"Slavery" is an inanimate noun. It belongs to the middle class. If you cannot correctly indicate its interpretation, this article will come in handy. In it you can easily find the lexical meaning of this word. You can not do without the selection of synonyms.
Meaning of the noun "subservience"
First, let's describe what the word "servility" means. It is best to resort to an explanatory dictionary. There you can find a reliable interpretation of a particular word.
Slavery is called flattering servility, as well as cringing. This word can describe the behavior of a person who tries to please his superiors for the purpose of some benefit.

For example, some workers resort to servility in order to be given an easier job, not overloaded with responsibility. Children are also not alien to servility. They may suck up in order to beg for a gift. Here are some sample sentences.
- Don't even try, your servility will not earn you hanging up the ranks, it will take intelligence and hard work.
- Slavery from the side looks extremelyhumiliating.
Synonyms for the word
Now let's get down to the synonyms of "subservience". This word can be replaced by other nouns that have approximately the same meaning.
- Servantry. Cunning servility will not show you in a good light.
- Flattery. The girl sinned with flattery, she loved to fawn and please too much, for which she was not respected.
- Cow worship. Your cringing before the highest ranks looks frankly stupid.
- Fawning. Remember that petty toadying can ruin relationships in the team and undermine your credibility.
- Compliance. Your obsequiousness seems so false that all your benefactors simply do not believe in it.

"Slavery" is a noun that you can easily find synonyms for. The main thing is that they do not violate the logic of the story.