Normative document on standardization and types of standards

Normative document on standardization and types of standards
Normative document on standardization and types of standards

Any normative document on standardization in the Russian Federation can be mandatory or recommended for execution. For non-compliance with certain provisions, liability is provided in accordance with applicable law.

normative document on standardization
normative document on standardization

Normative document on standardization

What is this? This is an act that spells out the rules, requirements, characteristics regarding any object. Specialists carry out a lot of preparatory work before compiling a normative document on standardization. The definition of objects for which requirements will be developed is based on an analysis of the activities of service and product producers, as well as consumer demand.


There are various normative documents on standardization and types of standards. The recommendatory act is focused on achieving an optimal level of orderliness in a particular area. A regulatory document on standardization, developed on the basis of the consent of the participants in the relationship, establishes general principles, characteristics, rules related to a particular activity or its results. They are used by an indefinite circle of subjects repeatedly. A normative document on standardization, developed as a rule or principle, is based on the generalized results of research, practical experience, and scientific achievements. This is what determines the optimal benefit to society in its application.


In practice, such types of regulatory documents on standardization are used as administrative-territorial, national, regional, international acts. They are used by the respective subjects and are intended for a wide range of consumers. These normative documents in the field of standardization are considered to be publicly available. Another category of acts - sectoral or corporate - is aimed at a narrower circle of subjects. Before the approval of certain rules at the official level, a preliminary regulatory document on standardization is created.

In Russia, this practice has existed for a long time. Temporary acts are adopted by the authorized body and communicated to potential consumers and entities that can use them. Information obtained in the course of their application, reviews act as a basis for making a decision on the advisability of creating an official standard.


It is a normative standardization document containing advice or guidance regarding a process, sample, standard, service description, product. The set of rules can act as an independent act. In some cases, it is included in another normative standardization document. This is a document that is compiled for the processes of installation, design of structures and equipment, maintenance or operation of objects, products. A separate category is made up of acts that contain descriptions of the methods or procedures to be used when checking compliance with the requirements. They are normative and technical standardization documents.

normative standardization document developed as a rule
normative standardization document developed as a rule


This normative standardization document, unlike the previous ones, is mandatory. It is approved by the authority. One of its varieties is the technical regulation. It contains requirements for a specific object. A normative standardization document may include direct instructions or references to them in other acts. Technical regulations are often supplemented by methodological recommendations. They include descriptions of methods for checking or controlling the object's compliance with requirements.

Normative documents on standardization and types of standards

Currently, the following types of acts are used in domestic and international practice:

  1. Fundamental. These normative documents in the field of standardizationinclude guidelines or general provisions for a specific area. Usually they are used as a methodological basis for formulating other rules and requirements.
  2. Terminological. These normative documents of the standardization system include concepts and their interpretations.

Besides this, there are:

  1. Standards for test methods. They establish rules, methods, procedures for various checks and activities that accompany them (sampling or sampling, for example).
  2. Product standards. They include requirements for products, through which the compliance of the object with its purpose is ensured. This standard may be incomplete or complete. In the latter case, not only the above requirements are established, but also the rules in accordance with which sampling is carried out, tests are carried out, packaging, labeling, storage, and so on. An incomplete standard includes only part of the prescriptions. For example, requirements may be specific to delivery rules, quality parameters, and so on.
  3. Process/service standards. In them, specific operations or works act as an object.
  4. Compatibility standards. They set requirements for the entire product or its elements.
normative document on standardization developed on the basis of consent
normative document on standardization developed on the basis of consent


They can be methodical or descriptive. The former include the methodology, the method of performing the operation, the implementation of the process, and so on. With their help,compliance with the requirements that impose normative documents of standardization, certification. The provisions of the second type usually include descriptions of structures, their elements, the composition of the feedstock / material, the size of parts and parts of products. Performance characteristics reflecting the "behavior" of an object during its use can be added to the main normative standardization documents.

Acts in force on the territory of Russia

Key documents are established by the Federal Law "On Standardization". Among them are GOSTs, regional, international requirements, all-Russian classifiers. The main documents also include the standards of industries, enterprises, engineering, scientific and technical societies and other associations. Currently, the effect of some acts approved back in the USSR period is preserved. In addition to these standards, normative documents also include standardization rules (PR), recommendations (R) and technical conditions (TU). Special requirements are imposed on product certificates. They must contain those prescriptions that are confirmed by certification. The acts formulate the test methods to be used to determine conformity, the rules for product labeling and the types of accompanying papers.


This normative standardization document includes requirements for products, services, works, the need for which has an intersectoral character. The act may include both mandatory prescriptions and recommendations. Regulatory documents are accepted by the State Standard, if the objectstandardization are services, works, products. If the acts relate to the field of architecture, industry, construction, they are approved by Gosstroy.

types of normative documents on standardization
types of normative documents on standardization


Mandatory include requirements for:

  1. Process safety, services, products for the environment, human he alth, property, sanitary standards.
  2. Information and technical compatibility, interchangeability of products.
  3. Unity marking, control methods.

Requirements for security are especially relevant at the present time, since it is precisely this that is the key condition for certification. Mandatory instructions must be carried out by state bodies and all business entities, regardless of the form of ownership. A normative document for the standardization of a particular type of product may include such characteristics as:

  • permissible level of harmful/dangerous production factors that appear during the operation of the equipment;
  • hazard class;
  • action of compounds on a person and so on.

The standards specify all types and limits of permissible danger of a certain product or group of products. They are formulated with the expectation of the reliability of objects throughout the entire period of their operation. Safety requirements include: fire, explosion, electrical safety, maximum allowable concentrations of pollutants and chemicals, etc. The customer and the contractor must include in the contract conditions regardingcompliance of its subject with the established fundamental requirements of GOST. Other requirements of the standards may be recognized as mandatory in contractual relations or if there is a corresponding indication in the papers from the supplier (manufacturer) or contractor. Such requirements, for example, include key operational (consumer) characteristics of the product and methods for their control, rules regarding paperwork, metrology, and so on.


The legislation provides for procedures to verify compliance with established requirements. Compliance with the requirements is confirmed by tests, according to the rules of mandatory certification. In some cases, if it is deemed appropriate and necessary to ensure a high level of competitiveness of domestic products, prospective requirements may be established. To a certain extent, they are ahead of the available capabilities of the applied technologies. On the one hand, this does not contradict the provision on preliminary standards. At the same time, this acts as an incentive for the introduction of new processes in domestic enterprises.

normative documents of the standardization system
normative documents of the standardization system

Sector Acts

Such standards are developed in relation to products obtained in a particular economic sector. The requirements of these acts must be consistent with the mandatory requirements established in GOSTs, industry rules and safety standards. Such normative documents are adopted by state administration bodies (ministries). They are responsible for the compliance of industry requirements with the requirements of GOSTs. The objects are processes, products, services implemented in the sector, rules established for the organization of work, standard designs (fasteners, tools, etc.), the procedure for metrological support. The range of use of industry standards is limited to enterprises that are under the departmental control of the governing bodies that have adopted them. Economic entities of other subordination have the right to use them on a voluntary basis.

Rules of enterprises

They are developed and approved directly by the organization itself. In this case, the elements relating to enterprise management usually act as objects of standardization. Acts may also affect the products that the organization produces. In this case, the regulatory document will establish requirements for parts of products, tools, equipment, and technological rules. The legislation recommends using such acts for the development of regional, international, state regulations by the enterprise, as well as when regulating the parameters of raw materials, semi-finished products, etc.

Acts of public associations

Such regulatory documents are usually developed for a fundamentally new type of products, processes, services, advanced inspection methods, non-traditional approaches to production management. Public associations that deal with these problems seek to disseminate through their acts the results of world scientific achievements that deserve attention,applied and fundamental research. For economic entities, normative documents of this type act as the most important source of information about advanced developments. The recommendations and rules set forth in them are used at the enterprise voluntarily by decision of the management. Like business standards, these regulations must comply with applicable law.

normative and technical documents of standardization
normative and technical documents of standardization

Recommendations and rules

In essence, they correspond to methodological normative documents. Rules and recommendations may relate to the order in which acts are coordinated, information is provided on accepted industry requirements, the creation of a control service at the enterprise, and so on. These acts are drawn up by organizations and subdivisions that are subordinate to the State Standard or Gosstroy. Their projects are being discussed with stakeholders.


Technical conditions are developed by enterprises and other economic entities in cases where the creation of a standard is impractical. The object of technical specifications can be products of a one-time supply, produced in small batches, products of art crafts, etc. The procedure for accepting technical conditions has a number of features. According to the legislation, specifications refer to technical documents. However, one caveat applies to this category of acts. If there is a reference to the specifications in the agreements / contracts for the supply, then they are considered as regulatory documents. In this case, their statementcarried out in accordance with PR 50.1.001-93. The specifics of the agreement is as follows. During the acceptance of a new product manufactured in accordance with the requirements, the final approval of the technical conditions by an authorized commission takes place. However, in order to provide TS, it is necessary to first send out their draft and accompanying papers to organizations whose representatives will participate in the procedure.

Important moment

THE are considered agreed when signing the certificate of acceptance of a prototype (or batch). In the same way, the question of the possibility of mass production of products is solved. If the enterprise intends to produce products without an acceptance commission, the specifications are agreed with the customer. This procedure is considered mandatory. The norms and requirements of TS, which are classified as fundamental, are not subject to agreement. In this case, they provide a link to the corresponding GOST. The rules in accordance with which the technical conditions are agreed upon allow developers to independently decide whether they need to be approved by the customer, if they were formulated on their own initiative.

Complexes of Acts

Some standards are combined into one normative document. At the same time, those prescriptions that are connected with each other and have a single target orientation are included in the combined act. Such documents establish agreed requirements for standardization objects. The set of acts, therefore, includes provisions aimed at eliminating the contradiction between the rules applied at various levels, ensuringconsistency with legislation, achieving a common goal and fulfilling mandatory requirements.

normative document on standardization what is it
normative document on standardization what is it


The standard usually provides for several methods of control regarding one quality indicator of the product. This is necessary to select one of them as an arbitrator if the need arises. However, it should be borne in mind that not in all cases the methods may be interchangeable. For such situations, the standard contains either a clear recommendation regarding the selection conditions, or information on distinguishing features.

To ensure the reliability and comparability of the results, it is necessary to use the provisions of the acts describing the place and method of sampling from consignments of goods with their quantitative characteristics, rules establishing the sequence of operations performed and processing the results, schemes of test equipment.

Fundamental standards are developed to promote interconnection, mutual understanding in the implementation of activities in a particular scientific or industrial field. These acts formulate such organizational provisions and principles, rules and requirements that are considered as common to the respective sectors. They should contribute to the achievement of goals that are common for both science and production. At their core, they ensure the interaction of these areas in the development, creation and use of a product or service so that the requirements for the protection of nature, property andpublic he alth have been fully implemented.


In 1996, the fundamental standard GOST Ρ 1.0-92 was changed. In accordance with the adjustment, a technical regulation was added to the list of acts used on the territory of Russia. Meanwhile, at present there are many gaps in the legislation governing standardization. Accordingly, not all acts that establish certain requirements, recommendations, rules are fully consistent with international regulations. The difference between the domestic approach to the nature of technical regulations is revealed directly in the very wording of the change made to GOST. It is presented as follows. Technical regulations should include government decrees and legislative acts containing rules, requirements and norms of a technical nature, state standards in terms of the mandatory prescriptions established in them, rules of federal executive bodies endowed with appropriate powers.
