Centuries have passed since the great Alexander the Great set foot on the land of India with his army. It was there that he first saw a diamond stone, which had no equal in strength. Alexander returned from a campaign with several precious stones, but in Europe this precious mineral was only appreciated in the 14th century, when the masters of Flanders applied their cutting system to it. Since then, the cut diamond with 57 facets has become the king of gems. And one of the largest diamonds adorns the English crown. Do not count the myths and mysteries about the diamond. The stone is the champion of all sorts of mysterious stories associated with it.
The cut diamond has got so many names! Many cannot even understand the difference between a diamond and a diamond, believing that we are talking about some differences. In fact, these concepts mean the same thing: a diamond processed in the classical way,having 57 faces.
The word "diamond" has a dual "citizenship": German - diamant, which means "diamond" or "hard"; and French - reads like diamant and translates as "diamond" or "brilliant".
Derivatives of this word sound and are written almost identical to the original in many languages of the world. In particular, in Spanish, diamante means both a precious stone and a female name.
And in the Slavic languages this word is pronounced almost identically, but is spelled with some differences. For example, "diamant" ("diamond") is translated from Ukrainian into Russian as "diamond", i.e. in this case it is closer to French origin.
Also, if you want to ironically hint at someone about their irresistibility, then you can put it like this: "Honey, you are the diamond of this society."
A bit of physics
Diamonds, as we already know, are obtained by processing a diamond with an accuracy of 57 facets. This is how the classic Rosetta is achieved. Diamonds are mined in various parts of the world, except for the North Pole. In India, where the knowledge of the diamond came from, the kimberlite pipes are now depleted.
A rough diamond is a fairly nondescript mineral: colorless, with a crystalline structure and a high level of density that surpasses all other gemstones such as ruby, sapphire and emerald.

In poetry, a metaphor is often used, with the help ofwhich a person with a hard, unbending character is called a diamond.
We are accustomed to presenting a diamond stone sparkling with shades of blue. However, this is only one of the varieties of the entire range of diamond colors available. In order to receive this high status, the diamond must have a classic bluish tint with an acceptable amount of brown. There are only 2% of all mined material.
Most minerals, despite their high strength, do not pass the standards of transparency, shade and "color", and therefore are used in high technology. By the way, such people are "taken as astronauts".
In addition to classic diamonds, there are rare types that have shades of color from pink to black (the rarest). Their value is determined in each case separately, taking into account transparency, purity of shade, the presence / absence of impurities or bubbles and, of course, size. The starting price is several thousand dollars per 1 carat. At the moment, there is no explanation for the phenomenon of multi-colored diamonds.

However, it is traditionally believed that the "diamond of pure water" has the greatest value. This means that it does not contain any visible inclusions and, when placed in water, will simply "disappear" in it, merging with the structure of the liquid.

A diamond setting is an equal partner: the effect of splashing color shades depends on it. So todayjewelers invent the most unimaginable devices for the maximum demonstration of the beauty of the stone. From here came the names: dancing and floating diamond. The first is fixed in a movable frame, and the second "floats" in a fixed capsule.
Yakut diamonds
The Russian North has surprised us with its surprises more than once. This happened at the end of the 19th century, when researchers made assumptions about the deposits of minerals, in particular, diamonds in the Yakut land. Only then did they not pay attention to these notes, and the times were alarming.

In the 30s of the XX century, the Soviet researcher V. S. Sobolev conducted a comparative analysis of the geological features of the Siberian and African territories and suggested that there may be diamond deposits in the regions of the Far North. Prior to the Great Patriotic War, no special expeditions were sent to Yakutia, and in the 1950s, geologists began mass exploration of these regions.
It turned out that both Russian and Soviet scientists made the right assumption, and now the Yakut diamond stone is known all over the world, and especially large specimens are in the Diamond Fund of Russia.