Due to the abundance of modern slang expressions, generations lose touch with each other. Older people do not have time to memorize jargon, as new ones appear. And young people prefer buzzwords, completely forgetting about the classic definitions from literary speech. Such an obsolete term has become "to be disgusted." This concept is suitable both for describing interpersonal interactions and the degree of interest in an object or phenomenon. When is it appropriate?
From shame to cold
There is a whole group of related words with a common Proto-Slavic root. During the period of fragmentation and many Slavic tribes in one territory, one could hear an unusual shame. As a precursor to "to be disgusted", this noun has split into identical forms in the languages of Eastern Europe. Most of it comes down to simple “shame.”
Although in Serbo-Croatian, experts have found "stidak", the designation for the last and most appetizing piece of food that the participants in the feast cannot take because of embarrassment. Also, Fasmer's studies point to a clear alternation of vowels with"study". Where is affinity derived from:
- to be ashamed, to be ashamed;
- get cold.

From coldness to rupture
Research allows you to fully experience the meaning of the word "to be disgusted", even despite its dictionary interpretation. Books treat the phenomenon rather dryly. Two options:
- become shameful;
- get bored.
Imply that a person is losing interest for some reason. If we are talking about an interlocutor or a loved one, a possible cause will be a lack of attention or an excess of it. Similarly, children get tired of toys and lessons. The noun "hateful" breaks up with not very unsightly characteristics:
- unpleasant;
- disgusting;
- unloved etc.
In colloquial terms, we are talking about inanimate, abstract objects. Over time, the concept also captured human relations: to be disgusted is to lose love, respect, interest. In exceptional cases, you can lose the above, for example, when a young bride first meets a spouse imposed by the calculation of her parents. Many such stories have formed the basis of works of art.

From insult to politeness
The definition is relevant, but why is it almost invisible and inaudible? If the author wants to immerse readers in the atmosphere of an era when duels and balls were in demand, he will need to “be disgusted”. It sounds lofty, with a touch of vintage arrogance, the speaker's indignation and hint are easy to read.to rudeness. Gradually, the people replaced the colorful verb with a simple form and said “cool down”, then “cool down”. Without pretentiousness, stating that the former flame of feelings has died down. And today other epithets for expressing emotions have come into fashion.