FEFU: faculties and speci alties. Far Eastern Federal University Reviews

FEFU: faculties and speci alties. Far Eastern Federal University Reviews
FEFU: faculties and speci alties. Far Eastern Federal University Reviews

FEFU, whose faculties and speci alties are the most in demand in the Far East, has produced a huge number of first-class specialists over its long history. The Eastern Institute for 116 years of its existence has managed to become a university of federal significance, its graduates are in demand all over the world.

History of the university

dvfu faculties and speci alties
dvfu faculties and speci alties

In 1899, FEFU, whose faculties and speci alties are of interest to many applicants throughout Russia and abroad, was opened under the name Oriental Institute. Then the teaching staff was recruited from graduates of the University of St. Petersburg, who had a long practice abroad. Thanks to this, the university began to play a crucial role for the region that was developing at that time.

In 1920, the then still institute was merged with a number of private universities and began to be called the State Far Eastern University. In 1930 and 1939 the university was closed for ideological reasons.considerations, but later reopened. As of 1956, it was called the Far Eastern State University, it consisted of five faculties.

The university continued to develop actively, by 2009 it included about 50 representative offices and branches, some of them are located abroad. This was the reason for joining a number of local universities to the FENU and creating a single educational institution. This is how FEFU (Vladivostok) was formed, which opened its doors to everyone in 2013.

What should I do?

dvfu vladivostok
dvfu vladivostok

To enter this university, you will need to submit a number of standard documents: a copy and original of your passport, certificates of passing the Unified State Examination, a copy and original of a certificate of secondary education, as well as fill out an application form for admission to the university. In the event that a potential student did not pass the Unified State Exam, he has the right to take it during the entrance exams at the university, but the admissions committee must be warned about this in advance.

If a potential student has any documents that give him advantages in admission or simply testify to his talents, they must also be presented to the admissions committee. Although the decision on admission is mainly made on the basis of the scores of the applicant, the admissions committee may give priority to the applicant who offers to get acquainted with his talents.

University departments

mechatronics and robotics
mechatronics and robotics

If a potential studentintends to apply to FEFU, whose departments are famous for their professionalism, he definitely needs to decide on the choice of speci alty. In total, the university has 25 departments, to one of which a new student will later be attached in the status of a graduate student. The departments of oil and gas business and petrochemistry, instrument making, as well as architecture and urban planning are especially popular.

Scientific developments are constantly being carried out on each of them, professors hold scientific councils, where not only the work of students is discussed, but also the latest publications on professional topics. Research supervisors constantly offer students opportunities for development in the form of writing publications and attending scientific meetings and other events in the speci alty.

The University invites you to visit

Annually, the university holds an open day, FEFU seeks to show future applicants what exactly awaits them in case of admission. As a rule, this event is held in March-April, these dates were not chosen by chance, because most of the school graduates at this time begin to choose their future place of study.

For the open day, students usually prepare a large presentation, which tells in detail about the university, its history and development prospects. Potential students together with their parents can ask all the necessary questions to the teachers of the university, as well as to the students present. The event is also usually visited by one of the members of the admissions committee to provide all the information applicants need for admission.

FEFU School of Engineeringand its developments

dvfu open day
dvfu open day

Not so long ago, a completely new technical direction appeared - "Mechatronics and Robotics", which is a combination of the basic dogmas of three sciences at once: computer science, electronics and mechanics. Specialists involved in its study are trying to understand how automation can help the development of several sciences at once, while maintaining its own significance and independence.

According to UNESCO, this speci alty is one of the most demanded in the world, and without it any technical progress is impossible. All university graduates in this speci alty have the right to work as engineers, programmers, develop artificial intelligence, and conduct research activities.

University branches

dvfu department
dvfu department

Not everyone has the opportunity to move to Vladivostok in order to study at FEFU, branches in this case are the most suitable options. In total, there are nine departments of the university, all of them are located in the Far Eastern Federal District, which makes it easier for potential students from the outback.

The branches in Ussuriysk, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and Nakhodka are especially popular. For some students, it is much easier to get to these cities than to Vladivostok, where the main buildings of the university are located. Branches in Arseniev, Artem, Bolshoy Kamen, Dalnerechensk, Dalnegorsk and Spassk-Dalny are also completely filled with new students by the beginning of the academic year.

Facultiesand university speci alties

FEFU, whose faculties and speci alties differ significantly from other universities, has developed its own concept of their naming. The faculty here is called a school, and already within them there are speci alties that are successfully mastered by students. Each branch also bears the proud name of the school, while not many speci alties are offered within one compared to the main division of the university.

The most popular faculties are the School of Law, the School of Arts, Culture and Sports, the School of Economics and Management, and the School of Regional and International Studies. It is there that future applicants rush to get there most often, believing that these skills will be most useful to them in the future.

Extracurricular activities

Besides their main duties, FEFU students are actively involved in the extracurricular life of their faculties and the university as a whole. Pupils of the educational institution have repeatedly become winners of KVN competitions, as well as regional winners of the student spring competition, which are held annually at universities.

dvfu branches
dvfu branches

Among other things, there are also extracurricular organizations at the university, in particular, the trade union committee, which helps students resolve issues with scholarships, hostels and other individual issues. Anyone can become a member of the trade union committee, for this it is enough just to go to the organization, having a student ID with you.


FEFU (Vladivostok) has its owna military training center that prepares future personnel reserves for the army. All students in this center automatically receive a deferment from the army for the period of training, and after its completion - the rank of "lieutenant" and the speci alty "engineer".

Training lasts according to the standard - five years, after which the graduate of the center receives a diploma and has the right to continue his education, and can also go to serve in the army in the rank he has received. Many graduates of the center are now serving in the army as engineers, while receiving additional bonuses for good work every year.

Student reviews

dvfu students
dvfu students

Yesterday's graduates of the university speak very warmly about their studies, especially those who studied in the speci alty "Mechatronics and Robotics", because it helped them to realize themselves in life, get a good job and even find friends abroad. Very often, former students remember their teachers as people who take a responsible approach to the learning process.

If a student decides to enter FEFU, the faculties and speci alties of the university are all available to him, just contact the admissions committee for more detailed information. If the applicant has nowhere to stay for the period of passing the entrance exams, we also solve this issue, but this problem should be said in advance so as not to waste either your time or money. A key feature of the university is that everyone here strives to provide all possible assistance to each other when it is needed, which means that everyone in FEFU will be welcome.
