Where to get a profession: Military Academy of Communications, St. Petersburg:

Where to get a profession: Military Academy of Communications, St. Petersburg:
Where to get a profession: Military Academy of Communications, St. Petersburg:

Modern high school graduates carefully choose a profession. An excellent chance to master not only prestigious professions, but also to get a guarantee of employment, to take an important place in society - to enter the Military Academy of Communications (St. Petersburg).

This educational institution is one of those where the intellectual elite of the Russian armed forces is being created.

A bit of history: how it all began

Mid 19th century. A galvanizing institution is being created in St. Petersburg, where officers and soldiers are trained in the speci alty of electrical engineering, which was new for that time.

1919. In Russia, devastation, war, famine. But in St. Petersburg, the Revolutionary Military Council is creating an electrical engineering school for military personnel on the basis of galvanic courses.

November 8, 1919 - this day is considered the day of foundation of the now world-famous Military Academy of Communications in St. Petersburg.

After a series of organizational changes by 1935, the educational institution consisted of 6 faculties and coursespromotions for the heads of communication departments. During 1932-1936, a separate military camp with educational and residential buildings was built on Benois Avenue (now called Tikhoretsky) for the country's need for a training center.

Military Communications Academy
Military Communications Academy

The Academy finally becomes subordinate to the Red Army communications leadership in 1933 and at the same time receives the name of S. M. Budyonny - the hero of the Civil War. At the same time, in an effort to unify the preparatory system, the academy is being transformed, it becomes the Military Electrotechnical Academy of Communications.

The subsequent reorganizations led to the fact that instead of one higher educational institution, two were formed, which then merged again. In the late 90s, three military schools located in Kemerovo, Ryazan and Ulyanovsk were attached as faculties. Today, a branch is also open in Krasnodar.

The last changes took place in 2008, when the higher educational institution received its final name - the Military Academy of Communications (St. Petersburg) and the honorary name of S. M. Budyonny, Marshal of the USSR.


Studying at the Academy of Communications is not just getting a diploma of graduation from a university, it is the highest level of skill and professionalism. The numbers speak for themselves:

  • more than 30 thousand officers who serve in the ranks of the RF Armed Forces have been trained within these walls;
  • retrained and received new knowledge about 8 thousand officers;
  • 4, 5 thousand specialists who graduated from the academy are citizens of other countries;
  • produced about 100 doctorssci.

Graduates of the educational institution are known all over the world, because among them there are 15 Heroes of the Soviet Union and 2 Heroes of the Russian Federation.

The St. Petersburg Military Academy of Communications is proud of having received 2 orders of the USSR and awards from foreign countries.

Teachers of the highest qualification, known all over the world, have taught at the academy.

The work of scientists of the academy
The work of scientists of the academy

Speci alties

The academy has 6 faculties:

  • radios;
  • telecommunication multichannel systems;
  • automated control systems;
  • retraining and advanced training;
  • command;
  • special.

There is also a vocational secondary education course.

Training is carried out according to the programs:

  1. Vocational secondary. Full-time study for almost 3 years. A graduate qualifies as a "technician" and receives the military rank of "ensign".
  2. Higher education (speci alty). Training lasts 5 years, graduates become lieutenants.
  3. Professional development (master's degree). The training lasts 2 years.
Simulators in the academy
Simulators in the academy

Also, the military academy conducts training and education of scientific and teaching staff:

  • adjuncture - 3 years full-time or 4 years in absentia;
  • doctoral studies – 3 years.

Order of admission

To become a cadet of the St. Petersburg Military Academy of Communications, which has excellent reviews, you must apply to the localcommissariat. Civilians must do this by April 1, military personnel submit a report to their superiors by March 1.

The personal file formed in the commissariat goes to the university, where the selection committee decides on admitting a person to the exams.

Professional Selection

For education at the Military Academy of Communications of St. Petersburg, those who wish must be approved by the admissions committee. What criteria are taken into account:

  • how fit the candidate is in terms of he alth - the academy conducts a medical examination;
  • how fit psychologically - psychologists are testing;
  • how fit physically - you need to pass the standards.

The physical fitness exam provides for the delivery of 3 standards:

  • running for 3 km and 100 m, for boys also pull-ups on the crossbar;
  • running for 1 km and 100 m, for girls also slopes from a prone position.
Oath at the Military Academy of Communications
Oath at the Military Academy of Communications

Upon admission, the commission evaluates the results of the USE in a number of subjects, exams can also be held on them:

  • Russian language - the summary is written;
  • in writing physics;
  • in writing math.

Attestation score is taken into account for secondary education. Minimum scores for 2019:

  • profile mathematics – 27;
  • Russian - 36;
  • physics – 36.

Some categories of citizens have priority enrollment rights and benefits.

Timingcareer selection

June and July are the months when students are selected for the Military Communications Academy. You can get acquainted with the conditions of admission and training in advance at the Days of open doors. They take place twice: in April and November.

Field exercises
Field exercises

Those who are called for testing get the opportunity to come to St. Petersburg for free, where they are also provided with free accommodation and even food. In case of failure, the candidate has the right to return home also free of charge.

What does an academy student get

Admission to a military university is obtaining the status of a military man, with all the en titlements, compensations and payments that are established by law:

  • live in hostels for free;
  • get food, clothes and a scholarship (15-22 thousand rubles a month);
  • receive benefits when purchasing tickets to museums, concerts and exhibitions;
  • can travel for free once a year to where they are going to spend their holidays.

The academic year at the Military Communications Academy begins in August, but the cadets do not sit down at their desks, because a month is spent on combined arms training. During the year, cadets receive 2 vacations:

  • summer - for a month;
  • winter - half a month.


The Military Institute of Communications is located in the Kalininsky district of the northern capital, building 3 on Tikhoretsky Prospekt.


Polytechnicheskaya metro station is located 300 m away, there are stops of public surface transport nearby. Getting there is easy.
