Concise presentation of the Russian language: examples

Concise presentation of the Russian language: examples
Concise presentation of the Russian language: examples

A concise presentation of the Russian language is one of the main types of creative work that helps develop coherent speech in students. This skill is tested in the final exams after the ninth grade, so the presentations should be given special attention, since this work is not as simple as it might seem at first glance.

skills and abilities
skills and abilities

What is an outline?

This work is based on imitation of the author's text. But still, the presentation gives the student a chance to independently develop creative thinking and show the skills of independent work. When working on a presentation, students analyze, highlight the main topic, pay attention to some facts and exclude others. Usually, excerpts from works of Russian literature are offered for work, but in exam papers, published articles by famous journalists or writers are more common, aimed at shaping the worldview of schoolchildren, affecting adolescent and universal problems.

Working with similar texts has a good effect on the formation of children's thinking, develops their creativityimagination, teaches to work with texts, filtering out unnecessary information. It is also worth considering that this type of work develops various skills and abilities, teaches you to perceive information by ear and retell what you hear in writing or orally. And the analysis of the text, the definition of the topic, the ideas of the author that he wanted to convey to the readers, the identification of features, both compositional and linguistic, when reproducing the altered text, form children's communication skills and abilities.

texts for condensed presentation
texts for condensed presentation

Main stages of working with text

  1. Listening to text. Discussion of the text, which helps to perceive it as a semantic and thematic whole.
  2. Analysis of the structure to show that the text carries not only semantic and thematic unity, but also structural. It also helps to prevent errors when retelling.
  3. Identification of the main theme of the text and the author's thoughts, which he wanted to convey to the audience. It is necessary to draw up a plan and select materials that are still in the form of outlines and are needed to reveal the topic and convey the main idea.
how to compress text
how to compress text

What to do after listening to the text?

It is recommended that when you first listen to the text, immediately fix the keywords, that is, the basic concepts on which the text is built. It is also a good idea to transfer the linguistic means used by the author into your text. Only 10 minutes are given for this work, and after the time has elapsed, the text is given for listening again, and now, during playback, it is necessary to transfer as much as possibleheard information, then to highlight the necessary and exclude the least significant.

After the second listening, you should reproduce the text as fully as possible in writing in order to be able to work with it later.

And the last step is editing the text. For a concise presentation, this is the most important stage, because it is here that you need to be able to sift important information and remove all unnecessary, and this work will help prevent speech errors.

exam preparation
exam preparation

What skills and abilities are formed?

Why is the ability to write a concise statement on a topic that is important for our time now paying special attention? At the final exam, that is, the final certification after the ninth grade, students show their ability to work with just this type of presentation. What is the challenge for graduates? It is important to be able to isolate the main thing from the reproduced text, to be able to use linguistic means in order to convey important information as concisely and capaciously as possible. Also in this type of creative work, the student's skills to process information are tested. It turns out that this is a generalized, brief transmission of the content of the text.

The student must correctly convey the meaning and content and not use excessive speech aids. To properly execute a summary, you need to define tasks and choose a course of action.

What are the challenges facing the student?

  1. You need to convey the content, indicating all the micro topics.
  2. Apply multiple compression methods.
  3. Observing the paragraphs, writenew text without errors (punctuation, logical and spelling) from 90 to 110 words.

The text will be turned on for listening twice, and 10 minutes are given between readings for comprehension and awareness. When you first turn on, you need to understand the essence of the transmitted information and the problem that the author wanted to convey. Be sure to pay attention to micro-themes, their sequence and location. What are microthemes? These are several sentences that are united by one thought. This general idea is a micro-theme, and it represents one or more paragraphs. In a concise presentation, all micro-topics of the main text should be noted.


Examples of types of text compression

When working with it, it is necessary to reduce or completely eliminate secondary information and leave the main one.

What does the summary mean?

There are three ways to compress text: exclusion, replacement, and generalization. Let's take a closer look at all these methods. If you use the elimination method, then determine the main information and those details that can be excluded, and these are repetitions, synonyms, some irrelevant sentences, introductory words and constructions. By eliminating these unnecessary details, you leave the main information and form a concise text.

When using the method of generalization, the necessary information, facts are singled out and means are used to convey them more concisely. Thus, they make up a new text. Here you can replace homogeneous words with a common word, direct indirect speech and combine several simple sentences into onedifficult.

If you use simplification, pay attention to syntactic constructions. That is, you can replace part of a complex sentence with a participial or participle turnover, combine several simple sentences into one complex one, replace several sentences with one, leaving the main idea, replace part of a sentence with a synonymous expression, replace part of a sentence with a demonstrative pronoun.

Texts for a concise presentation are published on educational sites. They are taken from the exam options of previous years, so it is best to train your skills in work on them.
