interesting is the fact that the noun "gloss" is a "relative" of the verb "look". Although the latter is considered a common Slavic word, formed from the noun gled - "look", and in dialects the word "look" is observed in the same meaning.

However, the original meaning of the verb "look" is interpreted as "shine, sparkle" (with eyes). And the noun gled is related to the Middle High German glanz, “shine,” and glinzen, “to shine.”
