In comparison with other ancient civilizations, Ancient Egypt was the most prosperous. The economy of this state grew and developed. And it is impossible to find another ancient country that has existed for such a long time.
Good conditions for people to live, rich in minerals of the earth and poultry farming - that was the economic basis of Ancient Egypt. They were later joined by craft and trade. But the pursuit of stability significantly slowed down development, although it was too rapid for that time.
Favorable conditions for economic growth
Most often, Ancient Egypt is cited as an example of a typical ancient society. Its economy developed due to its favorable location. The Nile has provided every opportunity for human habitation since the ancient stone era. The waters of the river carried with them mineral and vegetable silt. Therefore, this territory has always had fertile soils, they did not have to be further cultivated.

5 millennia ago Africa's climate was wetter than it is today. In this regard, the animal worldthe Nile Valley was much richer. In addition, the living conditions directly favored the population. This is how cattle breeding was born. And fertile soils made it possible to develop agriculture.
Egyptians learn quickly, they are the first to cast tools and weapons from copper. However, this is not the main reason for the development of the economy. The fact is that the Nile, in accordance with the seasons, fills up and shrinks. Therefore, with a minimum of effort, the Egyptians were able to develop their own irrigation system. They dig pools where water accumulates during the flood of the Nile. And then use it for watering.
The emergence of a civilized society and its impact on the economy
An ancient country existed for almost 3000 years, and throughout history, of course, it has experienced many changes. The origin of civilization began in Upper Egypt. After that, it gradually spread to the north. By 3000 B. C. e. Egypt occupied the entire Nile Valley. The life of the population was concentrated around this river.

Due to the excellent conditions, the economy of the civilization of Ancient Egypt developed rapidly. Lands rich in crops, the possibility of using modern methods of water control at that time, surpluses of agricultural products - all this served as the reasons for growth. The funds received from trading activities were used to build a unique architecture for that time. Temples and pyramids still excite the minds. Scientists still cannot understand how the ancient civilization built them.
Society divided intoelite and ordinary citizens. However, there was much more freedom of action here than in other countries. For example, a group of mercenaries could seize land on their own. Then she transferred them to the state use, for which each warrior received a reward.
There are many achievements of civilization, from the invention of writing to the judicial system.
Features of the economy
Thanks to irrigation agriculture, Egypt managed to achieve an unprecedented development for that time. In addition, the population is engaged in handicraft work, a large number of various practical devices are created. Not to mention the presence of jewelry. Not everyone wore them, but they were made by ordinary artisans.

Despite the fact that the state completely controlled the lands, the people who worked on them were considered free. There was no such thing as slavery. If a person did something bad or did not benefit the country, then he was responsible. The judicial system and the responsibility for its work were assigned to the pharaoh and the elite.
Science is also developing. Scientists create writing, study astrology, thanks to which they manage to compile a calendar. There are also mathematical and medical notes found during the excavations.
Features of the economy of Ancient Egypt was that the population was divided into estates. Each structure of society, such as peasants, priests or artisans, did its own specific work. This is how every economic function was carried out incivilization system.
The impact of army equipment on the economy
Every country needs protection. In particular, such a developed civilization as Ancient Egypt. The economy of this state withstood a lot, not without the help of the army. The pharaoh himself made sure that its equipment was maximum for that time. Bows, spears, shields and special protective mobile structures made of a wooden frame and stretched animal skins were used in the battles.

After the unification of Egypt in 3000 B. C. e. the army actually ceased to take part in the conquest of lands. Its contents are focused on defense against enemy invaders, and there were many of them. Therefore, the economy developed steadily, as artisans, merchants, merchants, agricultural workers and all the rest were not disturbed by enemies. No one dared to attack such a strong civilization.
Politics and economics
It is generally accepted that the eastern despotism defines the whole of Ancient Egypt. Economics and politics are inextricably linked, and this applies not only to antiquity. Therefore, the authorities and the country's elite are forced to take extreme measures in order to ensure maximum stability. And not only the protection of the army and free trade is involved in this.

The economy begins to have a global state character. Public life is strictly monitored, the world's first bureaucracy appears. All products and products manufacturedpeople is strictly regulated. Therefore, stability is observed, since no one can afford to go beyond what is permitted. Communities are very important, no family can live without them. The reverse situation is also observed.
The desire for stability has significantly slowed down the development of the economy. If at the beginning it grew quickly, now it stood still. But even despite this, in comparison with neighboring states, Egypt was very developed.
Trading Features
Practically the center through which the caravan routes constantly followed was Ancient Egypt. Trade here systematically developed, both within the country and abroad. Various products were transported by people along the Nile, so it was cheaper to deliver them to the right place. Inside the country, the cities exchanged various goods among themselves, since there was no monetary policy at that time. Subsequently, the first currency equivalent appears - deben. It was a bit of copper, which was the whole system for assessing the value of goods.

Trade between states was more formal. The rulers of the countries were presented with various gifts, to which they responded in kind. That is, there is an exchange without price categories.
After the appearance of the monetary system, entire expeditions are created to the south to get unique goods. These are ivory, ostrich feathers and gold. The presence of such products has propelled Egypt to the top of the trade chain, giving it a political and economic advantage in the Middle East.
Characteristic features of the Egyptian economic development model
If we consider Ancient Egypt as an Eastern development model, its economy and economy will be determined by the following factors:
- Moral absence of slavery. Many believe that the slaves worked for the pharaoh, built pyramids for him and cultivated his lands. In fact, free people also worked, and they did it as a tax to the state.
- The land was not private. It was wholly owned by the state. However, the harvest from it was taken not only by the power elite, but also by ordinary workers.
- The state was equated with despotism. It was called the society of eastern slavery, but only because the subjects had no rights before the pharaoh and the elite.
- Community resilience. Riots and rebellions were very rare, and in some places they were completely absent.
All these factors had a positive impact on the country's economy, they favored its development.
Prosperity of Egypt
The basis of the economy was agriculture, more specifically - agriculture. Various crops were grown. On arable land, tools were used, but they were primitive. At first they were made from silicon, then they were replaced by metal ones.
There were not enough pastures and territories for their development, so cattle breeding was limited. However, it also influenced the development of the economy of Ancient Egypt. The population bred those animals that felt quite comfortable in stall conditions.

Prosperity contributed to the early development of metallurgy. Tools were made from copper and lead, and bronze was used in the manufacture of weapons and jewelry. Iron appears later. But it was considered as a precious metal.
Craft is also developing. There is an opportunity for scientific research. Since economic development reaches its peak early enough, this contributes to the growth of trade.
Thus, there is no more developed ancient state than Ancient Egypt. Its economy grew slowly due to good economy, favorable conditions, fertile land and, of course, politics. Despite the fact that the government, headed by the pharaoh, chose a dictatorship, people felt quite well in the country. Most of them were free, but they were obliged to pay tribute to the state with physical assistance. However, thanks to this, temples and pyramids were erected along the Nile - unique buildings at that time, land was cultivated every year, there were goods for trade. No other civilization could boast the same set of tools for growth and development.