A depleted uranium projectile punches a hole in its target on impact, burning up and disintegrating into tiny particles that propagate through the atmosphere. When inhaled or ingested, they enter the human body, causing catastrophic damage due to internal exposure and heavy metal poisoning. The radioactive contamination will last for centuries, turning the local population into hibakusha - the victims of a nuclear bombing.
Depleted uranium shells: what is it?
Uranium, which remains after the extraction of radioactive isotopes from natural material, is called depleted. It is a waste from the production of nuclear fuel for nuclear power plants. Its radioactivity is 60% of the initial level of radiation. The name of the material gives the impression that it is no longer radioactive, but it is not. Depleted uranium projectiles can cause serious contamination.
This weapon was designed toarmor penetration and the formation of sharp fragments that damage and burn the target from the inside. Conventional projectiles contain detonating compounds that explode on impact. They are designed to destroy armored vehicles, but are rather ineffective in terms of destructive ability. Steel cores can get caught, punch a hole, and penetrate materials softer than steel. They are not destructive enough to penetrate the steel armor of tanks.
Therefore, a depleted uranium projectile was created that can penetrate armor, burn and destroy the target from the inside. This is made possible by the physical properties of this material.

Depleted uranium shells: how do they work?
Uranium metal is an extremely hard substance. Its density is 19 g/cm3, 2.4 times higher than that of iron, which has a density of 7.9 g/cm3 . To increase strength, about 1% molybdenum and titanium are added to it.
Depleted uranium projectile is also called armor-piercing incendiary projectile, because it penetrates the steel shell of tanks, penetrates inside and, bouncing off obstacles, destroys crew, equipment and burns vehicles from the inside. Compared to similarly sized steel cores, which are less dense than uranium cores, the latter can punch a hole 2.4 times deeper into a target. In addition, steel cores must have a length of 30 cm, and uranium - only 12. Although all projectiles are subject to the same air resistance, when firedthe speed of the latter decreases less, since 2.4 times more weight gives a greater range and speed of fire. Therefore, uranium ammunition can destroy a target from a distance unreachable by the enemy.

Anti-bunker weapons
Further development of the military application of depleted uranium - large-sized ammunition, called concrete-piercing or bunker-piercing, which penetrates concrete fortifications located a few meters below the ground surface and explodes them, they have already been used in actual combat. These guided weapons in the form of bombs and cruise missiles are designed to penetrate concrete-reinforced bunkers and other targets. They are charged with uranium elements, each of which weighs several tons. It is said that these bombs were used in huge numbers in Afghanistan to destroy al-Qaeda hiding in mountain caves, and then in Iraq to destroy Iraqi command centers located deep underground. The mass of weapons used in Afghanistan and Iraq containing depleted uranium is estimated at more than 500 tons.

Impact effects
The main danger posed by depleted uranium shells is the consequences of their use. The main characteristic of this type of ammunition is their radioactivity. Uranium is a radioactive metal that emits alpha radiation in the form of helium nuclei and gamma rays. The energy of the α-particle emitted by it is 4.1 MeV. This allows you to knock out 100 thousand.electrons that bind molecules and ions. However, an alpha particle can travel only a short distance, a few centimeters in atmospheric air and no more than 40 microns, which is equivalent to the thickness of one sheet of paper, in human tissue or water. Therefore, the degree of danger of α-particles depends on the form and place of exposure to radiation - in the form of particles or dust outside or inside the body.
External exposure
When depleted uranium is in the state of metal, alpha particles emitted by its atoms at a paper-thickness distance do not leave it, except for those emitted by atoms on the surface of the alloy. A bar a few centimeters thick emits only a few tens of millionths of the total number of α-particles.
Metal burns intensely when heated in air and ignites spontaneously when in dust form. This is why a depleted uranium projectile immediately catches fire when it hits the target.
As long as the substance remains outside the body even after turning into particles, it is not very dangerous. Since alpha particles decay after traveling some distance, the detected dose of radiation will be much less than the actual dose. When entering the human body, α-rays cannot pass through the skin. The radiative forcing in terms of weight will be low. This is why depleted uranium is considered low radioactive and its danger is often underestimated. This is only true when the radiation source is outside the body, where it is safe. But uranium dust can enter the body, where it becomes tens of millions of times moredangerous. Published data indicate that low-level radiation is more likely to cause biochemical damage than intense high-level radiation. Therefore, it would be wrong to neglect the danger of low intensity exposure.

Internal exposure
When uranium burns down to particles, it enters the human body with drinking water and food or is inhaled with air. In doing so, all of its radiation and chemical toxicity are released. The consequences of the poisoning action differ depending on the solubility of uranium in water, but radiation exposure always occurs. A grain of dust with a diameter of 10 microns will emit one α-particle every 2 hours, for a total of more than 4000 per year. Alpha particles continue to injure human cells, preventing them from recovering. In addition, U-238 decays into thorium-234, which has a half-life of 24.1 days, Th-234 decays into protactinium-234, which has a half-life of 1.17 days. Pa-234 becomes U-234 with a 0.24 Ma half-life. Thorium and protactinium emit beta decay electrons. Six months later, they will reach radioactive equilibrium with U-238 with the same dose of radiation. At this stage, depleted uranium particles emit alpha particles, twice as many beta particles, and gamma rays accompanying the decay process.
Because α-particles do not travel further than 40 microns, all damage will be done to tissues within this distance. Annual dose received by the affected areaonly from α-particles, will be 10 sieverts, which is 10 thousand times more than the maximum dose.

A problem for the ages
One α-particle passes through hundreds of thousands of atoms before stopping, knocking out hundreds of thousands of electrons that make up the molecules. Their destruction (ionization) leads to DNA damage or causes mutations in the cellular structure itself. There is a strong possibility that just one particle of depleted uranium will cause cancer and damage to internal organs. Since its half-life is 4.5 billion years, alpha radiation will never weaken. This means that a person with uranium in the body will be exposed to radiation until death, and the environment will be polluted forever.
Unfortunately, studies done by the World He alth Organization and other agencies have not de alt with internal exposure. For example, the US Department of Defense claims that it does not find a link between depleted uranium and cancer in Iraq. Studies conducted by the WHO and the EU came to the same conclusion. These studies have established that radiation levels in the Balkans and Iraq are not harmful to he alth. Nevertheless, there have been cases of births with birth defects and a high incidence of cancer.

Application and production
After the first Gulf War and the Balkan War, where depleted uranium shells were used, it became known only throughfor a while. The number of cases of cancer and thyroid pathologies has increased (up to 20 times), as well as birth defects in children. And not only among the inhabitants of the affected countries. Soldiers on their way there also suffered a bodily injury known as Persian Gulf Syndrome (or Balkan Syndrome).
Uranium ammunition was used in large quantities during the war in Afghanistan, and there is evidence of high levels of this metal in the tissues of the local population. Iraq, already contaminated by armed conflict, was once again exposed to this radioactive and toxic material. The production of "dirty" ammunition has been established in France, China, Pakistan, Russia, the UK and the USA. For example, depleted uranium projectiles have been used in Russia in the main tank ammunition since the late 1970s, mainly in the 115 mm guns of the T-62 tank and the 125 mm guns T-64, T-72, T-80 and T- 90.

Irreversible Consequences
In the 20th century, humanity experienced two world wars, accompanied by massacres and destruction. Despite this, they were all in some sense reversible. The conflict, which uses depleted uranium projectiles, causes permanent radioactive contamination of the environment in combat areas, as well as continuous destruction of the body of their inhabitants for many generations.
The use of this material inflicts fatal damage on a person, never before experienced. Uranium ammunition, likenuclear weapons should never be used again.
Prevent disaster
If humanity wants to preserve the civilization it has created, it will have to decide forever to abandon the use of force as a means of resolving conflicts. At the same time, all citizens who want to live in peace must never allow science to be used in the development of means of destruction and murder, exemplified by depleted uranium shells.
Photos of Iraqi children suffering from thyroid disorders and birth defects should encourage everyone to raise their voice against uranium weapons and against war.