What are wildebeest and oppression

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What are wildebeest and oppression
What are wildebeest and oppression

Russian is one of the most difficult languages on our planet. And not only for foreigners, but also for carriers. What makes it so complex and therefore interesting? A large number of homonyms, homophones, phraseological units, jargon, incomprehensible proverbs and sayings. One of the words that cause bewilderment among foreigners is the verbs "gnu" and "oppression". Or not verbs. Or not always verbs … If an Englishman, Frenchman, German, Spaniard or Korean asks: "What is wildebeest?" Do not rush to answer. A word cut out of context can mislead even a person who has lived all his life in Russia or the countries of the post-Soviet space and speaks Russian from birth.

What is wildebeest

Let's try to understand this issue gradually from the very beginning. So what is wildebeest?

What is gnu
What is gnu
  1. A very large South African antelope belonging to the bovid family. Outwardly, it looks more like not an ordinary antelope, but rather a bull, and a rather large bull at that (I saw a wildebeest at the zoo, a cute antelope, somewhat reminiscent of an ordinary cow, only very overgrown).
  2. First person, singular verb"bend" (Gnu metal rods are as easy as plasticine strips).
  3. An operating system (the only one of its kind) with which you can perform mathematical operations (Development of the GNU system began in 1983).

Meaning "oppression"

The noun "oppression", like most words in Russian, has several meanings:

bend back the meaning of phraseology
bend back the meaning of phraseology
  1. Load, something very heavy, imposed specially on something, for gradual squeezing, push-ups, squeezing (In order for the dung to be better compressed, you need to put oppression on them).
  2. What torments, oppresses, burdens (Under the yoke of worries, you won’t have much fun).
  3. Yoke, coercion to any action or inaction, restriction of rights and freedoms (We need to free ourselves from the oppression of the enslavers).
  4. Submission to power (She lived under the yoke of her husband's authority all her life).
  5. A long pole, which is pressed against the hay or straw laid on the cart (Do not lose the straw along the way, press down with oppression).

What is an idiom

An idiom is a special expression, the meaning of which is clear to a native speaker or a person who has lived in the country for a long time and has absorbed all the subtleties of a foreign language to the bone marrow. For example, the expression "to bend back". The meaning of a phraseological unit (idiom) by a foreigner can be taken literally: to bend, to pump the press, to bend someone's back to break. It's funny to us, but not so much to someone.

Idiomatic expressions with a verb"bend"

Sometimes it's easier to memorize phraseological units than to try to get to the true meaning yourself, making your way through the thorns of logic and common sense.

  • Bending in three deaths - forcibly subjugate to one's will.
  • Bend over three deaths - do not follow your posture, slouch.
  • Bending your back, bending your hump - work hard, bow.
  • To bend one's line - to be stubborn, to insist on one's own.
  • Baranki wildebeest - there is no meaning as such, just an ironic answer in rhyme to the question "Well?"
  • Bend into a ram's horn - win, subdue.
  • Bending fingers - behaving provocatively, impudently, arrogantly.

Synonyms for "oppression" and "gnu"

To better grasp the subtleties of the use of any word, it would be good to study its synonyms:

Meaning of oppression
Meaning of oppression
  • press;
  • gravity;
  • cargo;
  • yoke;
  • harassment;
  • depression;
  • concern;
  • pole;
  • antelope;
  • tilt;
  • reduce;
  • bondage;
  • yoke;
  • burden;
  • cross.

The simplest exercises for the development of speech

Make sentences with the words "gnu" and "oppression":

Bend your line meaning
Bend your line meaning
  1. What is a wildebeest and who is a wildebeest?
  2. The sauerkraut failed, unfortunately, because Aunt Nastasya put on it insufficient, too light oppression.
  3. The people endured, did not take anyefforts to get rid of oppression, throw off this unbearable, humiliating yoke.
  4. Operation fell from the cart, so the boys lost all the hay on the way.
  5. In order for the meat to marinate well, you need to press it down with a heavier oppression.
  6. The soul hurts under the yoke of hopelessness and grief.
  7. The heavier the oppression, the better the soaked apples will be.
  8. For some reason, the people remained silent under the yoke of the conquerors, carrying their cross with meek desperation.
  9. Russia was languishing under the yoke of the Mongol-Tatar yoke.
  10. Gnu kicked an unlucky tourist.
  11. The new chief is in charge that the bear arc oppresses.
  12. How much you can bend your back on someone else's uncle, it's time to start your own business.
  13. The old woman bent over three deaths under the yoke of the past years.
  14. I'll bend you into an arc!
  15. Something needs to be done to get rid of this oppression, let's start a rebellion.
  16. The teenager continued to stick to his line, the meaning of his behavior was obvious even to a blind man: a banal desire to assert himself.

Replace all possible words with synonyms:

Wildebeest bagels meaning
Wildebeest bagels meaning
  1. What is oppression? (What is heaviness?)
  2. To make hye tasty and juicy, you need to hold it under heavy oppression (To make Korean meat tasty, you should put it under a heavy press).
  3. People are tired of living under the yoke of invaders (People are tired of existing under the yoke of interventionists).
  4. The driver lost his oppression, and a strong wind scattered the hay (The driver did not notice how the pole fell, and the hurricanescattered dry grass).
  5. An old man turned gray under the yoke of problems (A young man turned gray because of troubles).
  6. This is your oppression for the rest of your life (This is your cross for the rest of your life).
  7. Gnu noticed the pursuers and ran away (Antelope sensed the pursuers and ran away).
  8. Everyone knew that the girl was wrong, but she continued to insist on her line (Everyone knew that the girl was wrong, but she did not give in).
  9. It was funny to watch guys bend their fingers in front of young girls (It was funny to watch boys show off in front of very young girls).
  10. Wounded wildebeest weighs more than 250 kg, how can we take her to the hospital?
