In the 21st century, many people are wondering how to learn the Kazakh language. Someone needs it for work, someone for study, others learn it because it is their native language. The reasons are many, but the goal is one.
On the other hand, there is often a need to learn a language by a certain time (for motivation or for a real deadline) and the question arises of how to quickly master it. Consider in our article how to quickly learn the Kazakh language on your own.
Is it that easy?
Kazakh, like any other language, has its own characteristics in learning. Some will find it easier to learn. This primarily applies to people who speak any other Turkic language. For example, in Tatar or Bashkir. After all, many people note that a Tatar as a whole can understand some Kazakh words and vice versa. This is all due to the relationship of the languages of this branch.

It is also worth considering that the Kazakh alphabet has 33 Cyrillic letters, as in the Russian alphabet, and also 9 more letters,which are different from it. However, quite recently in Kazakhstan it was decided to switch from Cyrillic to Latin by 2021, but it is worth remembering that by this time most of the population will still be more accustomed to the usual script.
But in general, the Kazakh language is completely different from Russian, so Russian speakers who decide to learn it learn it as a whole separate full-fledged complex language with its own grammar and features, mostly from scratch.
General tips
So, you have decided to learn the Kazakh language, where to start? First of all, you need to figure out the purpose for which it is needed. This will help in further motivation.
In this century, there are many useful books and websites that will help language learners. But the most important thing is to study regularly. For example, every day for 40 minutes or twice a week for 2 hours, as different people like and suit different methods, but most importantly - no less often. Because then the material that is mastered may be forgotten. In any case, self-organization and motivation will be required. Tired of learning grammar? Then it's time to watch a video or a movie in Kazakh, for example.

The next important point is to set mini-goals (learn one rule per day, repeat 5 words, master a vocabulary of 200 expressions per month, and so on). Do not chase quantity, because the result is more important. And don't set unrealistic goals. What's more, there are many useful phone apps and games for repeating words.
WhenIf a base of basic words in the personal vocabulary appears, then it is worth starting to turn to films and literature in the Kazakh language, which can be easily found in large numbers on the Internet. And one more useful tip: practice, practice and more practice! If possible, you should find acquaintances who are native speakers of the language being studied. Such an experience will help you quickly master not only conversational skills, but also improve your understanding of Kazakh in general.
So, now let's look at how to learn the Kazakh language on your own with the help of textbooks and online courses.
This is a fairly common resource among Kazakh language learners. At the moment, about 100 thousand people are registered there, but many materials are available even without registration. The site has a simple and intuitive interface and menu. Its structure has beginner and intermediate lessons, vocabulary, reading material, video to watch, audio and more. You can also take courses there. And all this is completely free. The resource is available as an application also for phones.
T. V. Valyaeva “Kazakh language. Grammar. Just about the complex"
Another online resource (not a textbook or a book, as you might think at first) dedicated to grammar. Tatyana Valyaeva is a poetess, a teacher who learned the Kazakh language and created a convenient website for learning it. Starting from the very basics, you will find many convenient tables and diagrams there. Almost all of the grammar needed for learners is covered here and presented in great detail.
How easy is it to learn Kazakh? One way is to learn by playing. On this service, you can learn a language through games.
Learning any language is always desirable to be accompanied by tests and small tests, even if you arrange them yourself. This is necessary to check your knowledge and your progress or lack of it and already decide how to study the language further. Tests are also useful for consolidating the information received. is the perfect assistant for this. There is a large database of tests that you can pass, after which the result will be automatically calculated.
Nothing helps in learning a language like using useful literature. Namely, textbooks, where, as a rule, everything is collected at once: grammar rules, texts, dictionaries, exercises.

- "Kazakh grammar for Russian speakers". A self-help guide for beginners with exercises and answers. Author Elena Romanenko. Here are the grammar rules of the Kazakh language, as well as exercises for consolidation.
- "Self-tutor of the Kazakh language. 1500 words and combinations". T. Shanbai, K. Baigabylova. For some people, such textbooks are suitable, somewhat reminiscent of phrasebooks. Indeed, sometimes it is really useful to learn at first only the most commonly used words and phrases. However, learning from such books is worth it, along with grammar books or practice in the form of watching movies, listening, reading large texts.
- "Kazakh language for everyone". A. Sh. Bekturova, Sh. K. Bekturov. And this is just such a tutorial, which contains everything you need to learn the language at a basic level.
- "Fundamentals of grammar of the Kazakh language. A guide for beginners". L. S. Kazhbulatova. Another tutorial, where the grammar is collected.
- "Kazakh language. Just about the incredibly complex." I. Kubaeva, Almaty, 2007
- "Educational and methodological manual on the study of the Kazakh language for students of technical speci alties".
- "Modern Kazakh language. Syntax of a phrase and a simple sentence". Balakaev M. B.
- "Learning the Kazakh language". Oralbayeva N.
- "40 lessons of the Kazakh language" (self-tutor) Khadisha Kozhakhmetova.
- Musaev K. M. "Textbook on the Kazakh language".

Instead of a conclusion
So how to learn the Kazakh language? Here you will need to comply with elementary rules: the regularity of classes, frequent repetitions. You should try to learn the language through exercises, speaking practice, reading, writing. Various sites, applications and tutorials will help with this. It is worth remembering the practice and try to communicate in the Kazakh language as often as possible. And then the study of the Kazakh language will bear fruit.