Colloquial and literary speech, built in any language, rarely does without demonstrative pronouns - words used to indicate a particular object, event, phenomenon or time. Demonstrative pronouns in English grammar are similar in purpose to Russian pronouns. But still they have their own distinctive features. For the full use of such pronouns in speech, it is necessary to study certain rules and consolidate the ability to use them through exercises. To consolidate understanding and the ability to correctly use demonstrative pronouns, testing exercises must be performed without fail.

Features of application in sentences
The first feature of demonstrative pronouns in English is the changetheir forms depending on the number of the noun they refer to. Exercises on demonstrative pronouns in English train not only the ability to correctly use these pronouns depending on the context, but also the ability to distinguish between singular and plural.
This flower is yellow (this flower is yellow) - singular.
Those cars were so fast - plural.
As a second feature of the use of demonstrative pronouns, one can single out the breadth of their use in sentences. Such pronouns can act as a subject, attribute or object.

These are very tasty cookies (this is a very tasty cookie) - subject.
Do you want to do this? (Do you want to do this?) - addition.
This chair is comfortable for my old granny (This chair is comfortable for my old granny) - definition.
Pronouns This/ These
The pronoun this is used when it is necessary to point to an object that is in close proximity. The pronoun these follows the same rule, but refers to two or more things. Exercises on demonstrative pronouns in English, considering objects within reach, most often describe the surrounding people, objects and phenomena.
This apple is green (this apple is green).
These bananas are ripe and very tasty (these bananas are ripe and very tasty)delicious).
Pronouns That/ Those
Pronoun that specifies an object that is at a distant distance from the speaker. The pronoun has a homonym translated as "which" or "what", which is not among the demonstrative pronouns in English. The exercises help you understand the difference between these spelled identical words.
That watermelon was too big (that watermelon was too big) - demonstrative pronoun.
I think that you should be careful - homonym word.

The pronoun those refers to two or more objects that are far away from the speaker.
Those children are very happy.
The pronoun Such and the phrase The Same
The pronoun such is also one of the demonstrative pronouns in English. Exercises with his participation can show that the pronoun specifies some quality of the subject.
They are such funny people.

The expression the same, in turn, is used as the Russian equivalent of "the same" or "the same".
I have the same T-shirt.
Sharing English Demonstratives
Demonstrative pronouns this, that, these and those can be used together - to compare objects,in the speaker's line of sight.

This is a green apple and that is a red one.
These are green apples and those are red.