Very often, the authors of a written text have a big problem in writing the particle "not" with verbs. Unfortunately, this situation is common not only for schoolchildren, but also for older people. Often, ignorance of a simple spelling rule leads to the appearance in the text of such incorrect forms as “inappropriate”, “I don’t want”, “I won’t”, “didn’t watch” and so on. To avoid such glaring mistakes in the text, it is important to remember that the particle "not" with verbs is written separately. It does not matter what form the verb is in: in the personal, in the infinitive, or is a gerund. Be sure to write the negative particle "not" separately. For example, not in a hurry, not in a hurry, not in a hurry.

Of course, as in any rule there are exceptions and notes, also the spelling of "not" with verbs has a number of significant clarifications. So, verbs that are not used without this particle are written together with the particle "not". Examples are words such as resent, unkind, hate, dislike, unwell, perplexed,not see. With regard to the spelling "do not get" it is worth paying attention to the meaning. If not reaching means “not reaching out”, then a separate spelling is necessary (I do not reach the ceiling.). If lack means “insufficient quantity”, “something necessary”, then a continuous spelling is necessary (We are missing five rubles. He lacks patience.).

Similar situation with writing regardless (regardless). If you look - the outdated form of the verb to look, then the participle regardless is written separately (We took everything we needed, regardless of the price.). If in spite of - part of the prepositional combination in spite of, meaning "despite", "in spite of something", its continuous spelling is necessary. (Despite the weather, we went on a journey. The war continued, despite the losses.). The verb "grab", regardless of its meaning, is always written with the negative particle "not" separately. (The child no longer grabs the cat by the tail. The sentence lacks punctuation marks.). Therefore, when deciding how to write "not" with verbs, one should not lose sight of the meaning of the verb itself.
Some difficulties also arise when writing verbs with under-, where under- is a compound prefix indicating incompleteness, insufficiency. Such verbs are always written together (underscore points, undercook vegetables, underweight cereals, underturn the nut, underload, undernourish, underhear, undersleep, underestimate, underdo, oversight).

The prefix under- in this case is often antonymous with the prefix over- (underweight - outweigh, unders alt - overs alt). However, if the verb has a prefix before-, and not - this is a negative particle, and in general the verb denotes an action that has not been completed, then it is necessary to write together not with verbs. Examples: not watching the movie to the end, he often did not finish his breakfast, not finishing many facts.
After learning these simple rules and a little practice, it will be much easier to decide how to write not with verbs in a particular situation. And then the written text will look much more competent, and your reputation will not be damaged.