Medics, lawyers, linguists and scientists from various fields in the process of obtaining education and work are faced with the need to master the Latin language. Despite the fact that he is called dead, he is the necessary base, without which successful advancement in a number of professions is impossible. How to learn Latin from scratch? It is necessary to adhere to three main recommendations in the following sequence: mastering the theory, practice, consolidating knowledge. Consider how it is possible to learn the language of science in five basic steps.

Choosing an Approach to Learning Latin
There are two generally accepted options in mastering the Latin language. These are schools whose methods have a number of differences. Depending on the priority goals in mastering the language, it is worth taking a closer look at one or another approach. The first school is more focused on grammar and vocabulary. The second focuses on vocabulary and reading. The first option is more suitable for those who aim to master the language on their own. How to learn Latinin this manner? It involves a high level of motivation and iron discipline. At the same time, most modern textbooks and programs are built on it, which will allow you to choose working materials without restrictions. The second way gives faster results in understanding and using the language. Its disadvantage is that it requires the almost constant presence of a teacher in the process of work.

Practice Tutorial
A range of study aids will help you learn the alphabet, grammar, vocabulary of the language. How to learn Latin to the level to be able to read? This will take from several months to six months. First you need to learn the alphabet, the basic rules for reading words, the basics of grammar and sentence construction. In parallel with this, there is a constant expansion of vocabulary by memorizing not only individual words, but also entire expressions, quotes and texts. They will further become the basis for accelerating the development process. As a teaching material, you can use both a self-instruction manual and methodological manuals recommended for university students or for a specific speci alty.
The second necessary link is a Latin dictionary. It is recommended to take a general edition, as well as a highly specialized version, for example, for linguists, lawyers, doctors or biologists.
Reading and translation
Since the language is "dead" and it is used exclusively for solving scientific problems, reading and translation skills will become a priority in mastering. It is worth starting with small lungstexts adapted especially for beginners (from textbooks). Then you can move on to more complex work. How to learn Latin from scratch on your own based on texts and knowledge of grammar? This will help the constant practice of translation. It is necessary to work out each sentence, analyzing its constituent parts and selecting matches in the words and terminology of the native language. For the analysis of progress and feedback, it is better to use communities of like-minded people. Workbooks with a ready-made translation will also help, which you should check after doing your own in order to analyze errors.

Effective way to expand vocabulary
As in any other language, vocabulary is the key to successful development. The most effective way to work with vocabulary teachers call cardboard or electronic cards. On one side is a word or phrase in the original, on the reverse side is a translation. Constant work with cards will help you quickly learn verbs and their conjugation, winged proverbs, nouns and adjectives. It is recommended to periodically (weekly) return to the material already worked out in order to fix it in long-term memory. How to learn Latin by audience? The method of cards with pronouncing words and expressions aloud will solve the problem.
Communicate and educate others
How to learn Latin without constant feedback? Is it possible? In the case of Latin, the issue is relevant because of its officiality and the impossibility of a widespreadcommunications. Teachers are encouraged to join communities of language learners who help each other with difficult cases in grammar, translation, vocabulary understanding. A very effective method is the further transfer of knowledge, when, after mastering the base, the student undertakes to explain the basics of Latin to someone else, thus consolidating what he has learned and understanding what he has learned in detail. According to research, this approach speeds up progress at least twice.

Knowledge of the Latin language will allow not only to study successfully, but also to read the works of philosophers of antiquity in the original. The process is fun and educational. It is possible to learn Latin on your own, and communities of like-minded people will become a reliable motivating factor on the way to your goal.