Humanity is aggressive by nature. This unpleasant fact is confirmed by numerous wars unleashed by people for various reasons. Even in the dystopian worlds of Aldous Huxley, Orwell or Bradbury, a person cannot live without violence. Apparently, shaking their weapons, some representatives of the Homo sapiens race assert themselves, and it does not matter for what reason the states enter the struggle. War is unthinkable without weapons, and its outcome directly depends on how much stronger the equipment of one of the parties to the conflict will be. For example, modern navies are ineffective without a unique combat vessel: the aircraft carrier.
Aircraft Carrier: Progressive Vessel
This is a huge ship carrying air cargo: planes or helicopters. Moreover, up to a hundred aircraft can be on it. They are the main striking force of the aircraft carrier. For the first time, such a surface ship appeared in the First World War, but the peculiarity of the first-born was that they were converted from ships of other types. For example, a cruiser called the Birmingham became such a vessel. An airplane took off from its deck for the first time.

This momentous event happened in 1910, and it marked the beginning of carrier-based aviation. At firstsuch vessels were used for reconnaissance purposes, but later realized the importance of aircraft as a means of bombing. At the dawn of the construction of aircraft carriers, hydroplanes were used, since planes could take off, but not land on deck. For this, hydroplanes were used, which successfully landed on the water. History says that French aircraft carriers before the Second World War were few in number: or rather, only one, like the United States. The United Kingdom had the largest number of such vessels at that time (7 units). Subsequently, America succeeded in designing aircraft carriers.
Such ships are divided into the following positions:
- carriers;
- trading;
- carrying balloons;
- helicopter carriers;
- hydrocarriers;
- air;
- underwater.
In addition, there are multi-purpose, shock and anti-submarine. By type of energy, there are conventional and atomic models.
Main characteristics of aircraft carriers
Steel hulls of aircraft carriers have considerable strength, because their thickness reaches several centimeters. The length of the huge ships is hundreds of meters: the amplitude ranges from 180 to 342. The draft of the vessel reaches a depth of 12 meters. The width of the deck is quite large, which gives the aircraft carriers an unforgettable look. Below deck are huge docks and hangars for aircraft maintenance. The only elevation on the deck, a kind of "island", is the command post, which includes location systems and antennas. This center is usually located on the starboard side.

The flight deck is one of the most important components of an aircraft carrier. They are distinguished by three types, one of which is not currently used. For example, the famous French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle has a flat deck. Decks of this type are used for horizontal takeoff. For this, steam catapults are used. Jump decks are installed on ships containing vertical takeoff aircraft. A characteristic feature of such a deck is the combination of the runway and runway.
A flight deck containing two levels was used until the 30s of the last century. On the nose of such aircraft carriers there was a take-off deck, and at the top - a landing deck. But since such a scheme was dangerous for pilots, it was changed by re-equipping it, as is customary in conventional aircraft carriers.
Fun facts about the giants of the Navy
It will be interesting for the uninitiated to find out where the aircraft carriers have an inexhaustible source of speed and power. The thing is that the nuclear power plants located on modern ships, including French aircraft carriers, provide ships with an unlimited range of movement. In addition, thanks to the nuclear installation, the aircraft carrier has the ability to maintain a maximum, rather than cruising, speed for weeks.

Also matters is the location of the runway. It is located at an angle of 9⁰. This was not done by accident. Previously, when the runway was straight, there were often collisions of aircraft standing, with those who landed unsuccessfully. After all, thisquite difficult - to sit on a swinging and narrow deck. To avoid such disasters and the resulting fires, the designers came up with an ingenious solution, thereby giving the pilot the right to make a mistake.
French Navy
The French navy occupies a leading position in the world. In terms of its displacement (321,850 tons), it is located between Korea and Great Britain. This powerful military formation is armed with submarines, ultra-modern frigates, amphibians, cruisers, destroyers, and, of course, the legendary French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle with a displacement of 37,000 tons. The basis of the landing forces is the cruiser "Mistral". There are three ships of this type.
But at the same time, there is currently a lack of air cover, since French naval aviation is armed with only 60 carrier-based aircraft. In general, the French government has planned a serious modernization of the forces of the Navy, since the current capacities are not enough to conduct global military operations. Although France also has a significant trump card: nuclear weapons. First of all, these are modern ballistic missiles.
France and World War II
The French are rightly called the pioneers of naval aviation. It was they who built hydroplanes, seaplanes and flying boats, and battleships and cruisers were equipped with catapults for takeoff. And in the 20s of the last century, the naval armed forces of France were replenished with a new member - the battleship Bearn, modernized into an aircraft carrier.

It was installedlanding deck and catapult. This ship, although without any special differences, participated in the world war with German fascism, but in 1940 she retired. This happened after the surrender of the French Republic to Nazi Germany. Further, back in 1937, according to the planned shipbuilding program, it was decided to design several new ships. But this was not destined to come true. During the period from 1939 to 1945, the French armed forces, especially the fleet, lost most of their weapons, and demanded a total restoration. So how many aircraft carriers did France have during the war with the Germans? Among the unrealized and frozen projects such as Joffre, Clemenceau, the sunken aircraft carrier Commandant Test, one military flagship Bearn stood out.
The aircraft carrier Bearn: a gray story
French Vice Admiral Bourget rightly believed that it was urgent to revive French aircraft carriers as the basis of the Navy. This man once commanded the Bearn, so his advice was valuable and was heard. The admiral believed that the French fleet needed at least 6 aircraft carriers. Subsequently, the government purchased aircraft carriers from England, and in the 50s, French shipbuilders designed the Clemenceau and Foch aircraft carriers.
But the warship, the aircraft carrier Bearn, deserves special mention, if only because it took part in the war against the Nazis. The aircraft carrier participated in the search for the German ship Admiral Graf Spee. The construction of the vessel began in January 1914, and it was launched in April 1920. The draft of the vessel is more than 9 meters, and the width is 27. The length of the aircraft carrier was182 meters. The number of crew was 865 people.
French Navy aircraft carriers began their history with this armored vessel. It was armed with anti-aircraft guns, torpedoes and had 40 aircraft on board. The aircraft carrier was designed from the Normandy hull, while the battleship's turbines were replaced by a power plant. After the French surrender, there were rumors that the aircraft carrier took all the state gold reserves to Martinique, but this information has not been confirmed. Further, until the end of the war, Bearn transported aircraft from Canada to their homeland. In 1967, the French flagship of the beginning of the last century was dismantled.
Charles de Gaulle or Richelieu?
Now France's aircraft carriers are modern and equipped to meet military standards. Rather, the French aircraft carrier is currently the only one: the famous Charles de Gaulle. This ship was built and launched in 1994. Its operation started in 2001. With a displacement of 42 thousand tons, the aircraft carrier gives 27 knots of travel. It has two nuclear engines and is 261 meters long and about 64 meters wide. The aircraft carrier is the largest ship in France, but it is small compared to similar American nuclear ships. Its crew is quite numerous and consists of 1900 people, including pilots and command.

The history of the creation of this warship began with the fact that the government decided to replace the outdated aircraft carriers of France "Foch" and "Clemenceau" with more modern models. But only createdone vessel of this series, since its high cost did not allow the project to continue. The aircraft carrier has been improved more than once, due to unsuccessful testing.
As for the design of the ship, it is equipped with the most modern systems: catapults, unsinkable bulkheads, a double bottom, radar-absorbing and hidden equipment. There is also a drainage, fire, protective system. For the crew, air conditioning and ventilation systems are provided. Comfortable sleeping areas, rest and eating areas have been developed.
Serious debate flared up around the name of the aircraft carrier: François Mitterrand, President of France, wanted to name the ship "Richelieu", as he considered it inappropriate to flirt with the Gaullist party. But a year later, Jacques Chirac still convinced him, and the ship was named after the famous general.
Armament "Charles"
The ship's atomic energy will last for 5 years at a speed of 25 knots. The aircraft carrier owes this to a power plant with colossal power content: 76 thousand horsepower. Up to 100 aircraft can be placed on such a powerful base at the same time. But usually the air fleet includes 40 aircraft, of which there are several fighters, attack aircraft, reconnaissance and communications aircraft. There are also helicopters on deck. The aircraft carrier is also equipped with radar systems and air defense installations. So if you ask yourself how many aircraft carriers France has now, you can reliably answer: one. But there are several more ships that are almost on the same level of combat capability and endurance.
"Mistral":french station wagon
The amphibious assault ship-helicopter carrier "Mistral" differs from others in its multi-purpose application. It can be a hospital, land motorized amphibious brigades, act as a command center, carry and serve combat helicopters. If we talk about aircraft carriers in France, the Mistral, although not a full-fledged aircraft carrier, is also a worthy representative of the French Navy.

An important advantage is the slow and thoughtful monitoring of space, which is successfully carried out by helicopters. In addition, landing barges, a tank battalion and up to 900 soldiers at a time can be located on the ship. The French Navy has three such ships: the Mistral, the Tonnerre and the Dismude.
Is it possible to sink an aircraft carrier?
This is a very difficult task. Due to the fact that such super-expensive ships carry a huge amount of weapons, then, naturally, the protective functions of an aircraft carrier do not quite meet the necessary requirements. Therefore, there are always 15 or more ships around a huge ship, providing reliable protection within a radius of 300 kilometers. But it is still possible to sink an aircraft carrier, although it is very difficult. The simplest, but not very effective method is assault. To do this, it is necessary to neutralize the guard ships, and then try to sink the aircraft carrier, which will be extremely difficult, because it is equipped with a huge number of compartments.
Diversion can play an important role in putting an aircraft carrier out of action. For example, duringreplenishment of supplies, in one of the ports, a group of divers should quietly swim up to the ship and install a remote explosive device on its bottom. The main thing is to get away unnoticed in this operation.

Another way could be torpedoing from a silent submarine. Of course, a huge aircraft carrier will not be able to dodge a torpedo. Only now the kamikaze submarine is very likely to be immediately destroyed by guard ships.
Missile and nuclear strikes are most effective in sinking an aircraft carrier. It is clear that the latter, due to the infection of the territory and other catastrophic consequences, are used only in extreme cases.
Ships of the future
But the aircraft carriers of France and other world powers do not stand still, new, more modern and advanced models are being designed. Taking into account the experience of past achievements and mistakes, a project was created for the aircraft carrier of the future called CVNX with a displacement of 100 thousand tons. It was created using ste alth technologies, the latest nuclear installation, which allows it to go for a long time without refueling, as well as a fundamentally new hull design. According to the creators, such a ship for the entire fifty-year service life is able to travel 3 million nautical miles and spend 6 thousand days in the ocean.
Progress is rapidly moving, including in the military industry. Huge amounts of money are being invested in the latest technologies, but you can’t buy peace on the planet for any amount of money.