Who is a nobleman? This is a noble person with power and we alth

Who is a nobleman? This is a noble person with power and we alth
Who is a nobleman? This is a noble person with power and we alth

According to the explanatory dictionary, a nobleman is a rich dignitary. In other words, a person who has a special rank or occupies a high position in the state. The word itself comes from the adverb “velmi” (“velo”), which means “very”. The second part of the concept of "nobleman" is the verb "may". Putting the two halves together, we get someone who has great power.

Ancient Egypt

In ancient Egypt, a nobleman was considered close to the pharaoh - a noble person who helped govern the state. Of course, this was a special caste that de alt with tax issues, commanded troops and punished the guilty.

The meaning of the word "noble" for ordinary Egyptians was the support of the pharaoh. As a token of gratitude, the ruler presented his assistants with magnificent houses, slaves and servants. Even after his death, the nobleman (this is confirmed by the found drawings) had to be buried in a stone tomb. The Egyptians believed that in the afterlife, the pharaoh, along with his dignitaries, would continue to rule over people.

Life of rich Egyptians

Nobles wore clothes made of thin linen, which made it easy to endure the heat. As in our time, the amount of jewelry was considered an indicator of we alth andprovisions. Therefore, those close to the pharaoh put on luxurious necklaces, bracelets and rings made by the best craftsmen before leaving the house.

nobleman is
nobleman is

As for work, each nobleman had his own terms of duty, entrusted by the pharaoh himself. This could be control over slaves in quarries, collecting taxes from artisans and farmers, resolving cases in court, or commanding troops on a campaign. Such work was a source of special pride, so the nobles hired artists who painted the walls of the future tomb with colorful scenes from their real life.

Noble today

The meaning of the word "nobleman" has hardly changed these days. There are people close to the heads of state - they represent the government, the judiciary and the legislature. Like the nobles and their stretchers, they travel in premium official vehicles and live in the finest apartments.

the meaning of the word grandee
the meaning of the word grandee

Has the meaning of the word "noble" changed a lot? This is not an easy question. Probably every citizen wants to be a we althy person. But what about responsibility? Officials are obliged to work for the good of the state, to carry out the orders of the president, and most importantly, under no circumstances should they get involved with corruption. The latter, as we know, is the biggest problem of modern nobles.
