Precisely and consistently express your own thoughts, reason logically without admixture of contradictions - these qualities are important in any life situation. If a person knows how to reason, then it will be easy for him to make the right choice, defend his own opinion or assert himself. And the first step to learning to reason is the ability to write reasoning essays correctly. Therefore, the structure of writing an essay-reasoning is presented in this article.
What is a reasoning essay?
A reasoning essay is a type of essay whose purpose is to convince the reader of the correctness of a certain issue. Such texts are found in different styles of speech: from artistic to scientific, where the author undertakes to prove or disprove a process or phenomenon. The structure of an essay-reasoning in any variation necessarily includes a thesis content that confirms the main idea.

Reasoning essays are the most difficult inschool program. They require from the author not only a competent expression of thoughts, but also the ability to defend their position. In addition, the author must be well acquainted with the material that he cites as arguments.
How is it going?
But the reality is a bit different. The child comes home from school and shows the parent a notebook with a task, saying that they need to write an essay for tomorrow. Only in rare cases, parents write a text together with the child, trying to help him as little as possible. Most often, adults begin to wool the pages of the Internet, look through additional literature, or simply retell what is written in the textbook. They write the text on their own, and the child simply rewrites, without even understanding what, in fact, it is about.
And everyone is very surprised when in the end the teacher says that the assignment was done incorrectly. Why is this happening? Children do not always take the recommendations given by the teacher seriously. They forget that there is a certain structure of the essay-reasoning. And adults, in turn, simply write an essay that matches the specified title.

To avoid such embarrassing moments, it will be useful for both parents and students to know what a reasoning essay structure is and why it is needed.
Actual structure
Each type of essay has certain components that are required for execution. For an essay-reasoning, such components are theses and facts that are confirmationmain thought. The structure of the essay-reasoning looks like this:
- Thesis. This is the main idea of the text, which will be proved or refuted. For example: “First love is one of the most important periods of human life, which has a strong influence on future relationships.”
- Arguments. Each of the arguments must fully confirm the given thesis. You can use quotes from famous people or examples from literature.
- Conclusions. In fact, the conclusion repeats the thesis, but makes it more extensive, adding generalizations, forecasts and recommendations to the main idea.

Make the level harder
This is exactly what the general structure of an essay-reasoning on literature and the Russian language looks like. Only three leaving, nothing complicated. Exactly the same structure of the text on a linguistic topic, but with some amendments.
The structure of an essay-reasoning on a linguistic topic:
- Intro. The quote proposed by the task is entered as a thesis, the author agrees with these words.
- The main part. It consists of two main components. First: it is necessary to give a brief comment on the quote, that is, the author must show that he understands its meaning. The second component is evidence, that is, the student must choose at least two arguments and examples from the proposed text that would confirm the main thesis.
- Actual conclusions.
Well, the structure of the composition of the reasoning in Russian is clear. Now standsconsider in practice how to apply it and where it can be useful.
All high school students know such a terrible word as GIA - the state final exam. 9th grade students need to write an essay-reasoning based on the material they read, that is, a short text.
The structure of the essay-reasoning (GIA) is no different from the traditional one, with one amendment - the arguments must be given from the read text. You can also include quotes from the source material or simply write sentence numbers, which confirm the author's idea.

In turn, the structure of the essay-reasoning (the Unified State Examination, which is passed by students of the 11th grade) corresponds to the original sample. However, students must demonstrate a higher level of ability. It is necessary not only to reason about the material read, but to indicate the problem of the work. Moreover, it is necessary to write about your attitude to the main thesis and the work as a whole.
You also need to give at least two arguments from the literature. You can write one example from life (if any). Proper writing of an essay-reasoning will not only bring good grades, but will also help in the future to constructively defend your point of view.
General recommendations
When the general structure of the essay-reasoning has been disassembled, the question arises of how to write the text correctly.
First of all, you should pay attention to the introduction. It shouldlead the reader to the main problem, which can be formulated in the form of a quote or a question. For example:
- Children of the Underground - who are they?
- The problem of truth in M. Gorky's play "At the Bottom".
These lines lead the reader to certain thoughts. Therefore, in the introduction, we can say that there are several points of view on this matter, and indicate the one that the author adheres to.

When the introduction is created and the thesis is outlined, you can proceed to writing the arguments - the most important part. There should not be more than 2-4 of them, but this does not negate the fact of persuasiveness. In addition, they must communicate with each other. For example, if we talk about the problem of truth in M. Gorky's play "At the Bottom", then it is worth bringing up the words of Luka, Satin and Bubnov. Each of them has its own truth, which, in fact, determines this problem in the work.
And, finally, the conclusion, in which you need to draw conclusions and sum up. To do this, you can use the following recommendations:
- Conclusion should begin with a phrase that leads to a grand total. For example: “Thus…”, “So…”, “Summing up…”.
- The facts that were given above do not need to be recited again, because the conclusion sums up the most important thing that is written in the essay. To list the main thoughts, you can use introductory ones: “firstly”, “secondly”, etc.
- It is worth noting that the genre orientation of the essay does not imply categorical conclusions. The author is a researcher who has his ownhypothesis. Therefore, you should not write that you need to think in this way, and not in some other way.
Do not forget about the "decoration" of the essay. Of course, such a task assumes that the author will operate with facts and arguments in his work. However, do not make the text a dry and emotionless substance. Essay writing is creative work. Therefore, it is necessary to touch the emotions of the reader and provoke him to his own thoughts. A good solution would be to use an epigraph or quotes from other works.
It is important to "immerse" the reader in the problem that is considered in the essay. This can be done not only by citing examples from the text, but also by comparing the main problem with modernity. For example, defending the problem of truth in Gorky's play "At the Bottom", one can say that in the modern world each person has his own truth. And whoever a person is, no matter what position he is in, he will believe in his truth and try to present it to others, regardless of the consequences.
An example essay
Since the structure of the essay-reasoning has already been considered, an example of such a text will not be superfluous. It will clearly show what the structure should be and how to operate with evidence.
Why do adults need fairy tales?
It's easy to answer why children need fairy tales, but why should adults read them?
The main feature of a fairy tale is the ability to educate, give vital lessons, teach patience and responsibility. A fairy tale has a positive effect on emotions and character. Good always triumphs over evil here. Eachthe story has a happy ending, which inspires hope for a bright future and brings up good qualities that are important to maintain in any situation.
Once I was told that there are children who have never read fairy tales. It is not right! After all, childhood is also a fairy tale, and the most important, magical element was taken from it. And sometimes you think about what kind of adults such children have become. It is unlikely that they grew up kind and sympathetic people. Anger and cruelty - these qualities are so common in our time that they become something ordinary. Vandalism, terrorism, crimes - how to explain these phenomena? Only because adults who commit illegal acts did not have fairy tales in childhood.
The conclusion suggests itself: a fairy tale for adults is not just needed, but catastrophically necessary. Only in it are encrypted important life laws that help maintain kindness, faith and responsiveness.

I've always liked the story of Cinderella. If all adults read it, they could learn kindness and patience. Yes, the main meaning of this fairy tale is known to everyone, it's a classic of the genre. But if you delve into the story, you can see that the main character always believes in goodness, smiles and knows that her dreams will come true sooner or later. And no matter how much the evil stepmother and half-sisters mock her, the darkness cannot extinguish the ray of light that lives in the girl's heart.
Now it is difficult to find a person who will readily understand and support another. Welearned to hear, but not to listen. Talk but don't open your hearts. Therefore, it is worth reading a few fairy tales, they will show that there is nothing shameful in sincerity, evil always loses, and good triumphs. Only then will it be possible to see the beauty of this world and enjoy it to the fullest.

How to reason correctly?
To learn the right judgment, you need to constantly ask yourself the question “why?”. Why did the hero act this way and not otherwise? Why does a person say one thing and do another? Why do insults hurt some and not bother others?
Only by building a logical chain of judgments, it will be possible to find the correct answer. Arguing about important and even insignificant issues, a person becomes a little wiser and kinder. Even if the truth has not been revealed to him, he understands that other people may have a different opinion, and becomes more tolerant. But at the same time, the knowledge that was given to him through much thought, he will defend, citing weighty arguments.