From childhood, children are taught to do good: to move grandmothers across the road, give way to elders, take care of animals. At school, in labor lessons, children make birdhouses. As the name suggests, starlings will live there.
This bird is loved and revered by us (remember at least the poems of Alexander Tvardovsky). But, alas, not everyone knows how to write this noun correctly. The article will indicate what the root of this noun is and what test word for the word "starling" can be selected.

Lexical meaning
Words in Russian, no matter what style they belong to, have a lexical meaning. The language unit is not an empty place. It carries meaning, helps to transfer information from one person to another. Before you understand what the test word for the word "starling" is, you need to understand the lexical meaning of this noun.
The starling is a small bird that is distributed throughout the world. She is smallerjackdaws, with a sharp beak and narrow dark feathers with a purple or greenish tint.

Noun root
In Russian, some words consist of the same root. These include the noun "starling". In morphemic analysis, it is indicated that the root of the word is “-starling-”, and then there is a zero ending.
It is worth noting that there is an alternation of consonants "c" and "h". For example, a birdhouse - starlings.
Now the meaning of the noun "starling" and its root will not be a secret. This concept is widely used in all styles of speech, is part of the sayings ("starling - spring singer"). It is acceptable in scientific texts, works of art and colloquial speech. Now it is clear what a "starling" is. And what test word is required for it to be chosen in order to write correctly?
First, you need to figure out where you can even make a spelling mistake. The stress in this word falls on the second syllable, the vowel "e". The first syllable is in an unstressed position. In the flow of speech, the vowel letter "o" denotes the sound [a]. The sound-letter analysis of this noun is as follows: [skvar'ets]. So, you need to check the vowel "o" in the first syllable.
Remember the rule. The test word should be such that the stress in it falls on the "problem" vowel. You can pick up several options for single-root words:
- birdhouse;
- starling;
- starling.
In all examples, the stress falls on the second syllable, so neitherone of them is not suitable for testing. It would seem that there is no test word for the word "starling". But you need to remember the diminutive form - starling. The stress in this case falls on the first syllable. The vowel “o” is clearly audible, therefore, in the word “starling” in the first syllable, “o” is also written.

Sample sentences
In order for the information received to be firmly entrenched in memory, and the spelling does not lead to a stupor, it is worth using the noun "starling" more often. You can make several sentences with him.
- The little starling was sitting on a branch, it was cold.
- I want to catch a starling and put it in my house.
- Why do starlings sing so beautifully?
- When the starling sat on the window, I grabbed my camera to capture the amazing bird.
- Starlings gathered in a huge flock and began to circle over the field.
- This starling has a rather colorful plumage, it is somewhat reminiscent of a parrot.
- The sly cat tried to catch the nimble starling, but failed.
- It turns out that the starling can imitate the voices of animals and even people.
- Do you know where the starling lives?
- If you don't understand what is the test word for the word "starling", ask Masha - she will tell you.

Now the spelling of the noun "starling" will not raise questions. A test word is selected for it, a root is determined. It is important to consolidate the learned rules with examples so that the information is not forgotten.