Memorizing significant dates for society is typical for people: over time, if the date is joyful, cities or even countries make it a national holiday. For example, such a number is the date of liberation from the German troops of Odessa - April 10, and Nikolaev - March 28. And although these numbers remain common throughout the world, for the inhabitants of these cities they are memorable and are the so-called milestones. There are more global events. Let's consider what milestones are, what they are in history on the example of Kievan Rus, and later - Russia, and in relation to what else this word can be applied.

Key in value
More details about this word can be found in the dictionaries of Ozhegov, Ushakov and Efremova. The most common definition is as follows: "Milestones of history are significant incidents, events and decisions in a person's life, the development of an enterprise or the history of an entire country." Their number can vary depending on the density of events in a single year or in the entire history of the existence of a person, enterprise, country.
On the surface, especiallywithout delving into what milestones are, you can be satisfied with the answer that these are dates that are important to someone. And if we talk about global history, then such dates can be considered moments that influenced further history.

Milestones in the history of Russia
It is best to understand this concept using the example of your own country. Before the formation of the Russian Federation, the USSR and Tsarist Russia, there was one more state from which the countdown of milestones should begin. Naturally, this refers to Kievan Rus. Here are some dates that best illustrate what milestones are:
- IX century - the formation of a state with a code of laws, borders and a prince at the head.
- X century - the reign of Oleg up to Olga, her reforms in the state, the adoption of Christianity, religious reform.
- XI century - the throne of Vladimir, Yaroslav, the formation of a code of laws as a written document ("Russian Truth").
- XII-XIII centuries - from the beginning of the reign of Monomakh to the end, "Teaching children", the division of Kievan Rus into principalities and internecine wars.
- XV-XVI centuries - the continuation of the feudal war, the annexation of the khanates, the implementation of reforms and the introduction of the oprichnina.
- XVII century - the reign of Shuisky, the beginning of the uprising and its defeat, the abolition of copper coins and the split of the church due to the disagreement of their members with the policy.
- XVIII century - the reign of Peter I, Catherine, Peter II, Elizabeth, Peter III, palace coups, the Great Northern War.
- XIX century - the reign of Alexander I, Nicholas I, the Decembrists, the reforms of Alexander II, the cessation of serfdomby order of Nicholas II, the October Revolution
- XX century - the formation of the USSR, wars (civil, Great Patriotic, World War I, World War II), the reign of Stalin, Lenin, Khrushchev, Brezhnev, the collapse of the USSR, the formation of the Russian Federation.
- XXI century - the reign of Medvedev, Putin, the annexation of Crimea.

Life is also a milestone
The years of the beginning of the reign and its end of the above people can also be counted as milestones. But one does not need to be a famous astronaut, writers, ruler, so that the years are counted among the milestones of life. For a grandmother, special moments can be those when her grandson said the first word, went, went to school, and later to college.
For some people, milestones can be when they first meet their significant other, get promoted at work, graduate from school, or move to another country. Also, no one forgets the dates of their birth and the birth of relatives - these are also milestones in certain circles, but these dates mean nothing to all of humanity.
It is interesting that the creations of writers can serve as milestones in literature. So, the writing of “Eugene Onegin”, “Tales of Belkin”, “Ruslan and Lyudmila” can be considered similar events in the life and work of Pushkin, since it was they who later became the most recognizable works of the author.

Remembering your milestones is important
Knowing what milestones are and what role they play in daily life will giveadvantage over those who ignore them, acting on their own. Why? First of all, important events influence the course of history, and it would be good for future generations to take into account the sad experience of the past. In addition, those who remember important events in the lives of loved ones gain a reputation for being more empathetic and caring than those who do not.
Summing up, we can also say that it depends on a person whether he will "change the milestones" of his life (that is, radically transform something) and, in the end, change the milestones of history with his life or leave everything up to the other heroes.