Kharkiv is often called the city of students and youth. And he deserved this title, because Kharkov universities are a ticket to life for many Ukrainians and citizens of neighboring countries. There are a number of educational institutions in the city, ranging from the most famous universities to specialized technical schools and colleges.

In 2012, more than 100 thousand applications were submitted to Kharkiv universities. The most popular higher educational institutions of the city among applicants are the following: Kharkiv National University. Karazin (KhNU), Kharkiv Polytechnic University (NTU "KhPI") and Kharkiv National Economic University (KhNEU).
Entering universities in Kharkiv, many students make a choice in favor of public universities with a long history and a good reputation. This is due to the fact that Ukrainian private educational institutions are sometimes completely unexpectedly closed, and instead of a diploma, students receive a certificate stating that they have attended a course of lectures. Therefore, you must firstget acquainted with which universities in Kharkiv enjoy well-deserved respect among employers, students and graduates.

When you are convinced of the reliability of the university, think about what you would like to do in your life and how you imagine your bright future. Kharkiv universities offer a huge number of speci alties, ranging from programmers and economists that are popular today, to technologists and engineers. The choice is yours!
Many universities in Kharkiv today are broad-based, they have almost all popular areas, but if you want to get a truly high-quality education, then it is better to choose an educational institution that matches your talents and preferences from the very beginning.

1) Technical education. If you want to become a technologist, power engineer, engineer, then give preference to NTU "KhPI", which is the second after the Kyiv Polytechnic University in the ranking of the best Ukrainian technical universities.
2) Humanities. If you have a soul for such speci alties as a historian, sociologist, psychologist, philosopher, translator, then your path lies in KhNU. Karazin. But if you dream of a teaching career, then hurry up to apply to Kharkiv Pedagogical University named after Skovoroda.
3) Economy. If in the future you dream of working as a financier, accountant, marketer, international economist or tourism manager, then go ahead inKhNEU!
4) Jurisprudence. An excellent start for a career as a lawyer will be studying at the National Law Academy named after Yaroslav the Wise.
5) And, finally, if you are interested in the field of IT technologies, then you will get the best education at the Kharkiv University of Radio Electronics. And in the future you will become a programmer, system administrator or Internet project manager.
When choosing a university, remember that only doing what you love can make you happy and achieve real success!