In this article you will be offered the plot of the novel "Crime and Punishment". The content is briefly outlined in parts (there are six of them in total) and it is told how F. M. Dostoevsky compositionally built a work that caused such an ambiguous reaction from society - from enthusiastic responses to condemnation of the idea.
"Polyphonic" novel
Why is it impossible to retell in a nutshell the plot of "Crime and Punishment"? Dostoevsky created a work that is considered to be "polyphonic", that is, polyphonic. Released in 1866, the novel tells not only about the main character - a poor student named Raskolnikov, but also about the Marmeladov family, sister Duna, the cunning businessman Luzhin and the depraved master Svidrigailov.

Each of the above characters has its own storyline that intersects with the descriptionvicissitudes of life of other heroes of the work, creating a feeling of polyphony.
Narrative Timeline
The action, according to the author's intention, takes place directly at the time when the novel is being written - in 1865. Despite the large amount of text (approximately 500 pages), the time frame covers only a couple of weeks. Only the epilogue describes the events that take place a year and a half after the completion of the trial of Raskolnikov. So, let's dwell on the plot and composition of "Crime and Punishment".
A brief discussion of compositional features
The construction of the novel seems absolutely clear and concise. The author divides the story into six parts, highlighting 6-7 chapters in each. At first glance, everything is absolutely traditional. But only for the first one.
The novel has an absolutely jagged rhythm. The first three days before the crime is described quite measuredly and logically. But already in the second part, the intensity of the narrative and events increases, new characters and storylines are intertwined, creating some chaos and complexity of perception.
There is no synchronization between chapters and days, which was clearly intended by the author. Apparently, in this way he wanted to convey the state of mind of Raskolnikov after the murder and his loss of any sense of time.
Let's take a very brief look at the plot of "Crime and Punishment" to get a feel for what the novel is about. And then we will state the content in a little more detail, observing the breakdown into parts.
Plot: the beginning of a romance

Hot Petersburg summer, July. Forced to leave the university due to lack of funds, former student Rodion Raskolnikov goes to the old money-lender, with whom he once pawned his watch. He is poor, he is depressed by the situation that he is financially dependent on his mother and sister, who is preparing to marry a rich man without love in order to support himself and also help the family.
Fascinated by the image of Napoleon, Raskolnikov plots a crime - the murder of a pawnbroker, a miserable, in his opinion, old woman. After that, the student's own life and the lives of loved ones should change for the better. However, Raskolnikov will have to commit a double murder, taking the life of the pawnbroker's sister, Lizaveta.
How the plot of the novel "Crime and Punishment" develops further, we will consider below.
End storyline
Raskolnikov is tormented by remorse, he falls ill. The investigator, who read his article, written a few weeks before the death of the old pawnbroker and her sister, en titled "On Crime", begins to suspect the student of the murder. He conducts dialogues with him that make Raskolnikov repent and confess.
But before that, he reveals the truth to Sonechka Marmeladova, the daughter of a titular councilor whom he once met in a pub. The girl supports her family by prostitution, but at the same time keeping her soul pure and immaculate. She convinces Raskolnikov to confess to the crime and promises hersupport.
After the end of the trial, in which the protagonist is sentenced to 8 years of hard labor, Sonechka goes to Siberia for him. Such is the plot of "Crime and Punishment", a summary of which allows us to catch the main problem - the division of people into "trembling creatures" and those who "have the right." Raskolnikov set himself this dilemma, dreaming of classifying himself in the second category. But the hero finds inner peace only when he sincerely repents:
Did I kill an old woman? I killed myself! (R. Raskolnikov)

Summary of the contents of the first part
During seven chapters, Dostoevsky describes the main character. "Crime and Punishment" (the plot will be briefly presented later) is a story about the preparation and commission of a murder and the events that follow it. Moreover, the whole background and the crime itself are set out in the first part.
The reader gets acquainted with Rodion Raskolnikov, who avoids meeting with the landlady, because he owes her a significant amount of money for his closet. A poor, ill-dressed student is exhausted by poverty. Heading to the old pawnbroker, he reflects on the fact that he has not eaten for two days. This causes him to pawn the silver watch, but at the same time make plans in his head to kill the old woman. He has been tormented by these thoughts for a whole month.
In a pub, Raskolnikov meets Marmeladov, a former official who tells him the story of his life. SemyonZakharovich married an educated woman with three children, but drinks away the available money, which forces his eldest daughter Sonechka to go to the panel. After seeing the drunk Marmeladov home, Raskolnikov leaves the available change there, amazed by the beggarly situation.
A letter from his mother is waiting for the protagonist at home, from which he learns that Dunya, his sister, plans to marry Luzhin, who has some capital. The mother hopes that then the sister will be able to help Rodion finish his studies. Not wanting Dunya to sacrifice herself, Raskolnikov returns to his idea.

From the janitor's closet, he steals an ax and goes to the old woman's house, knowing that at this time she will definitely be alone. When Raskolnikov commits a murder, a panic begins in his soul, so he searches for the we alth of the pawnbroker for quite a long time. At the moment when he stuffs everything into his pockets, her sister returns - a harmless woman named Lizaveta. Raskolnikov has to deal with this unfortunate victim.
Having thrown the murder weapon to the janitor, Rodion returns to his closet. How does the plot of the novel "Crime and Punishment" develop further? Let's briefly outline the content of the second part.
Part Two
All seven chapters are devoted to the state of the protagonist after the murder. Raskolnikov recalls the incident with horror. He hides the jewels behind the wallpaper, and later hides them on the street - under a large stone in a deserted yard. The protagonist is frightened by a call to the police, whereit turns out that the reason for this was his debt for the apartment. Barely hearing a conversation about the crime committed the day before, Raskolnikov falls unconscious, but the police associate the fainting with his illness.
The student is in a fever, and from Zosimov, who visited him, he learns about the suspects in the case and the lack of evidence from the police. He receives a letter and a money order to pay for housing. Realizing that this is Luzhin's money, he hostilely meets him at the moment when Pyotr Petrovich comes to get acquainted as Dunya's fiancé.
Going to the pub, Raskolnikov starts a conversation with Zametov, discussing the crime committed the day before. By chance, he almost confesses to the murder, but the interlocutor thinks that he is simply crazy.
On the way home, Raskolnikov finds Marmeladov lying on the pavement, who was knocked down on the road in a drunken state. He accompanies him home and finds him dead. In order to somehow help the family, Raskolnikov gives the remaining money and goes to Razumikhin, his comrade. When they both return to Rodion's closet, the student's sister and mother, who have arrived in St. Petersburg, are waiting for them. The protagonist faints.
What is the next plot of "Crime and Punishment"?
Part three
The entire third part of six chapters is devoted to Raskolnikov's throwing and ends with his delirium.
Mother, frightened by her son's fainting, wants to stay near him, but Rodion dissuades her, and Razumikhin escorts his friend's relatives to the hotel. He really liked Dunya, whom her brother asks not to marry Luzhin.
Pyotr Petrovich invites the bride and his mother to a meeting by letter, but at the same time asks to come to her without Raskolnikov. They go to their son and brother to report this. The sister asks Rodion to still be present at the meeting. During the conversation, Sonya comes to invite Raskolnikov to the wake. Both women notice that he is not indifferent to the young girl to whom he gave all his money.

Raskolnikov is obsessed with the idea of meeting the investigator Porfiry Petrovich, who is in charge of the case of the old pawnbroker, and together with Razumikhin goes to him. Under the pretext that he made pawns with the old woman, the protagonist for the first time enters into a dialogue with the representative of the investigation. And immediately discovers that he is among the suspects.
The situation is aggravated by the fact that on the street some stranger calls him a murderer. Arriving home, Raskolnikov begins to rave. This is how the plot of "Crime and Punishment" is twisted.
Part Four
In the six chapters of the next part, it would seem that Raskolnikov's throwing will be put to an end. What will happen? How will the plot of "Crime and Punishment" develop? A summary of the fourth part will help you understand the twists and turns of history.
Waking up, Raskolnikov will find next to him Svidrigailov - the master, with whom his sister served earlier. He offers Rodion 10 thousand rubles for organizing a meeting with a girl and upsetting the upcoming wedding with Luzhin.
Going to meet the groomsister, the main character tells Razumikhin, his friend, that he is afraid of Svidrigailov, who seems to him a dangerous person. Meanwhile, Luzhin sets up a scene that the bride's brother, who had previously insulted him, came to the meeting. He believed that Dunya, in need of funds, would fulfill his request and come alone. But she cancels the engagement and drives the failed groom away. At the same time, she asks for forgiveness from her brother that she was seduced by money, not suspecting how much Luzhin is an unpleasant person.

Raskolnikov goes to Sonya Marmeladova, promising that in a conversation that he will tell about the real killer of Lizaveta, with whom the girl was friends. Both do not suspect that at this time Svidrigailov, who turned out to be a neighbor of the Marmeladovs, is overhearing them.
Legs themselves carry Raskolnikov to the investigator under the pretext of returning the things that were pawned by him from the pawnbroker. The conversation torments him, and he urges Porfiry Petrovich to either find him guilty or stop harassing him with interrogations. But then a dyer is brought out, who, unexpectedly for the investigator himself, takes the blame for the murder of two women.
It would seem that our hero can feel safe and breathe a sigh of relief, but in the following chapters the tension will only intensify. These are the features of the plot of "Crime and Punishment". Briefly talk about the continuation of the story.
Part five
Events in five chapters unfold around the Marmeladov family. Luzhin decides to take revenge on Raskolnikov and for this purpose invites him to hisnumbers Sonya, who offers money for the wake of his father. At the same time, he imperceptibly slips that one-hundred-dollar bill that Lebeziatnikov, who was present at the conversation, sees.
During the commemoration, where Raskolnikov is, the widow of a former official has a quarrel with the owner of the apartment. At this time, Luzhin appears in the house and accuses Sonya of stealing a hundred rubles. However, Lebezyatnikov takes the girl under protection. He was sure that Luzhin was guided by noble intentions when he quietly slipped Marmeladova money.
The mistress drives the widow out into the street with her children. Raskolnikov fulfills his promise and tells Sonya who actually killed the pawnbroker and her sister. Moreover, he admits that it was not hunger that guided him, but the desire to understand whether he could do it, whether he belongs to the elect.
Sonya humbly accepts the truth and takes pity on Raskolnikov. At this time, her mother is brought in, who behaved like a mad woman on the street. The woman is dying. Svidrigailov appears on the threshold, who promises to help the orphans in a neighborly way and take care of the funeral expenses. At the same time, he hints to Raskolnikov that he heard all his conversations with Sonya.
We see how skillfully the author keeps the reader in suspense, twisting the plot of "Crime and Punishment". The summary of the last part will convince you even more of this.
Part Six
In the novel, many heroes die tragically under various circumstances. In the final part, Svidrigailov passes away from his own bullet. Raskolnikov is afraid of his revelations, but he uses information only toto lure Dunya to his apartment, whom he promises to save his brother in exchange for her love.

A girl tries to escape by shooting Svidrigailov with a revolver. Although she failed to get in, he gives Duna the opportunity to leave. After spending time in a tavern, Svidrigailov brings the promised money to Sonya Marmeladova, after which he rents a hotel room. All night he dreams of a girl who killed herself because of unrequited love for him. In the morning, he shot himself with a revolver left by Dunya.
And what happens to Raskolnikov in the plot of "Crime and Punishment"? The summary is as follows: the protagonist, after painful reflection and throwing, decided to confess his deed, voluntarily surrendering to the police.
The author tells what happened to the main characters after a while. Raskolnikov was sentenced to 8 years of hard labor and exiled to Siberia, where he fell seriously ill. His mother, unable to bear the blows of fate, died. Dunya married for love - Razumikhin, and Sonya followed Raskolnikov to Siberia.
After recovery for Rodion, a period of rebirth began. He repented that he had acted so cruelly and unreasonably with his own life, but Sonya became his angel and hope for forgiveness, with whom he dreams of uniting at the end of his sentence. Recognition of the value of human life ends the plot "Crime and Punishment", a summary of which we examined in this article.