If we consider all the faculties of Moscow State University, the Faculty of Law occupies a special place among them. It is one of the first three faculties that were opened at the university and has existed for more than one century. Throughout its history, tens of thousands of people who have actively engaged in and continue to practice law have become graduates of this faculty.

Moscow State University was founded in 1755 thanks to the initiatives of many cultural and art figures of those times, in particular M. V. Lomonosov. Initially, only three faculties functioned at the university: law, medicine and philosophy. Despite this, the flow of students only increased every year, many of them were even ready to change their profession, just to get into a prestigious university.
During the entire period of its existence, the university has been actively developing, new faculties of Moscow State University have appeared, while the Faculty of Law has remained one of the three"whales" on which the university rested. In the 21st century, Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov is one of the most popular universities on the planet, where you can get a quality education that can be applied even outside of Russia.
Law Faculty

When the future Moscow State University was just being created. Lomonosov, the faculty of law was already in the plans of the founders of the university. According to their plan, the first students of the department of general jurisprudence had to first take courses in philosophy, which is why classes began only in 1758. At first, everything did not go so smoothly, once there was even a situation when there was not a single student on the stream - and the university management was seriously thinking about closing the department and faculty in particular.
During its long history, the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University has repeatedly changed, this was done in order to find the best formula for its existence. Now the faculty has more than 15 departments and 3 own laboratories. Current students have the opportunity to use the rich experience accumulated by previous generations of lawyers, a huge number of teaching aids and materials are stored in the library of the university. Not so long ago, a branch of the faculty was opened in Geneva, this became possible within the framework of the project on the international right to education.
Admission Committee

If you decide that the place of your further study will be Moscow State University (Faculty of Law), the admission committee is the first place whereplease contact us for all the necessary information. First of all, it is necessary to clarify the number of budget places, since it is reduced every year. In 2015, only 320 state-funded places were given for admission to the undergraduate law school of Moscow State University, while 80 of them were provided to preferential categories of citizens. It was recommended to provide 130 places for enrollment in the extrabudgetary form.
Distance learning
In 2015, there were only 81 correspondence places at the law faculty of Moscow State University, although it was planned to recruit 170 people. Also in 2015, 190 places were provided for admission to the magistracy of the faculty, while 2 places were allocated for privileged categories of the population, it was also planned to recruit 50 students on an extracurricular basis, but about 100 were accepted. As for foreign citizens, the situation is much more complicated here, about 8-10 places are provided for them annually.
Passing score

Many applicants want to find out when entering Moscow State University (Faculty of Law), the passing score, and whether their results meet the established bar. The university plans to publish data for 2016 in April-May of the same year, but in 2015 the passing score for the law faculty was 359. This is the average value obtained from the USE results added together in the required subjects, and divided by their number.
To enter the law faculty of Moscow State University, you must pass the Unified State Exam in the following subjects: Russian language, social studies, history and a foreign language. The results should beare such that the average score for all subjects passed exceeds the threshold of 359, in which case you will be able to apply for a budget place in the best university in Russia. It is best to start preparing for exams in advance, you can use the services of a private tutor, as well as attend paid courses at the university. The cost of classes conducted by university teachers, their schedule and program are best clarified at the university admissions office.
How much should I pay for tuition?

If this happened, and you are not on the list of lucky people who managed to get budget places, you should not be upset. It is quite possible that you will be asked to get an education for a fee, and you will be able to graduate from Moscow State University (Faculty of Law), the cost of education here will be the main issue. Everything will depend on how you plan to study. In particular, full-time undergraduate studies cost students 385 thousand rubles as of 2014/2015.
The cost of education for a bachelor, provided that you receive a second higher education or the first one in part-time form, will be 240 thousand rubles a year. Full-time study at the master's program will be 340 thousand rubles per year, part-time - 240. If you are planning to enter graduate school, the cost of annual education at the full-time department will be 310 thousand rubles, and at the correspondence department - 185 thousand. You can also take courses for retraining and advanced training, the cost of each of them will be from 45 to 70 thousand rubles.
Historical Faculty of Moscow State University

If you failed to become a law student, you can pay attention to other faculties, for example, history. The two faculties have something in common - their teachers strive to put as much interesting and useful material into the heads of students as possible, which may come in handy in the future. In addition, upon admission to the history department, you will need to pass Russian and foreign languages, as well as history. These are the same subjects required for law school admission.
It is worth noting the lower standard of the USE results that you need to present. So, in 2015, the passing score for the Faculty of History of Moscow State University ranged from 297 to 346, depending on the chosen speci alty. Thus, it is much easier to enter the history department, in addition, the cost of studying here at the full-time department is about 325 thousand rubles per year, and at the correspondence department - 185.
MSU: Faculty of Philology

There is another place where you can go - philology. In this case, the exams of the philological and law faculty are significantly different, here you will have to pass the exam in Russian, literature / mathematics (depending on the chosen specialization), as well as in a foreign language. The only subject that is needed additionally here is mathematics, but it is now mandatory in schools. Therefore, you will have a complete set of USE certificates, with which you will be able to independently choose a faculty,based on your preference.
As for the USE passing scores, certificates of which must be submitted to Moscow State University, the Faculty of Philology requires very serious results from future students. In 2015, the passing score at this faculty ranged from 269 to 375, depending on the speci alty. For a year of full-time study, students will have to pay 325,000 rubles, for part-time - 179,000 rubles. When applying, be sure to check the current cost of education, otherwise you risk being disappointed.
Where else can I go?
If you failed to enter the desired speci alty, consider other faculties of Moscow State University, the Faculty of Law may “submit” to you next year as well. Make more serious efforts to prepare and pass the Unified State Exam. Remember that the final result will directly depend on your efforts. You can also use the year to earn some extra money and save money for the form of education that suits you best at the moment.
Historical, economic and foreign languages are the most demanded faculties of Moscow State University, the Faculty of Law does not lag behind them and continues to stay in the top five. If you are not sure in favor of which direction you should give your choice, contact the career guidance commission that operates at the university. Experienced specialists with experience will help you make your choice and understand who you still want to become in the future. But if you still decide to become a law student -go for it, everything is in your hands!