What are declensions in Japanese?

What are declensions in Japanese?
What are declensions in Japanese?

Despite the fact that Japan is a small island country, the language of these parts is very common in the world. The carriers of this means of communication are literally scattered all over the globe, and the popularity of studying it is growing every day. This can be explained by the rich unique culture of this people, as well as the high standard of living and technological development. And looking at what declensions are in Japanese might be helpful.

Case or particles?

what are declensions
what are declensions

An interesting fact is that the Japanese themselves doubt how the declension occurs - by cases or by the addition of particles. Part of the philologists of the country of the Rising Sun took the point of view that this process occurs by the type of substitution of some letter symbols (particles). And the other half of linguists are of the opinion about the presence of case endings. To understand what declensions arein the means of communication of the Japanese, let us take the side of the latest specialists in linguistics.

Japanese cases

case declension
case declension

Declination by cases in Japanese is carried out with the addition of particles. There are several of these categories:

  • The thematic nominative case is formed with the suffix は, the thematic - が. The difference between these two categories is to give the subject different shades. For example, 青木さんは ぎしです。 Here the semantic emphasis is on Mr. Aoki being an engineer. Whereas in the following sentence, it is (of all those present) Aoki-san who is the engineer - 青木さんが ぎしです。.
  • The genitive case has two meanings - possession and attribute of an object, while using the particle の. For example, かみの (paper).
  • The dative case defines the direction of movement and the location of the object, and also indicates the moment in time with the addition of the particle に. To understand what declensions are for this category, we will give the following examples: 手を上に (palms up), 十時にねます。 (I go to bed at 10 o'clock), 私は部屋にいます。 (I am in the room).
  • In the accusative case, the noun acts as a direct object, while the character marking this meaning is を. For example, かおをあらいます。 (to wash your face).
  • The instrumental case is used when defining the subject (object) by which the action is performed, as well as when indicating the place of action (which is slightly different from the case form of the Russian language). So, in combinations "talk inJapanese" (日本語で話す) and "buy a book in the store" (本屋で本を買います。) use one particle で.
  • declension of proper names
    declension of proper names
  • The direction case is formed with the particle へ, for example 東京へ行きます。(I will go to Tokyo).
  • The joint case indicates an action with someone, for example, 私は妹と学校へ行きます。 (I go to school with my younger sister). It can be noted that the declension of proper names in this category is also formed with the particle と.
  • Initially-comparative and initial-limiting categories are performed using these constructions "から - より" and "から - まで". For example, 青木さんは私より背がたかいです。(Aoki is taller than me).

Knowing what declensions are in Japanese, you can make simple sentences and gradually develop your speaking skills. The rules for attaching category particles are very simple - you just need to substitute them after the word without any changes. The noun itself also remains in its initial form, only the predicate changes.