Hello: the meaning of the word, its spelling and synonyms

Hello: the meaning of the word, its spelling and synonyms
Hello: the meaning of the word, its spelling and synonyms

At first glance, the question of the meaning of the word "hello" can not cause any difficulties. But still it deserves attention. After all, this lexeme in various situations can act as one of two parts of speech. Therefore, there are shades in its interpretation. And also sometimes there are difficulties in writing it. More details about the meaning of the word "hello", as well as its spelling and lexemes close to it in meaning, will be discussed in the article.

Dictionary interpretation

Good afternoon!
Good afternoon!

In one of the options, the word being studied is an interjection and means:

  • First, the form of greeting during the meeting. It can be addressed to several people, or maybe to one, if the interlocutor refers to him as you.
  • Secondly, if used in a figurative, ironic sense, an expression of surprised disappointment, disagreement with something.

As for the firstvariant, then “hello” already acts as a form of the verb “hello” in the plural in the imperative mood. This verb denote:

  • In an indefinite form - to be alive, to be in good he alth, to exist quite well.
  • In the imperative mood - a wish for he alth.

Understand the meaning of the word "hello" will help examples of sentences with this word.

Examples of usage

For the first two cases above:

  1. "Hello, dear colleagues, I must admit that even though I'm tired of you, I missed you on vacation," Ivan jokingly greeted colleagues.
  2. "Hello, Semyon Arnoldovich, I am sincerely glad to see you and ask you for a cup of tea in the evening," Gennady said respectfully.
  3. "Well, hello. No, Vitya, this won’t work, you’re letting me down again, you arrived a whole hour late,”Sergey Sergeevich was indignant.
hello - be he althy
hello - be he althy

For the second two cases:

  1. Anna Petrovna wholeheartedly wished her friend to live and be he althy for many years.
  2. The doctor severely reprimanded the restless patient, telling her: "Live yourself and hello, do not scare your relatives for nothing!"

Further, for a better understanding of the meaning of the word "hello", synonyms for it will be considered.

Words that are close in meaning

Synonyms for "hello" are as follows.

In the meaning of greeting:

  • good morning;
  • greetings;
  • good afternoon;
  • welcoming;
  • good evening;
  • honor and respect;
  • wish you good he alth;
  • hello;
  • good he alth;
  • great;
  • ours to you with a brush;
  • greetings;
  • assalamu alaikum;
  • how many years, how many winters;
  • wish you good he alth;
  • fireworks;
  • bread and s alt;
  • hello;
  • have a great life;
  • our to you;
  • our respect;
  • have a great life;
  • physical education-hello;
  • hello;
  • respect.
Hello colleagues!
Hello colleagues!

In the meaning of surprise:

  • wow;
  • miracles;
  • wow;
  • well, well;
  • please look;
  • what are you;
  • interesting movie;
  • miracles in a sieve;
  • here's to you;
  • you see;
  • what are you;
  • amazing;
  • like this;
  • just think;
  • that's the thing;
  • here you go;
  • what a wonder;
  • that's cranberry;
  • honest mother;
  • miracles, and only;
  • like this pound;
  • here you are;
  • come on.

Next, the origin of the word under study will be considered.

Etymology and spelling

Derived from the verb "hello", which is related to the adjective "he althy". The latter comes from the Proto-Slavic sdorv. In this word, s is equated with the Old Indian su, meaning "good." And the second part corresponds to dorvo, which is connected by alternation with "tree". I.ethe literal meaning of the Proto-Slavic adjective is “from a good tree.”

Often the studied word causes difficulties in writing, since when it is pronounced in the first syllable, the consonant sound “v” is not heard. But it would be correct to write not “hello”, but “hello”. In order not to get confused, you need to remember the test words. By the word "hello" these are: "he alth", "sane".
