Humanity has overcome many troubles. But the relevance of the noun we'll be looking at today is still extreme. Because the evil of social life has not been completely defeated, and the we althy stratum of humanity is readily surrendering to digital technologies. Thus, today oppression (this is the subject of our conversation today) takes on new forms.
When we have something to offer the reader in this section, we do not neglect the material. The word is common Slavic and is derived from "to gnite", that is, "to crush, oppress." It reveals an unexpected relationship with the German kneten and even the Old Norse knoda - “that which presses”, “load, heaviness”. So says the etymological dictionary.

Explanatory Dictionary, of course, supports a colleague, but it has an important addition. Let's look at the meaning of the word "oppression":
- Heaviness, a load pressing on something, pressing something.
- That which oppresses, torments.
See, the firstthe meaning almost completely coincides with the opinion of the etymological dictionary, and the second is a bonus from the explanatory one. The latter is mainly used, because we have practically forgotten that oppression is a load. But there are no marks in the dictionary, which means that the first meaning cannot be considered obsolete.
It can also be said about the meanings that the first meaning implies concreteness, and the second - abstractness. In the first case, a tangible load is assumed that presses for a specific purpose, for example, so that the glue grabs when our boots are ordered to live long, but we still hope to resurrect them with resuscitation. And when we are oppressed by the boss or work, then outwardly nothing puts pressure on us. We sit in our office, and the roof does not leak, but we suffer because we think about self-realization and true life. The reader certainly understands what it is about, and if he is still at school, he will understand if he fails to get a job. Of course, forty barrels of prisoners could still be written about this, but let's stop here and move on to examples.
Sentences with the word

Oppression is a great word to make lots and lots of sentences with. But don't worry, we'll limit ourselves to three:
- He was under the yoke of doubt: he did not know whether to shave or not.
- In order not to violate the recipe, cottage cheese must be put under oppression.
- It feels like the boss put oppression on him, and he groans under him. Although in fact he was tormented by the pointlessness of the work.
The reader can see how oppressive it issubject. Moreover, now we have quite a lot of people who are dissatisfied with everything. Moreover, these are usually completely normal people who do not get sick, they are doing well. But it seems to them that they are under terrible oppression. What can you advise the reader in the end? Don't despair: life is beautiful.